Kone & Kabinet Q&A

  • The earlier you buy it, the longer you can enjoy it :)

    Kemper PowerRack |Kemper Stage| Rivera 4x12 V30 cab | Yamaha DXR10 pair | UA Apollo Twin Duo | Adam A7X | Cubase DAW
    Fender Telecaster 62 re-issue chambered mahogany | Kramer! (1988 or so...) | Gibson Les Paul R7 | Fender Stratocaster HBS-1 Classic Relic Custom Shop | LTD EC-1000 Evertune | 1988 Desert Yellow JEM

  • Sorry to hear...Didn't mean to come across the wrong way-just would have thought that would have been a must to include that at launch.

    For me its a nice to have....with a regular set up you tend to just use 1 cab so it sort of makes sense. Some people ( probably me) will also want a global setting so I hope they will have it global but allow "per rig" override.

  • Sorry to hear...Didn't mean to come across the wrong way-just would have thought that would have been a must to include that at launch.

    I've found the Jen P12Q and EVM12L work for just about every amp profile I've tried.

    In particular, I would think the EVM is good for clean to heavy. Since I play clean to classic rock, the Jen P12Q is usually what I leave it at.

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me

  • Wow....That is a huge bummer. I hope they are able to make a change to that....Had I been aware that it was not possible I would have likely held off buying the Kabinet until that functionality was available. I really like the Kabinet and the Imprint technology really does make this feel like an amp in the room.

    IIRC Kemper has already said they will be enabling the selection of imprints per RIg in a future firmware release. It should be on the way soon. And really, the entire Kone concept doesn't make a lot of sense unless you can select an imprint per Rig. If not, and you were forced to select one global imprint, you'd just as well buy the real speaker the imprint models and go with that (it would be less expensive than the Kone in many cases).

    In our software development at work, we have the "stupid" rule. It means that if a customer uses your product, and a feature's operation or the lack thereof makes the customer say "That's stupid!!", you need to fix that issue. The Kemper Kone operation with only a global imprint fails that rule IMHO. However, having the present operation of Kone firmware and a Kone does make a lot of sense if you are simply replacing a FRFR and are using the Kone full range for all profiles.

  • IIRC Kemper has already said they will be enabling the selection of imprints per RIg in a future firmware release. It should be on the way soon. And really, the entire Kone concept doesn't make a lot of sense unless you can select an imprint per Rig. If not, and you were forced to select one global imprint, you'd just as well buy the real speaker the imprint models and go with that (it would be less expensive than the Kone in many cases).

    In our software development at work, we have the "stupid" rule. It means that if a customer uses your product, and a feature's operation or the lack thereof makes the customer say "That's stupid!!", you need to fix that issue. The Kemper Kone operation with only a global imprint fails that rule IMHO. However, having the present operation of Kone firmware and a Kone does make a lot of sense if you are simply replacing a FRFR and are using the Kone full range for all profiles.

    I disagree. I think you can go either way, global or per rig imprints and make it work. The imprints aren't drastically different so just about any you prefer will work with most if not all rigs. Then you still have the ability to use the FR when needed. A non Kone speaker will not get the FR sound.

    The beauty of the Kone is that it has a split personality and is convincing either with imprints or FR.

    These profiles go to 11!

  • Hopefully this question is still appropriate in this forum. How do we get stereo Kone monitoring at the same time as stereo send/return.

    Basically we only get Kone 'magic' if we are using Monitor - either through monitor/direct or through the powered amp speaker. I am trying to use Stereo effects in the send/return (which uses send + direct out (L)/alt input (R), so how can I run the monitors for the Kone magic -- the Main Out's don't do Kone - I tried. I can only get mono monitoring either through the speaker out or through monitor out. I have a stereo power amp.

  • Hopefully this question is still appropriate in this forum. How do we get stereo Kone monitoring at the same time as stereo send/return.

