newbe struggling with foh sound.

  • Had my kemper for a few months now and love it to bits, but since adding new profiles I have been having nightmares with foh sound, too much bass not enough mids etc.

    the main output EQ working hard to sort it. I have a friend who has had a Kemper for quite some time and he asked me what it sounds like through HP's, and I said it didn't sound very good at all, his sound through HP's is great he tells me. That made me think, and it turns out that the main EQ out affects the whole tone of the HP's, so I have been fighting the main EQ the whole time. Now before I edit or EQ any profiles I set the main EQ all to 0db and now the HP's sound great and have loads of headroom with the main FOH EQ. The profiles I have already just needed to be tweaked a bit to sound good in the headphones and they now sound good in monitor out (Speaker) as well.

    if only I had known that a few months ago, it would have saved a lot of messing about and late nights in search of the tone, It's probably in the manual and something I missed. Because the Main out EQ gets changed almost every gig, the next new profile get EQ settings to sound good with that particular setting, but now setting it to 0db before I start I'm winning every time.:)

  • Hi and welcome.

    Not sure about your EQ settings. I have to admit I do only very rarely use the EQ to correct the sound. Good profiles for me typically do not need much tweaking with EQ. Rather I use parameters like Definition, Pick etc. to dial in the sound.

    But most important: Do not tweak sounds for rehearsals and gigs at low volume ("...late nights in search of the tone" - probably rather quiet). You need to do this as loud as you use the stuff on stage. You can google Fletcher/Munson effect for a detailed explanation why it sounds different at different volumes. It is like the loudness effect on HiFi equipment. Basic advice: Dial in FOH sounds at gig volume.

  • Allowing for the Fletcher Munson Curve:

    All you need is 4 bands of EQ. This can be internal to the Kemper or an external Pedal.

    Build Patch without any EQ that sound good at low volume:

    When You Go Loud Apply the EQ as Follows:

    1 = 150 HZ - 12.8db

    2 = 3.95 kHz + 3.6db8)8)8)8)8)

    3 = 8.0 kHz - 7.7db

    4 = 9.3 kHz - 12.6db

    The Other Way is to Build the Patches that sound good at low volume with EQ ON:

    Build Patch with this EQ on:

    1 = 150 hz + 12.8db

    2 = 3.95 kHz - 3.6db

    3 = 8.0 kHz + 7.7db

    4 = 9.3 kHz + 12.6db

    Then when you play Loud Just Turn The EQ OFF!!! and you're at least close enough for Rock N Roll

    Hope this helps. This was a tip given to me a long time ago back in my Line 6 days, but it always works when going from bedroom volume to gig volume.

    I am pretty sure this should work even with Axe-FX, Kemper as well



  • This has me intrigued...nice one mate, I'll give this a shot.:):thumbup:

  • Try to get a good set of full range speakers(studio monitors) to get your sound at home. Not too loud. Because in my opinion the Kemper sound FOH can’t be beat. The sound I get at home comes out identical FOH, and soundmen love it. They have to do essentially nothing but turn up the fader.

  • This works!

  • Thats really useful

  • I have yet to gig with my kemper. I have a Carvin 12 powered PA with an internal horn. I am still trying to figure out how to send one mono signal to FOH and also have this powered puppy on stage to give me a sense of an amp behind me that i can control separately. I think i may need to foot controller as well.

    The EQ trick really worked for me with Line 6 and Axe FX II, Have not tried with my Kemper yet but still trying to find my way around.

    I hope this helps all of you. This forum has been very kind to me giving me tips and suggestions on how to use my new Powered Toaster.

    I want to help others in return.

    Let me know if you guys have success with it.


  • Main out (master Mono) to FOH. Monitor out to Guitar Cab (if Kemper is poewered) or to power amp+Cab or to an active speaker (of its not powered).

    Is it really "Monitor out to Guitar Cab (if Kemper is poewered) ???

    I thought powered KPA´s had a separate "Speaker Out" connection,

    witch on the other hand should never (!) be connected to an active

    FRFR speaker !

    Cheers !

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