Kone & Kabinet Q&A

  • Please accept my apology in advance if the answer to this is already buried in these 84 pages - I’ve dipped around in this thread and don’t have the answer hence me asking. I’m considering getting a Kone and a Hotone Loudster. I have a nice 1x12 that (since I got my Kemper) has only served as a table so it would be a good home for a Kone :)

    Early in the thread (about last January!) CK answered a question about Kone imprints being saved per rig and alluded that they would be in a future release. Does this now happen? If so, how does it work? if I load a Tone Junkie profile where he profiled something with Jensons (so this is given to the main outs), does the Kone automatically select the ‘right’ speaker? If so, how does it know as this sounds like magic :). If not, I guess you’d have to select the appropriate speaker imprint and save it with the rig?

  • Thanks for the reply Bob and apologies for being a bit slow but.... I don’t understand what this means. Does this mean that each profile can now have a different Kone imprint applied? So if I change from a Marshall to a Fender, the Kone automatically changes too from Greenbacks to Jensons for instance?

    If it does, is this something I have to program / save with the rig? Or can I pull up a ToneJunkie profile and it ‘just knows’ (I doubt this but don’t know!)

  • Thanks for the reply Bob and apologies for being a bit slow but.... I don’t understand what this means. Does this mean that each profile can now have a different Kone imprint applied? So if I change from a Marshall to a Fender, the Kone automatically changes too from Greenbacks to Jensons for instance?

    If it does, is this something I have to program / save with the rig? Or can I pull up a ToneJunkie profile and it ‘just knows’ (I doubt this but don’t know!)

    yes you can lock any imprint to a profile automatically in the cabinet section, and then save it

  • gary, the way it works is that you set a global imprint in the output menu. This will apply to all rigs UNLESS you manually select a different imprint in the cab block to override it. You can also now change betwee imprint mode and FRFR mode on a rig by rig basis. Therefore, if you like a particular studio profile and want to run that specific profile in full range mode but run others in imprint mode you can. It is super flexible but the provision of a global imprint means you don’t NEED to set an imprint each time you want to use a rig.

  • Great - thanks for the clarification.

    Alan - sorry for one follow up question.... If I understand you correctly, you can set a global speaker imprint which will come into play through the Kone on every single studio profile you use if you are browsing?

    If you wish, you can overide this in any particular rig and say 'I know my default speaker is a Celestion but for this rig I want Jenson' and save it with the preset? Or you can alternatively tell it to forget being in Kone mode for that one rig and tell it instead to go full range / use the entire chain as per the original profile? I think that's what you're saying - sorry to labour the point but just wanting to make sure I've got this.

  • In the output menu you set global imprint and this setting is valid globaly for all rigs. However in the cabinet settings of particular rig you can override this global setting with different imprint or full range mode. So it is very flexible!

  • Great - thanks for the clarification.

    Alan - sorry for one follow up question.... If I understand you correctly, you can set a global speaker imprint which will come into play through the Kone on every single studio profile you use if you are browsing?

    If you wish, you can overide this in any particular rig and say 'I know my default speaker is a Celestion but for this rig I want Jenson' and save it with the preset? Or you can alternatively tell it to forget being in Kone mode for that one rig and tell it instead to go full range / use the entire chain as per the original profile? I think that's what you're saying - sorry to labour the point but just wanting to make sure I've got this.

    Yes, you have this. That is how it works. :)

  • Thanks again for all the help folks - my Kone and Loudster turned up earlier this week. Whilst I got it all set up pretty quickly, my first chance to give it some volume was last night. I’m really pleased with it and, for me, a worthwhile addition to my much loved Kemper. I’ve cranked the Loudster between 1/3 and half way and it’s got plenty of legs in it. If I’m lucky enough to gig again at some point, this will be more than enough..... I’ve played between a horn section and drummer before with a 7w Matamp with my 1x12 and had to use an attenuator so the keys player didn’t glare at me. From this experience of perceived loudness I know this thing will be able to give anyone at the front a reasonable haircut.

    I don’t have a massive amount of experience with guitar speakers - the Kone is replacing a Celestion Greenback in the only decent 1x12 cabinet I’ve ever had. For this reason, I can’t say ‘this sounds exactly like a Jenson etc.’ as I really don’t know :) What I can say is that each imprint does a little something and it’s great fun to have my trousers flapping again. IMO it sounds great :)

    My default imprint is a Greenback (makes sense for me as I always liked mine) but I’m experimenting per profile. I think it’s good for the ‘I wonder what......’ mindset and consequently great fun but, until I settle down, it’s going to be time consuming. I’m not a massive tweaker these days so I’ll find what works and leave it...... but that process might take me a while. As well as many favourites from various vendors / factory / exchange, I managed to get the ToneJunkie Everything pack at 90% off in a recent sale so like £40 U.K. for over 4000 profiles. A complete no brainer purchase. I’ll have fun going through these and experimenting with imprints. Should keep me going for a bit :)

  • I just got done reading all 85 pages of this Kone and Kabinet Q&A.

    Wow, I’ve learned a lot! I especially like that CK offered his expertise.

    The Kemper forums are EXCELLENT!

    Here is what I decided:

    I’m going with the unpowered rack profiler. And since I want to run stereo, I’m going with two Kabinets and two SD Powerstages since they use IcePower. My other contender for external amps is the Matrix GT800FX

    Make sense?

    However, with that setup, will that prevent me from running an external stereo loop to my TC Electronics G Major2, Is that correct?

    I thought that running stereo out to two speakers would take away the stereo effects loop was mentioned somewhere in these 85 pages.

  • I just got done reading all 85 pages of this Kone and Kabinet Q&A.

    Wow, I’ve learned a lot! I especially like that CK offered his expertise.

    The Kemper forums are EXCELLENT!

    Here is what I decided:

    I’m going with the unpowered rack profiler. And since I want to run stereo, I’m going with two Kabinets and two SD Powerstages since they use IcePower. My other contender for external amps is the Matrix GT800FX

    you can go for the palmer Macht402, a class D stereo power amp in rack format, instead of 2 SD powerstages. I miss a stereo SD device.....

    the macht402 can be switched into mono too.

  • Powerstage 700 pros and cons:


    • Uses IcePower - Flat response made for modelers and profilers - Good enough for CK to use, good enough for me
    • Stereo - I need and want stereo!!!
    • 700 watts per side at 4 ohm - More power than I would ever need.
    • Has cab simulation, but I would not need because Kabinets have it's own speaker imprints and cab sims.
    • Three stage EQ knobs on the front:
      TREBLE CONTROL: +/- 13 dB @6.61 kHz
      MID CONTROL: +/- 13 dB @712 Hz
      BASS CONTROL: +/- 13 dB @87 Hz
    • Rumble cut gets rid of low end if needed
    • Approximately 6 pounds - Big improvement over my Boogie Quad Preamp and 50/50 amp.


    • Not rack mount, but can add rack ears to fit into my rack
    • Inputs are at the front - Kind of awkward for a rack mount. but can use 90 degree quarter inch jacks and run them to over the unit to get to my Kemper.
    • On / off switch is on the back. Kind of awkward for a rack mount, but maybe my Furman can sequence on / off to turn on last and turn off first - not sure.
    • Size is 2.5 u. So, I need 3 U space in my rack to install and allow for cooling.
    • Kinda expensive - around $700 (US)

    Did I miss anything?

    Could I go wrong with choosing Powerstage 700 to run a stereo setup out of my unpowered Kemper into two Kabinets?