    Basically we only get Kone 'magic' if we are using Monitor - either through monitor/direct or through the powered amp speaker. I am trying to use Stereo effects in the send/return (which uses send + direct out (L)/alt input (R), so how can I run the monitors for the Kone magic -- the Main Out's don't do Kone - I tried. I can only get mono monitoring either through the speaker out or through monitor out. I have a stereo power amp.

    You have to turn on Stereo Monitoring, then the Direct out will become your second output for stereo Monitoring

  • I received my kabinet today and have had a bit of a play through it. I have to be honest and say I'm not as blown away as I expected to be, but maybe that was me putting unreal expectations on it. It's not that it doesn't sound good, or it doesn't have the amp in the room thing, I think maybe it's that with my FRFR (Laney LFR112), I was running a fairly strong pure cab setting, and then the LFR itself has a knob to turn down the high frequencies, which I guess when combined seems to get you pretty close to AITR the turns out (who'd have thought pure cab worked!...).

    Maybe talking about expecting to be blown away might be a bit over the top but I am enjoying it, and I'll definitely be keeping it. I'd love the per profile imprint saving ability to be sooner than later though, as it seems like every profile sounds better with a different imprint right now. There does still seem to be some spiky highs at times like you would sometimes get on FRFR, however I feel like this is just each speakers different response since some don't exhibit this.

    I do feel like I'm pretty much going to have to go all the way back through the profiles I've purchased to find ones more suited to AITR style tones, but I suppose in the current climate I could have worse issues.

    The one issue I do have though, which may or may not be 'an issue' is that upon start up there's several pops, not massively loud but very audible. I never used to have this happen before when using my FRFR, but then I was using the main out with that and now obviously I am using the monitor out. From what I've seen via google it seems to be pretty common? and to be honest since it goes away after the kemper has fully started up I'm not that concerned.

    Overall I'd say it's worth getting if you miss the AITR thing or even if you're just after a great FRFR, since it you'd then have options of imprint or FRFR.

    A few others have mentioned this on the other threads regarding pops on start up, but it would be great if we could have all outputs muted (or at least the option), on start up and shutdown. Maybe ckemper ?

    - Liam

  • Kab arrived yesterday. :)

    Unpowered rack to ISP Stealth to Kabinet.

    The specs of the Stealth are:

    Output Power Mono:

    4Ω=75WRMS@isptechnologies.com1% THD/ 90WRMS@isptechnologies.com10%

    8Ω=45WRMS@isptechnologies.com1% THD / 60WRMS@isptechnologies.com10%

    Output Power Bridged:

    8Ω=140WRMS@isptechnologies.com1% THD / 175WRMS@isptechnologies.com10%

    16Ω=80WRMS@isptechnologies.com1% THD/ 106WRMS@isptechnologies.com 10%

    Using the Mono output.

    Both Full range and Imprint modes sound great and have had no problems with high gain stuff.

    I tried using the VHT 2x12 for stereo monitoring. It works :thumbup:

    One thing though. If you monitor in stereo , it seems you cant adjust the volume independently.

    Since the VHT is 8 ohms , volume could differ, right?

    Anyway. Not important.

    Aaah! And jamming to mp3s through the kabinet, very cool.

    Thanks Kemper

  • Quote

    A few others have mentioned this on the other threads regarding pops on start up, but it would be great if we could have all outputs muted (or at least the option), on start up and shutdown. Maybe ckemper ?

    Agree. Would like to see this feature added, if possible.

  • What kind of volume levels are you getting with the ISP Stealth? Would it keep up with a loud drummer? Gig volume? Lots of overhead? Do you need to crank the Kemper output, or is it stock/around -12db?

  • What kind of volume levels are you getting with the ISP Stealth? Would it keep up with a loud drummer? Gig volume? Lots of overhead? Do you need to crank the Kemper output, or is it stock/around -12db?

    I really think its loud. However I am using low volumes at home.

    I just tried cranking the ISP, with Monitor out at -16db and its unbearable in the house. This is with the mono output. The bridged output is even louder. Good headroom too I think.

    I cant imagine needing more for monitoring purposes.

    Any ideas on the Stereo Monitor issue_

    I should probably start a thread...