Kone & Kabinet Q&A

  • The Kone is for sure FRFR and it is supposed to be, as we advertise.

    Please take care to have the "Kemper Kone" mode activated at any time.

    And position yourself off-axis to the speaker, as you would do with a guitar speaker.

    Kone is activated and I'm standing 45° off-axis as I would do with an amp. I've thought it was solved, but yesterday evening it was again fizzing on the highs. I've also tried connecting other active monitors and they don't do it. Maybe is something wrong with this one? I had once a Monitor that blew the tweeter, and was sounding similar.

    BTW, thanks for chiming in

    If something is too complicated, then you need to learn it better

  • Has aynone else noticed that the green material on the Kemper cabinet is extremely fragile?

    I transported it in my car, on a rubber mat, and the color is gone in many places it's like the material is so easily scratched/damaged... :(


  • update: I've tried the following

    - Recorded a 10 seconds track monitoring with another box, no fuzz or buzz

    - played the track back through the Stage/Kabinett and the fuzz is there,

    - played the track back through the Stage/another monitor and no fuzz.

    It must be something wrong with the Kone. I've sent an Email to support.

    If something is too complicated, then you need to learn it better

  • Hi,

    I've recently purchased the Powered Kemper Kabinet which I have connected to the Monitor Out on my rack Kemper.

    I'm experiencing some horrible high frequency distortion with many of my profiles. I have the "Monitor Cab Off" enabled in the Output stage. Changing the imprint does have mixed results, but doesn't ever truly rid this harshness (although changing the imprint would not be a good enough solution anyway)

    I am only detecting this with my Strat and its largely on those profiles set around breakup. My 335 does not appear to have the same problem, but could simply be my bad ears. I have a 25db mid boost circuit in my Strat, and with that higher output, again the problem is less pronounced.

    I've experimented with the "Clean Sens" and "Distortion Sens", and although in some combinations it does reduce the problem, it is still there.

    Some profiles seem fine, all AC15 and AC30 profiles are good for example. My JTM45 profiles seem to be the worse, but the problem is certainly not limited to these.

    I have not detected the problem using my Studio monitors (Main Output running into my audio interface); it just seems to be when running through the Kabinet.

    Your help and suggestions will be very gratefully received.


  • hi dgraycon the first thing to do is confirm exactly where the problem originates. Is it definitely the Kone or is it something earlier in the signal path? Have you checked that this only happens with the Kone? Do you hear the same issue on headphones or studio monitors? Do you hear the same issue with the Kone in full range mode?

    If it only occurs with the Kone then we know that is the problem. If it occurs with other options then the problem is in the KPA or (more likely as it only happens with one guitar) the guitar itself.

  • Thanks Wheresthedug,

    As I say, through my studio monitors, there is no discernable problem.

    The problem is there with fill range mode. It's worse in some cases.

    The strat sounds absolutely fine through my tube amps. It was well setup by the custom shop only 2 years ago, and I've recently had it serviced.

    I've just tried it with my Tele, and if anything, it's a little worse... Certainly on the bridge pickup.


  • I inadvertently cranked the mon volume to maximum briefly with the rig manager -touch pad mouse and it blasted my ears. My kab smells like burnt plastic and the sound is shot. I've never blown a speaker before. Did I just destroyed it?

    Edit:nevermind just bought a replacement -no biggie lol. Tried to delete post but couldn't. Sorry, I panicked and posted lol.

    Edited once, last by dirtfoot: extra words (August 26, 2021 at 6:00 PM).

  • I have exactly the same problem... My hi gain profiles sounds bad, I will try to contact the support about it.

  • Hi guys, I'm just wondering where can I buy Kemper Power Kabinet online, I'm currently in middle east, unfortunately the country that I currently reside is not included at the Kemper direct online store and in the past I normally buy stuff from Thomann and I have been waiting for a long time to be available on their store, but still its currently not available

  • Hi guys,

    Maybe someone can help with the following (sorry for the lengthy story, but I am quite puzzled):

    I am using a Kemper Kabinet and is it needed to drastically alter the Monitor Output EQ on the profiler in order to correct for the fizzy / harsh sounds (both when I set it in FRFR mode and when using the imprints?

    I know that in all cases I need to keep Kemper Kone checked on in the Profiler, and either select on Mon Cab off or on to alternate between FRFR and Imprints, but this will lead to the fizzy / harsh sounds.

    When I do a comparison of the Kabinet in FRFR mode with the Main output to my KRK studio monitors, the sounds are absolutely not identical or even close (kabinet is much more treble / presence with same output EQs for both channels. If I use the imprints, the similar treble / presence is there (too high).

    If I turn off the Kemper Kone in the Profiler and the Mon Cab off as well I have 100% identical sounds coming out of the Kabinet and from my studio monitors (which are sounding truly awesome btw, but I read everywhere that if I would like to have FRFR with the Kabinet that at all times the Kone needs to be selected (with Mon Cab on), but that is most definitely not FRFR (too much treble / presence).

    I noticed this with all kinds of profiles, some more prominent than others and the same is true for using my guitars (most prominent on single coils though).

    is it likely that the Kemper Kone in the Kabinet is actually faulty (although I get absolutely perfect sound when I deselect Kemper Kone and Mon Cab out) or would I simply need to adjust the output EQ from the Monitor Output totally differently than the Main Output EQ and try to match them when I use FRFR mode?

    Thanks for your help!

    Kemper PowerHead, Remote & Kabinet | Fender Claro Walnut CS Telecaster 2016, Fender EJ Stratocaster 2007, Brian Moore CS 1992, Tom Anderson CS 1993, Eastman T59-V 2022, Peerless 2010, Ibanez RG770 1992, Taylor 214-KCE 2015 | Fender Princeton Reissue, Marshall JCM500 50W, Fender HotRod Deluxe, Blackstar HT-1