This would be a rambly one.
To me, it feels that most of the suggested improvements will not bring Kemper to another level, but just bring it up to the competitors. Don't get me wrong, those are all great and needed improvements, but those are not game-changers.
I think the main thing that holds Kemper from being a game-changer, is that it is built more like a guitar rig: you have amp+cab section, you have pedals before and after, and the hardware interface reflects that as well. Which is fine by itself, but if you look at the competition, all AxeFx, Helix and QC are built more like a signal chain processor and their interface is more instrument-agnostic and they feel less guitar-centric. Though I must admit, that all these devices are used primarily by guitar players and this is the market to target, so Kemper's guitar-centric interface should not be a big problem, but maybe something to reconsider. But still, it will just bring up to competitors, not take it to another level.
What else Kemper can have, to become game-changer? The profiling by itself was new and fresh a decade ago and today there is competition for profiling – it is capture in QC and eq-match that Positive Grid and Fractal have (of course eq-match is not a direct replacement for profiling, but if people are happy with what they get, then it should be considered a competition). Ability to profile anything will just bring Kemper up/over QC, but not will take Kemper to another level.
What Kemper does differently and better than others (at least to my view), is how it deals with creating sound.. Despite guitar-centric interface, it has gear-agnostic sound editing. The philosophy is that you have your sound and you edit your sound without need of knowledge of tube types, eq and gain interaction, mic placement, etc (which create unnecessary abstraction level). Some parameters are even more "humanized", like "Definition", "Clarity", "Pick", "High Shift", "Low Shift", "Character", "Slim Down". This is more straightforward and easy approach. I'd say that further development of sound-editing philosophy (as opposed to gear-editing philosophy that competition has) is the main way to go. How can this approach be developed further? Maybe Kemper can have more humanized parameters that let you sculpt your guitar sound. Maybe Kemper can get rid of some of the gear-related concepts, like amps and overdrive/distortion pedals and have just "Instrument sound" that morphs distortion the way you want. This could still exists alongside profiling, but will allow more editing options and less abstractions. Though I think guitarists would still hate it, because they can change tubes for amp model in their AxeFx V XXXL and with Kemper they would have to learn to use their ears...