Rig Manager 3 is available for testing ?

  • Also, adding a rig to an empty slot in a performance in RM doesn't change the performance on the Stage.

    Renaming a rig also doesn't work. Tried rebooting the Stage - it came back up on Performance 21, but displaying the details for the default #1 performance! Changing banks fixed the display, but previous changes (as mentioned above) were lost.

    As far as I can tell, this new release has made no improvement whatsoever - on MacOS at least. Really disappointed.

  • Also, adding a rig to an empty slot in a performance in RM doesn't change the performance on the Stage.

    Renaming a rig also doesn't work. Tried rebooting the Stage - it came back up on Performance 21, but displaying the details for the default #1 performance! Changing banks fixed the display, but previous changes (as mentioned above) were lost.

    As far as I can tell, this new release has made no improvement whatsoever - on MacOS at least. Really disappointed.

    Meteoroz do you mind to reboot your mac and your stage, then try again?

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • Found another huge issue last night.

    After practicing at home - and not making any changes to performances etc., as I'd dialed them in earlier in the day and saved them - I went to rehearsal. Booted the Kemper up, and performance 1 had been duplicated over the performance I was on originally when I shut the Kemper off at home (performance slot 4).

    I've not been able to try and replicate this, but I'm going back to the release version. All these issues are just frustrating and making it more difficult instead of easier!

  • I've not been able to try and replicate this, but I'm going back to the release version. All these issues are just frustrating and making it more difficult instead of easier!

    another option would be to contact support. what you report, we cannot replicate and it sounds like the communication in between your profiler and computer is simply not working correctly.

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • another option would be to contact support. what you report, we cannot replicate and it sounds like the communication in between your profiler and computer is simply not working correctly.

    Message sent. However, please be aware I'm going to be installing the latest stable release later, as I need to ensure everything is working correctly (which it did previously).

  • I installed the new Beta of RigManager 3.0.87 and OS 7.1.9.

    Ok, while some bugs are gone - like saving to the Profiler - some new bugs are introduced.

    I just discovered a new amp from RigExchange, tweaked it to my desires, copied it to my local library, did some rename, and then, with a second window opened, copied it to a performance slot and also to the next slot. This worked fine!

    But then I discovered, that RigManager does not show the assigned modules for this rig. It must be some module chain from another rig. I did some settings on those modules, like assigning foot switches. Saved this configuration. And did this only with the Profiler. RigManager does not discover this - there is a mismatch between the Profiler and RigManager. After shutting down RigManager and starting it again, it shows the right module chain. Changing to another performance, RigManager shows the right module chain.

  • I installed the new Beta of RigManager 3.0.87 and OS 7.1.9.

    Ok, while some bugs are gone - like saving to the Profiler - some new bugs are introduced.

    I just discovered a new amp from RigExchange, tweaked it to my desires, copied it to my local library, did some rename, and then, with a second window opened, copied it to a performance slot and also to the next slot. This worked fine!

    But then I discovered, that RigManager does not show the assigned modules for this rig. It must be some module chain from another rig. I did some settings on those modules, like assigning foot switches. Saved this configuration. And did this only with the Profiler. RigManager does not discover this - there is a mismatch between the Profiler and RigManager. After shutting down RigManager and starting it again, it shows the right module chain. Changing to another performance, RigManager shows the right module chain.

    Same here!

  • I installed the new Beta of RigManager 3.0.87 and OS 7.1.9.

    Ok, while some bugs are gone - like saving to the Profiler - some new bugs are introduced.

    I just discovered a new amp from RigExchange, tweaked it to my desires, copied it to my local library, did some rename, and then, with a second window opened, copied it to a performance slot and also to the next slot. This worked fine!

    But then I discovered, that RigManager does not show the assigned modules for this rig. It must be some module chain from another rig. I did some settings on those modules, like assigning foot switches. Saved this configuration. And did this only with the Profiler. RigManager does not discover this - there is a mismatch between the Profiler and RigManager. After shutting down RigManager and starting it again, it shows the right module chain. Changing to another performance, RigManager shows the right module chain.

    Exactly - this is (one of) the main issues I've had and reported - Kemper seem to think it's my laptop not communicating with the Kemper...

  • I am on a MacBook Pro, using Catalina 10.15.2, and I installed the new Beta of RigManager 3.0.87 and OS 7.1.9. No real problems so far. I demoed a bunch of rigs from the new Tone Junkie 65 Twin Reverb pack (killer), created a performance with some of them, and got caught up in noodling for an hour or two. Will try to do more later today or tomorrow if I can.

    The only 'issues' I noticed were: When demoing rigs, it only let me store one to my profiler - after that, it greyed out the button. When I created the performance, the store to profiler button stayed greyed out, but it saved the performance.

  • Meteoroz do you mind to reboot your mac and your stage, then try again?

    @G String Tried that and it made no difference. The performance settings in Rig Manager are not saved to the Stage after making changes and clicking the Save button. The button becomes greyed out afterwards.

    If you then navigate to a different slot on the Stage, then back, changes are lost. If you make changes in RM, then hit the STORE button on the Stage, you can watch it save the changes and sync to RM (on the LCD monitor), but when you hit save from within RM, you can't see anything happening on the Stage LCD. I'd expect to see something happen on there.

  • RM

    'Locking' feature no longer works for me. Kemper rack loads the selected profile's settings, ignores the 'lock'. RM3 shows the locked settings, Kemper is totally different, not synced. Just filled out a beta feedback response.

    Anyone else have this?

  • I just created 11 base performances using 11 Tone Junkie 65 Twin Reverb going from clean (funk!) to higher gain. I tried to do this using performances I had not used before - i.e. pristine, clean. I did this by dragging the profile from one window, onto the slot of the performance in a separate window. I also found out that if I did not delete the original one (by author C. Kemper, hmmm?) that it would 'corrupt' and not save properly - the base Crunch profile would pop back up. As long as I deleted the base original performance, then dragged and dropped the profiles, and then clicked on "Store Performance in Slot #____" it worked.

    Next up will be creating pedal boards (Stomps/Effects presets) so that each performance is set up similarly.

  • RM

    'Locking' feature no longer works for me. Kemper rack loads the selected profile's settings, ignores the 'lock'. RM3 shows the locked settings, Kemper is totally different, not synced. Just filled out a beta feedback response.

    Anyone else have this?

    Yep, I noticed cabs and FX no longer lock. If you drag an effect to a different slot, then back again it comes good.

  • The Input settings are NOT locked anymore!! It takes the values of rigs even though it is locked!!=O

    So it changes my clean sense settings or noise gate value, while changing rigs ...and I can not lock the input with my settings.

    GString, timo and Kemper team, please fix that as soon as possible.