Kemper + Power Amp + Speakers= ??

  • Been using my Kemper power rack unit for about a month and a half now...been great for studio level recording stuff but I need more volume and width. I wasn't aware this head only had a mono out for a cab and really want stereo. So it sounds like I need a power amp to take the right/left outputs into and then send it to some cabs.

    I am looking for some proven and compliant options to do this. I know much of this can be subjective and opinionated so I am really looking for technical info to not hurt the Kemper or to ruin a sounds quality due to something being over processed.

    Obviously people play out with this setup just can't seem to get a straight answer.


    Equipment junky always on the hunt chasing tone. Engl Powerball 2, MT15PRS, PRS Custom 24, PRS Tremonti, PRS McCarthy, Ibanez JS2410

  • I use powered FRFR PA cabs and run in stereo. 8) so you run those right out the monitor outputs and bypass an additional amp as there powered per speaker...correct? I am just looking for a solid tight punch.......never have played with the powered speakers

    Equipment junky always on the hunt chasing tone. Engl Powerball 2, MT15PRS, PRS Custom 24, PRS Tremonti, PRS McCarthy, Ibanez JS2410

  • From the manual


    These are your main stereo outputs. Use these outputs to connect to a mixing desk in a recording studio, or to the front-of-house mixer in a live situation. These outputs deliver the entire Rig: Amp, Cabinet, and all Effects. You have a choice of XLR (balanced) or quarter-inch TS-jacks (unbalanced). The XLR outputs are protected against 48V phantom power fed by a mixing desk. However, you should avoid feeding phantom power into the PROFILER if you want the best audio quality. Like all inputs and outputs, it offers a ground lift to prevent a loop hum.


    Use this mono output to connect the PROFILER to a stage monitor with its own level controls. This output also has its own ground lift.

    You can also connect this output to a power amp and a regular guitar cabinet. In this case, you need to switch the cabinet simulation off, using the soft button “Monitor Cab Off” in the Output Section, to prevent the unwanted coloration that would result from running a speaker emulation through a guitar cabinet.

    Bypassing the cabinet module can also be done by simply pressing the CABINET button. However, there are two differences compared to enabling “Monitor Cab Off”:

    • Bypassing cabinet is an individual setting to each Rig, unless you lock the cabinet module in its “off” state. Monitor

    Cab. Off is a global setting. • It will bypass the cabinet module for all outputs, whereas "Monitor Cab Off" will only affect the signal routed to the MONITOR OUTPUT (and the built-in power amp of PowerHead and PowerRack).

    ✓ If you select the option “Monitor Stereo”, MONITOR OUTPUT and DIRECT OUTPUT become one logical pair of stereo outputs. Functions like Monitor Output Source, Monitor Output Volume, Monitor Volume Pedal, Monitor Output Link, Monitor Cab. Off, Monitor Output EQ, and Aux In > Monitor are applied to both outputs automatically.

  • Thanks for the reply! I did read that. I do get that I can use the Monitor Out to run it to a power amp. My question is can I do that AND run the Speaker out to another cab at the same time??

  • Equipment junky always on the hunt chasing tone. Engl Powerball 2, MT15PRS, PRS Custom 24, PRS Tremonti, PRS McCarthy, Ibanez JS2410

  • Thanks for the reply! I did read that. I do get that I can use the Monitor Out to run it to a power amp. My question is can I do that AND run the Speaker out to another cab at the same time??

    I don't see any reason why not ( as you can use monitor outs at the same time) BUT I'd question why.

    The sound, just due to the different speaker set ups and relative volumes will be a nightmare to balance, along with any FOH through the main outs.

    Your best bet is to either:

    1) Get 2 powered cabs the same as suggested - Yam DXR10's etc...

    2) get a stereo power amp - matrix seem to be highly recommended

    3) Ask yourself do you really need stereo and save yourself the bother. I stopped using stereo many years ago because it did make the sound wider...which is not necessarily good in a band ( depending on music type and number of guitarists) and it can mush it up. Its certainly not louder, just a bigger spread. If you are not loud enough with a 600 watt amp then something else is wrong..

    For me, keeping it simple is more effective. a direct sound eq'ed well will cut better than a heavily effected sound ( as a sweeping statement).

  • My main issue would just be the ability to run another cab, if I so desire. Most of my cabs are 4 ohms, so I can only run one of them off of the speaker output. At some of the bigger venues we play, I'd like the option of adding another cab to my setup, if the need arises.

    The 600w in this seems to be plenty. I really like the fact that it puts out the same 600w at 4 or 8 ohms. I played through a 4 ohm cab last weekend, I'll try it through an 8 ohm cab this weekend.

  • Fair enough, although I still don't see the point of more cabs.

    FOH should be taken care of via direct outs, so its only monitoring for yourself and the rest of the band. I play some reasonably big venues and festivals, and if we struggle, I just put more through the PA monitors.

    Given your name, is this for Bass?

  • Fair enough, although I still don't see the point of more cabs.

    FOH should be taken care of via direct outs, so its only monitoring for yourself and the rest of the band. I play some reasonably big venues and festivals, and if we struggle, I just put more through the PA monitors.

    Given your name, is this for Bass?

    Yes. I play bass. For us, the quickest way to a bit "more", is adding more speakers. With the config I prefer, 212s, there aren't many 8 ohm options, so I gotta get creative. Most of the current "top level" bass amps will go down to 2 ohms, but I'm getting into a little bit of guitar playing, so the Profiler will get double duty, but my primary instrument is bass.

  • I think this might be the same question I'm wondering-

    I'm running a PowerHead into a cab from the Speaker out, can I simultaneously run a line from the Monitor out to a power amp and another cab?

    I do,, I took a fender Pro Jr, mounted it in a panama 1-12 cab, It works for me, from mon out,, spk out to wedge,

  • I'm running a PowerHead into a cab from the Speaker out, can I simultaneously run a line from the Monitor out to a power amp and another cab?

    yes but they will both receive exactly the same signal. If that’s what you need then you are good to go. However, if you want stereo effects you need to use different outputs.

  • Ordered the MATRIX 800 amp after many rounds with them and listening to a shit load of U Tube vids.... did I read somewhere that when using the outputs from the KP into a amp and out to real cabs that there is something in the Kemper that needs to be turned off so the kemper doesn't try to emulate a cab and then go through a real cab? Any clarification would be appreciated!

    Equipment junky always on the hunt chasing tone. Engl Powerball 2, MT15PRS, PRS Custom 24, PRS Tremonti, PRS McCarthy, Ibanez JS2410