Posts by Johnny333

    Thanks Don, just tried the 'Bass Boost' and it does help a little bit, though is there any way to go further? I've tried simply increasing the bass on the Amp's EQ but find this just muddies the tone rather than providing more thump.

    I have the Kabinet sitting flat on the same floor as my ToneMaster so that shouldn't be an issue.

    The one thing I miss most when playing my Kemper is that feeling of air being pushed when playing; that satisfying responsive thump to each little percussive pick.

    I recently picked up a Kemper Kabinet which I use with a Powerhead. It's been a small improvement over my 2x12 cab (and fun to play with the various speaker impressions), though still far from what I hoped for in the thump department.

    I also own a Fender ToneMaster Deluxe Reverb (a fully solid state amp) that does manage to perfectly replicate the thump feel you get from the original Deluxe Reverb amps (and other 'real' amps), even when played at or below talking volumes.

    I therefore wondered if this is something Kemper will ever be able to achieve with a simple software update, or if there's some hardware limitation preventing it being physically possible?

    I appreciate the suggestions though it's definitely not just a volume thing. I'm predominantly a bedroom player (and tinnitus sufferer) so am pretty consistent with the volume across all my amps and the "thump" is very noticeably different at this same volume. Probably the most prominent thumper is my 5e3 Tweed Deluxe, though even my Deluxe Reverb Tonemaster (which is an all digital amp) gives me good thump, so it's clearly not just a tube thing.

    I've also tried the Kemper through multiple cabs but with the very similar results thump-wise.

    Long-shot, but has anyone at Kemper been looking into this?

    It would literally be the icing on the (already tasty) cake for me

    So I've owned a Kemper power head for many years now and I love it to bits.

    However, it still doesn't give me the same physical response as playing a tube amp in the way you can feel the notes push out at you.

    The best way I can describe it is comparing 2D to 3D. The image/sound is almost identical but the responsive feel of playing it is different.

    I mostly play it through cabs (with the cab sim off) and have also put it through a few FX loops of tube amps to use the power section and then into a cab, which is a slight improvement.

    What I'm wondering is (technically), is it possible for Kemper to add some feature (like a Thump knob) that would allow you to control this aspect? And if it's more down to the power section, could someone (technically) design a power amp that would give you this feature and allow you to control how much the notes push air from a cab?


    Hi, I have this exact same issue with connecting my Kemper to my MacBook Pro.

    It is my main frustration with the Kemper and has been an ongoing issue for years now. As mentioned by Florian, I have found the most reliable way to get rig manager to recognise the connected Kemper is to restart the Kemper, but this is often quite inconvenient and doesn't always work.

    If the Kemper team could look into this it would be hugely appreciated!

    Hi, I’m selling this Kemper Profiling Amp as a package with the following gear that will give you a complete setup to use it to it’s full potential.

    Kemper Profiling Amplifier Head

    In the rarer (and personally favourite) white colour. A few small scratches on the front panel (pictured) but otherwise in perfect condition and working flawlessly.

    Crate Powerblock - 150W Poweramp + Carry case

    This can be used as a standalone amp or as the perfect portable poweramp for the Kemper. Sounded wonderful through my 2x12 cab.

    Behringer FCB1010 Midi Foot Controller + EurekaProm 3 Chip

    This is a wonderful midi controller with two expression pedals built in. I’ve also added the EurekaProm 3 Chip that is specifically design to make it work seamlessly with the Kemper. This chip cost an extra £50 including shipping/taxes from the USA.

    Official Kemper Bag

    Great quality bag for the Kemper and cables. Slight tear in one side pocket, easily fixed.

    Kemper Commercial Profiles

    The head comes with thousands of the best commercial profiles worth hundreds of pounds from all of the most notable producers. I’ve got almost every pack available so you’ll be all set! Will include these on a spare USB stick.

    Original Kemper Manual, Stickers and pick!

    All power and additional midi cables included.

    Total £1450 £1400 SOLD


    Everything is in great condition with no issues. Any questions please feel free to get in touch. Collection from London W8.


    Since the editor's still under construction, just thought I'd make a little design suggestion incase it would still be possible to incorporate something like this.

    Firstly, let me just say I think Kemper have revolutionised the guitar amp market and it continues to bring a smile to my face each time I play, so thank you!

    However, my main issue, (as an admittedly primitive human) is that when I'm switching between amps/tones there is currently no visual element to the experience (other than a name on a screen). It may sound a little trivial, but I genuinely think it could make a big difference to the full playing experience if we were able to incorporate/upload an image of the amp/front panel that we are playing through, which would be linked to that profile within the editor. Alternatively, there could be a few optional 'skins' representing various classic amp designs (e.g. tweed, Marshall, Vox...etc) which would switch depending on the chosen profile.

    Would be keen to hear other users' thoughts on this!

    P.s. I know there is a lot of pressure to release the editor asap, though perhaps this could be something to keep in mind for a later version

    Thanks everyone!

    I was going from the direct out to the cab. Have just switched this to the monitor out.

    However, the 'monitor output' was original set to "Git Studio" and greyed out the "monitor volume" on the next page. I've now set the monitor out to "Master Mono" and I am now able to change the volume. However, it stills seems to need to be in the -80/90db range to not be too loud (and also now can't be easily edited without going into the volume settings... rather than just turning the master volume knob).

    Zaapledan - Might be the case!

    Booyah - How would I go about calibrating them?

    Kemper Support - I've tried the gain, front and rear level knobs on the Crate but nothing effects the volume. It is a good sounding set up other than the volume issue but with take you advice and investigate other options!

    Also, out of interest what do the 'ground' switches do?

    Hi, I've set up my Kemper (unpowered toasted) running into the return of an FX loop of a Crate Powerblock and out to a 2x12 zilla cab.

    I'm playing it with the cab sim off and it sounds wonderful, however, to play at regular bedroom levels I have to have the 'main volume' on the master volume set at around -90db. At this point it's super sensitive to the slightest touch so makes it really difficult to set a volume that's not too loud or too quiet. Due to plugging into the return on the Crate, I am unable to alter the level on that so am not sure what I can do.

    Any help would be great!

    Thanks so much Paults, I was on version but just upgraded to 7.1.2.

    It's fixed the right (volume) expression pedal, however, the left pedal (usually wah) is doing a strange thing where it has a wah sound with the heel down but sort of merges into a decreasing volume pedal when pressed forward. Any ideas what could be causing this or how I could fix it?

    Also, how can I assign different controls to the expression pedals?
