Two Effects on One Stomp. What is the logic?

  • Say, you have already one effect assigned to a stomp, then it is possible to add another effect to that same stomp. Just press and hold the second effect button and then press the stomp button.

    But wait, I discovered but cannot not really reproduce the possible combinations:

    - the stomp always has one effect ON. You can switch between the effects, but you cannot make both of them OFF.

    - when pressing the stomp , both effects switch between ON/OFF

    - One effect is ON, and when pressing the stomp, the other effect also will go ON or OFF.

    This is what I saw, but I cannot reproduce how you can achieve these different behaviours. Anyone here who knows the exact logic here with the effect assignments on a stomp?

  • when you assign any stomp or effect to a switch it will be assigned in its current state.F.e. If you assign two stomps to the same switch and both were off or on while you assigned them they will both be switched to the same state simultaneously. If you assign one stomp while it is off and the second one while it is on you can toggle between them. You can find this info in the main manual.

  • No. The Effect Buttons toggle all assigned effect modules between on and off. If all assigned modules are off at the beginning, a push on the Effect Button and all will be off and vice verse. So, all combinations are possible.

  • The Reference Manual has been obsoleted and replaced by the Main Manual, which is called "Das Große Handbuch" in German. This happened a while ago and since OS 5.5.

    This Effect Button behavior is described in both. Here the text from the current Das große Handbuch:

    Ein- und Ausschalten von Effektmodulen

    Die Effekttaster schalten die zugewiesenen Effektmodule unabhängig voneinander und ausgehend von ihrem aktuellen Zustand an und aus. Man kann also nicht nur mehrere Effektmodule gleichzeitig ein- bzw. ausschalten. Es ist auch möglich Module auszuschalten, während man gleichzeitig andere Module einschaltet. Die unteren weißen LEDs zeigen dabei die Schaltzustände der ersten beiden zugewiesenen Effektmodule an.

    I suggest you use current manuals in order to avoid such confusions.

  • I suggest you use current manuals in order to avoid such confusions.

    Thanks to these hints. I mostly used the Main Manual, but could not find this paragraph until now:) at page 258. I did not see and read it because it is assigned to the main chapter "Profiler REMOTE" and I have a Stage. At these places, the manual should and could be organized better.