Rig Manager 3 is available for testing ?

  • I notice that in RM (latest version) if you're looking at a performance and have morph settings in place, then hit the Morph button on the Kemper (Stage in my case), the dials move to the morphed position, but the values under the dials don't change. So you can't tell what the new value is.

    Am I wrong? Is there any way to tell?

  • Please make it available for Mac OSX Mavericks like the competition (Neural DSP, Fractal, Helix etc...) when the official version comes...

    I noticed that we're many to uses Mavericks and other brand noticed that too, please don't let us on the roadside.

    Only speak for myself but it could make me migrate cause my needs of an editor are way more pronounced than before cause of my studio work, I know you won't make something just for me but it probably should not be only for me :saint:)

  • Official info says, it is expected to be available until end of March 2020.

    I inquired if the kones were available for pre-order and this was their response...

    The older I get, the better I was.


    Rig Manager 3.0.89 and Profiler OS 7.1.12 are available for testing.

    Note: Starting with this version you can use the cursor keys to load Rigs (and also load Rigs into Performances conveniently). UP/DOWN scrolls through the list without loading, LEFT/RIGHT loads a Rig and consecutive ones if applicable. To navigate back to the Performance screen, use the "home" button next to the red STORE buttons.

    Best, GS

    Thank you so much for reenabling the "autoload" function in RM. Missed it so much.

  • 5) noticed a distinct change of sound (minor but there) when changing slots of a performance even when each slot has the same rig.

    Could not reproduce that. Is it the same with newly created performances? Maybe the rigs are slightly different, even when the tags are the same.

    Bad experience today (as before with an older beta). Yesterday I installed a new profile in Performance Mode, tweaked it, copied it to slot#2 with some other other changed settings,

    Did you save to the current Performance (the word slot is pretty confusing) before the copy operation? Otherwise you only made your changes in the edit buffer and copied your old Performance #1 onto Performance #2 with the described result.

    "That's what I love about the Kemper: It's very simple, the sounds are awesome." (Jeff Loomis)

    Edited 2 times, last by kriwat (February 10, 2020 at 2:53 PM).

  • Did you save to the current Performance (the word slot is pretty confusing)

    of course I did. BTW: a Performance has some number, which is selected by footswitch. In that Performance I enabled two slots for foot switch.

    and copied your old Performance #1 onto Performance #2

    No, I did not copy Performance #1. It was a new Rig that I have found in RigExchange. I copied this new rig onto myProfiles, and from there to Performance #20, where tweaked it and doubled it to slot#2. And I saved them all. I also changed forth and back to other performances, and the new performance stayed there until shutdown. Before shutdown I did a backup onto USB stick.

  • It was "JW Lonestar Cln1 DI-1 rig". If you try to reproduce my experience, load the rig in Browse mode, save it there. Then do a copy operation, go to Performance mode, use a free Performance # and paste the copied rig into a slot of this performance. That's what I did. Anyway, I do not believe the faulty behaviour is due to the rig. Because I could restore the performance by the same process. And now it is saved and available (but to be sure, I moved it into another performance number so it is not the last one of my performances.

  • Could not reproduce that. Is it the same with newly created performances? Maybe the rigs are slightly different, even when the tags are the same.

    Did you save to the current Performance (the word slot is pretty confusing) before the copy operation? Otherwise you only made your changes in the edit buffer and copied your old Performance #1 onto Performance #2 with the described result.

    For the first issue, I will try to take a video to record it next time I am sure it is happening. This was definitely the same rig in each slot, dragged and dropped.

    Yes, I save every time I make a change and before I move to another slot or performance. If you want, I will try to make videos when i find things moving forwards.


    Rig Manager 3.0.99 and Profiler OS 7.1.19 are available in the public beta download sections. The new version are recommended for everybody who's using Rig Manager 3 betas.

    Rig Manager 3 betas can be found here: https://www.kemper-amps.com/downloads/12/Rig-Manager

    Profiler OS betas can be found here: https://www.kemper-amps.com/do…ting-System-Beta-Versions

    Features and changes in this version (3.0.99):

    - Fixed recurring sync on empty performances

    - Fixed rig copy/paste going into wrong performance slot

    - Fixed wrong Profiler icon

    - Feature: Display of morph values improved

    - Feature: “T” for toggle key command on effect slots

    Features and changes in PROFILER Operating System 7.1.19

    - Fixed: Sometimes, a Rig sounds differente directly after switching Profiler on.

    Best, GS

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • Some questions about the changelog items in the latest version...

    - Fixed wrong Profiler icon - What does this mean?

    - Display of morph values improved - How? I still can't see the Morphed values displayed in my Stage (when hitting the Morph button on the Stage)

    - “T” for toggle key command on effect slots - Where can you use the "T" key? When I hit that key, I just jump out of Performances into the list of rigs

  • The "T" command is a massive help. Thank you 8)8)8)8)8)

    What has changed about the Morph Value display? It looks the same to me. Is the actual numeric value supposed to change now when using the Morph pedal?

    When you change a morph value (one of the dots), the value is shown in the status bar :)

    It is still a bug that the hotkeys only work when you have the list selected, at least they don't work when the tree view is selected. Changing this is quite an effort unfortunately.

    There was a wrong profiler Icon in the 3.0.98 for 2 hours :)

    "That's what I love about the Kemper: It's very simple, the sounds are awesome." (Jeff Loomis)

  • Quote

    - Fixed recurring sync on empty performances

    - Fixed rig copy/paste going into wrong performance slot

    Does this mean that the phantom rigs and data corruption that mandated recovering from a backup are fixed, and that it's safe to dip my toes back in the water?

    This electric phase ain't no teenage craze -UFO

  • Updated flawlessly to 3.0.99 and OS 7.1.19 from Rig Manager itself and without visiting download page.

    I have not been having any bugs that other users reported from previous versions and this last one seems to be the same for me.

    Will be happy to test any bugs that anyone finds but my current setup looks very stable now.

    Oh, I forgot to mention that I'm on Windows 10.

  • Hi there,

    Updated yesterday- great stuff, but on my machine (win 10) still extremely buggy: constant crashes and syncing problems.

    Where do I put the crash reports? Should i post them here, or open tickets?

    I‘d Open a ticket. Within Rigmanager there is an menue item for that as well ...