New album just released. Kemper profiles used to beef up guitar tones

  • Thank you very much for reading this!!

    This is the band I play guitar and sing for "Gabrielle Graves"

    Wanted to share a few tracks that we just released. After recording the songs live during the mixing process our producer wanted more GUITAR!!!! The Drums and Bass were sounding huge and guitars a bit thin so we used the DI tracks and RE Amped for both guitarists adding 3 differnt Kemper Profiles each side bringing them in and out of the mix as needed. WHAT A MASSIVE DIFFERENCE. THE Bob Rock approach.... MASSSIVE GUITARS =)

    The main guitar amps L and R are "Marshall 40c modded by Shian Storm" + "Hand built Plexi/Bassman 50w clone by Shian Storm"

    Let me know what you think. love music + guitar and Kemper has really revolutionized things for us!!!



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    Bryan Evans Gill IV - Guitarist - Live Sound Engineer

  • I am said producer. And the profiles we used were: (never more than 2 profiles per guitar part at any given time in addition to the live amp track.)

    For Gab's tone ( left speaker) A heavily modified Marshall DSL 40C (and I do mean heavily. I ripped about half of the components out and replaced them with different stuff based off what I learned building the ST, put it in a head enclosure and blasted it through an Avatar 412)

    • Blonde Bassman Candy by Rainer B. - to sweeten up all her clean parts
    • Except on "Hands" and "FFOM"; for more grit, but same Bassman body, we used a profile Bryan and I pulled from a '69 Bassman head that belongs to Wren and Cuff wizard, Ray Rosas. We ran that full blast through Gab's Avatar 412 and pulled a killer gritty profile.
    • EVH 5153 A2 by M. Britt
    • MW ENGL Safe Age 120 (Only on "Lost on You" and "Groomed")
    • One of the following profiles by ReampZone
    • '92 Mesa Dual Rectifier S15
    • Marshall JVM 410H_133

    For Bryan (Right speaker) Stormhenge Superthump 50 SS model

    • EVH 5153 A2 by M. Britt
    • One of the following profiles by ReampZone
    • '92 Mesa Dual Rectifier S15
    • Marshall JVM 410H_133

    On "Idiot", "Cycelcide", and "Advice", I re-amped both Gab's parts and Bryan's parts through profiles we created of the other's amp to pan the other way to keep that big stereo guitar feel while panning the leads up the middle, or in the case of "Idiot", panning Bryan's rhythm part dead center with the bass on the verses. I did that so we wouldn't have to record a doubled track to put over there, which usually creates an unwanted phasing.

    Occasionally when needed, I would sweeten the leads by mixing in a little of Michael Wagener's MW Voo Doo Plexi into the solos, and if that didn't give it the right vibe, I'd instead try a profile we pulled of Bryan's Superthump using different power tubes that gave the amp a real Eric Johnson vibe.

    And actually, Bryan, the design of the SuperThump is a cross between a Marshall 50watt Plexi and a Marshall Super Bass; not a Fender Bassman :)

    Creator of the Stormhenge Superthump and the DSL MAX mod. Amateur tinkerer, and lifelong tone chaser. Magically broken.

    Gabrielle Graves bassist and producer

    Edited 5 times, last by stormhenge (April 1, 2020 at 8:27 PM).

  • Vinny Burns

    Dude, RUSH absolutely!!!!

    The last few weeks I have actually been in a Rush worm hole LOL Trying to get some of that sweet Alex Lifeson guitar solo tone going. I really appreciate you listening and responding with such a kick ass motivating response. ROCK ON!!!!! That end solo is something I am very excited about stormhenge 8)

    Bryan Evans Gill IV - Guitarist - Live Sound Engineer

  • Vinny Burns

    Dude, RUSH absolutely!!!!

    The last few weeks I have actually been in a Rush worm hole LOL Trying to get some of that sweet Alex Lifeson guitar solo tone going. I really appreciate you listening and responding with such a kick ass motivating response. ROCK ON!!!!! That end solo is something I am very excited about stormhenge 8)

    Excellent stuff. The solos sound great and not just that one.

  • Is the SuperThump profile in the Rig Exchange? I am not seeing it but I admit it's late and Im tired so maybe Im just completely missing it!

  • Is the SuperThump profile in the Rig Exchange? I am not seeing it but I admit it's late and Im tired so maybe Im just completely missing it!

    It's not, and won't be until Kemper employs a solid and effective DRM system to protect amp designers hard work and insights. The only way to get the profile is to own the amp. Right now only 2 exist, mine and Bryan's.

    Sorry if that seems a bit arrogant, but I really feel like this amp is special, and it took years of listening, experimenting, and breathing in solder smoke trying to figure out how to get an amp to sound the way this one does... I'm not really excited to just give all that hard work away in a format that can so easily be shared for free. The moment Kemper employs DRM, the profiles will be made available for sale.

    Creator of the Stormhenge Superthump and the DSL MAX mod. Amateur tinkerer, and lifelong tone chaser. Magically broken.

    Gabrielle Graves bassist and producer

  • It's not, and won't be until Kemper employs a solid and effective DRM system to protect amp designers hard work and insights. The only way to get the profile is to own the amp. Right now only 2 exist, mine and Bryan's.

    Sorry if that seems a bit arrogant, but I really feel like this amp is special, and it took years of listening, experimenting, and breathing in solder smoke trying to figure out how to get an amp to sound the way this one does... I'm not really excited to just give all that hard work away in a format that can so easily be shared for free. The moment Kemper employs DRM, the profiles will be made available for sale.

    What is DRM? Sorry Im still a kemper newb. Maybe a mod can chime in here and knows a way to prevent what youre talking about from happening. Would love to try a mix of a bassman + plexi amp!

  • What is DRM? Sorry Im still a kemper newb. Maybe a mod can chime in here and knows a way to prevent what youre talking about from happening. Would love to try a mix of a bassman + plexi amp!

    Digital Rights Management - And like I said, Bryan got it wrong, it's not a Plexi/Bassman hybrid but a Plexi/Superbass hybrid

    Creator of the Stormhenge Superthump and the DSL MAX mod. Amateur tinkerer, and lifelong tone chaser. Magically broken.

    Gabrielle Graves bassist and producer

    Edited once, last by stormhenge (April 1, 2020 at 8:28 PM).

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    Creator of the Stormhenge Superthump and the DSL MAX mod. Amateur tinkerer, and lifelong tone chaser. Magically broken.

    Gabrielle Graves bassist and producer

  • I really like this!

    I'm getting old and seldom find anything "new" to my liking. Much of the music I hear nowadays are in many ways a rehash of older music. But this felt new and fresh and I will listen to it many times.

    Regarding your amps and profiles of it, I totally understand.

    I have taken the expense to go to a studio with a great room, excellent microphones and outboard to profile some rare and very expensive amps they have at that studio. These profiles are for sale but it didn't take long for people to start trading them for other commercial profiles, doing "group buys", or just giving them away "because everything digital on the Internet should be free".


    Mats N