How to choose between powered and unpowered Kabinet

  • Hi all,

    I am really looking forward to the kabinet as a good addition to my kemper setup, but I'm wondering about the best way to do it.

    For context, I'm a home player and although it's possible I might play out (I was in a small band a few years ago) I don't think that it's very likely.

    I currently own an unpowered toaster.

    My thinking is that the gear I have that is the most convenient and easiest to use is the one that gets used the most. Budget is not my top consideration, but more getting something that will be used.

    I do like to use backing tracks and/or a drum machine with a looper sometimes. I also have a pedalboard that I don't use that much since having the kemper.

    I think that my options are as follows:

    1. Wait for powered kabinet

    Advantages: All in one solution, no complicated setup when I use it, can play backing tracks, looper can go in line between kemper and the kabinet (easier setup), can be permanently wired into my desktop mixer to be used any time.

    Disadvantages: cannot be used to play backing tracks/drums without the kemper or a mixer.

    2. Buy an unpowered kabinet and a camplifier (or similar built in solution)

    Advantages: get it sooner, camplifier allows me to use the toaster with other cabinets (e.g. if I played out, or through my combo amp at home), all in one solution

    Disadvantages: drum machine or looper need to go in the fx loop of the kemper, can't go in line from kemper to speaker. (more cables etc.) although could use kemper looper

    3. Buy an unpowered kabinet and external poweramp (e.g. ehx 44 magnum)

    Advantages: get it sooner, probably cheapest option

    Disadvantages: takes time to set up/tear down every time

    I would like to be able to use backing tracks from my phone, but no bluetooth means that I would always need to mess about with cables to the kemper.

    Looking at this I'm not sure that I have the correct logic, correct facts or have thought it of all of the issues. I think option 3 is a definite 'no' due to the hassle of setup.

    What do you think?

  • as there is no news about any possible release of a powered Kabinet I would discount option 1 altogether. It seems logical to assume Kemper will release a powered Kabinet at some stage but so far there is nothing to suggest it is going to happen any time soon. They may surprise us and spring it on the market like they did with the Stage but it isn’t something I would base my decisions on.

    Option 2 and 3 are both the same really. You could have a small power amp Velcroed inside the back of a toaster and it really wouldn’t be any more hassle than a Camplifier although it wouldn’t look quite as neat.

    if you want something you might gig with in the foreseeable future I would probably take one of those options. However, if gigging really isn’t on the horizon I would personally ignore the Kone/Kabinet and use a good set of studio monitors for home use with backing tracks.

  • Thank you.

    I've just thought that another advantage of unpowered is that it is one less thing to plug in. One speaker cable and go!

    And I agree that based on track record the powered cabinet is likely to be at least one year away.

  • I already use some speakers and headphones for the kemper. But it never really feels like an amp completely. That's my motivation for getting the kabinet.

    However, if gigging really isn’t on the horizon I would personally ignore the Kone/Kabinet and use a good set of studio monitors for home use with backing tracks

  • that’s going to be a trade off either way. Is you want to rout everything through the Kabinet you won’t get the full experience from the backing tracks. If you monitor the guitar through the Studio Monitors it won’t sound like an amp in the room. Neither is wrong or right but it’s a compromise either way. Personally I prefer my guitar to sound like a great recording rather than an onstage amp (35 years of gigging with real amps and never being satisfied with the way they sounded) but not everyone feels the same.

  • External amps are so much more versatile. I completely understand the appeal of a clean and simple setup. But, with an external (in my case a Fryette PS-2), I can use it with a Kabinet, real cabinet and speakers, passive FRFR, Toaster, Rack, Stage, Axe-FX, Line-6, any older modeler, any future modeler, etc etc

  • Personally I don't see why you and many others don't just by the powered toaster, simplest solution to many issues, just a bit more moolah but worth it. Since I mostly play with 'cab off' I don't feel any need or desire to buy the kab and kone, though if you only play at home that may be more desirable. I tend to gig a lot so those would do nothing for me, any cab works fine for monitoring onstage.

    Gary ô¿ô

  • Thanks guys. I think that I'm trying to square a circle. There is no way to make it future-proof/flexible and simple at the same time.

    I think I will probably give in to the GAS and get the unpowered one on the basis that the powered one is probably a year away.

  • Personally I don't see why you and many others don't just by the powered toaster, simplest solution to many issues, just a bit more moolah but worth it. Since I mostly play with 'cab off' I don't feel any need or desire to buy the kab and kone, though if you only play at home that may be more desirable. I tend to gig a lot so those would do nothing for me, any cab works fine for monitoring onstage.

    That’s my plan; I’m going to sell my unpowered toaster and buy a powered one alongside the kabinet.

  • I'm sure it's been asked somewhere but I can't find it. Any issues with connecting a single 4 ohm Kemper kabinet to the powerhead? Back of the powerhead states 8-16 ohms.


    No, this has been discussed many times. It’s fine and you’ll blow your ears before this is an issue. Check in the Q&A thread Mr. Kemper himself addressed this and why they chose 4ohm.