Rig Manager 3.0.94 installation script won't install RM

  • O download the whole package from our web-page, copy the whole folder to my desktop including the msi-files, double click on that bat-file, and it works. I'm running Windows 10 64 bit.

    This is what I did - unpacked all files to directory on desktop, and doubleclicked on *.bat file. Eventually. I clicked on *.msi installer and in went well. But *.bat file was not working for me. Do you need any other information Burkhard to analyse that?

  • I have newer see the result of 64-bitowy .
    Normal the result is 32-bit or 64bit but what is owy?

    Very intresting ...
    anyway can you try this please:
    gwmi win32_operatingsystem | select osarchitecture).osarchitecture

    it's more secure to use this kind of 32/64 bit test .
    Because its languge independend

    if (((Get-WmiObject win32_processor).addresswidth) -contains 32)
     	 .... do somethin 32bit
    elseif (((Get-WmiObject win32_processor).addresswidth) -contains 64)
              .... do something 64 bit

    Be the force with you ;)

  • Yoda Guitar - I am unable to can to speak English language prypyrly ^^ therefore I am using "Polish edition" ^^

    Polish language is PITA to learn and to speak. We've got inflections of verbs and and adjectives (and many more) - 64 bitowy (Windows is masculine) = 64 bit.

    If Windows would be a girl it would be 64 bitowa

    If Windows would be a girl it would be 64 bitowe


  • All language versions I tried result in „64-bit“... I will update the script accordingly...

    „Owy“... ?

    Scheise ?

    And if you would like to say - "I am thinking about 64-bit Windows..." then "I am thinking about windows 64-bitowym" :D

    If you would like to say - "I don't have 64-bit Windows..." then "I don't have Windowsa 64-bitowego" :D

    Edited once, last by skoczy (February 1, 2020 at 9:18 PM).