KEMPER only connects to MacBook with usb-c if starting Profiler connected

  • Hi there,

    I've got a Problem to connect a running KEMPER Rack with a USB-B - USB-C cabel. It will be only recogniced by Rig Manager Version 3.0.105 (16050) in case of connecting the KEMPER and start tit over again.

    If I'm using an old USB-B-USB-A cable, then it will only be recognized if I first connect the USB-C - USB-A adapter to the MacBook and then connect the USB-A plug to the adapter. Connecting the USB-Adapter with the old calbe at once doesn't work.

    The adapter is from apple. The plain USB-C - UBS-B cable is from Belkin. So its not a cheap china cable prolbem. Works as expected with other devices.

    Is there a solution to plug-in a running KEMPER with a USB-C cable into the mac while rig manager is recognizing the Profiler? :/

    KEMPER OS 7.2.2



  • Hi, I have this exact same issue with connecting my Kemper to my MacBook Pro.

    It is my main frustration with the Kemper and has been an ongoing issue for years now. As mentioned by Florian, I have found the most reliable way to get rig manager to recognise the connected Kemper is to restart the Kemper, but this is often quite inconvenient and doesn't always work.

    If the Kemper team could look into this it would be hugely appreciated!

  • If the Kemper team could look into this it would be hugely appreciated!

    we've looked at it and we simply don't know what creates the difference. I'm writing this post with a Profiler connected to a mac book pro from 2017 using a usb C hub from Dootoper. i've never had this issue, no matter how I connect and start thing.

    we have different hubs here and also cables and they all work. it is a bit bizarre to be honest.

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • Same here. If I connect Kemper to macbook directly, then I need to restart Kemper or disconnect and connect USB cable on Kemper side (doing same thing on macbook side does not work).

    But when I'm connecting Kemper through powered thunderbolt dock, then Kemper gets connected all the time, no matter what I do – I can reconnect USB cable on both sides (dock and Kemper), I can reconnect dock to macbook itself, etc.

  • i got the same behavior over years

    had to unplug the usb cable on the kemper side, no other way to make the

    kpa visible in RM


    since ver 7 it is recognized when plugged in no more n need to replug evreytime

    macbook pro 2016

  • But when I'm connecting Kemper through powered thunderbolt dock, then Kemper gets connected all the time, no matter what I do – I can reconnect USB cable on both sides (dock and Kemper), I can reconnect dock to macbook itself, etc.

    Thanks, any chance you could provide a link to the type of thunderbolt dock you are using?

  • Thanks, any chance you could provide a link to the type of thunderbolt dock you are using?

    I'm using this one – Dell Thunderbolt Dock WD19TB. It's pricey, but now I can connect audio interface, Kemper and charge macbook with one cable. Also it can handle a couple of external monitors. And, at least for me, it solved Kemper connection problem.

    I was also considering CalDigit TS3 Plus, but it is not sold in my country, and I don't know if this one would solve Kemper connection problem. This priced a little higher, than Dell.

  • The adapter is from apple. The plain USB-C - UBS-B cable is from Belkin. So its not a cheap china cable prolbem. Works as expected with other devices.

    I too had this problem using a Belking USB-C to USB-B cable, and a Belkin USB-C hub with VGA, USB-A and ethernet in it. It happened to the Kemper, but also to my scarlett focusrite 18i20 mk1. With other brands this wasn't a problem.... Oh and recently, the problem seems to be disappeared on the Kemper, but does appear from time to time on the scarlet. Mac os 10.14.5

  • Ich habe einen Kemper Rack non-powernd und hinten im Rack ein Rockboard MOD2, neue Version, mit USB2 Durchschleifmöglichkeit. Kurzes USB Kabel dran von Kemper zu MOD2. Von MOD2 USB2 auf USB3 Kabel für neuestes MacBook Pro geht nicht. Das kurze USB Kabel von Kemper an USB Hub von Verbatim, dieses am Mac...geht. Hätte aber auch gern die Möglichkeit es direkt anschließen zu können ohne dauernd das HUB nehmen zu müssen. Ach ja..und sagt bitte jemandem in der Entwicklerabteilung, endlich mal die TAP Tempo LED als TAP TEMPO Led ohne rhythmisches Gezucke zu programmieren. Das ist mittlerweile seit der Erfindung des Kempers nur noch peinlich. Meine Geigerin lacht mich mit ihrem gebrauchten Line6 M5 aus, der Drummer spielt ein 23 Jahre altes Roland E-Drumset mit ordentlich im Takt blinkender LED, der Gitarrist spielt Helix..und der teure "State of the Art" Kemper bekommt das nicht hin? Echt nicht?