Need FRFR speakers that are louder than EV-ZLX-12P(and better sounding)

  • I have a pair of EV-ZLX-12P which are supposed to be 1000w (which is really 500 w rms) I play with a loud band and pass a certain in volume, the EV's sound starts to collapse. I've been looking at Atomic CLR's, Xitones, Friedman ASC 12 FRFR speakers, but all of them seem to have less power than the EV's. Any suggestions from anyone who has had a similar issue? Thanks

    Friedman BE100, Suhr PT100SE, Mesa Boogie Dual Recto,EVH 5150 iii S, 68' Metro/Friedman Plexi, Vox AC30 (2) Marshall 1960B, Port City 2 x 12 OS Wave, Scumback speakers (4)BH75,(4)M75,(4)H75,(1)H55(1)Celestion V30 Fryette PS attenuator, Mesa Boogie 2 90, Kemper Profiler amp and tons of rack and fx pedals
    ProTools 10.3.5 HD5 , Logic Pro 10.1,Ableton 9 Live. Dynaudio BM6a with BM9S sub and Focals Alpha 80

  • I've been looking at them and the SPL is higher than the EV's. They now have the DRX MK 2 which the SPL was increased by 1 dB I think. I've been thinking that getting a CLR, Xitone, etc might be a waste of $$ since the guitar goes through a PA anyway. As long as it's loud and clear, I'm fine.

    Did you have to do any eq tweaking on the DRX? I had to lower both low and high controls on the EV's significantly to get rid of the exaggerated low end and top end. Thanks for your response sir!

    Friedman BE100, Suhr PT100SE, Mesa Boogie Dual Recto,EVH 5150 iii S, 68' Metro/Friedman Plexi, Vox AC30 (2) Marshall 1960B, Port City 2 x 12 OS Wave, Scumback speakers (4)BH75,(4)M75,(4)H75,(1)H55(1)Celestion V30 Fryette PS attenuator, Mesa Boogie 2 90, Kemper Profiler amp and tons of rack and fx pedals
    ProTools 10.3.5 HD5 , Logic Pro 10.1,Ableton 9 Live. Dynaudio BM6a with BM9S sub and Focals Alpha 80

  • Also the Yamaha DZR10 has a higher wattage an max SPL is 137dB, that's loud! But they cost $1,200 each. I don't know bout the Headrush models. They're only $319 so I wonder if the components are cheap for such a low price! It's max SPL is 131dB and the new DRX 10 mk 2 's max SPL is 132dB with less power. Perhaps I'll give the DRX10 mk 2 and the DZR10 a listen and see how they compare. I do use ear plugs or IEM with my band, but the other members(which don't use earplugs) keep complaining that they can't hear my guitar. Very annoying !Lol!Thanks Dmatthews.

    Friedman BE100, Suhr PT100SE, Mesa Boogie Dual Recto,EVH 5150 iii S, 68' Metro/Friedman Plexi, Vox AC30 (2) Marshall 1960B, Port City 2 x 12 OS Wave, Scumback speakers (4)BH75,(4)M75,(4)H75,(1)H55(1)Celestion V30 Fryette PS attenuator, Mesa Boogie 2 90, Kemper Profiler amp and tons of rack and fx pedals
    ProTools 10.3.5 HD5 , Logic Pro 10.1,Ableton 9 Live. Dynaudio BM6a with BM9S sub and Focals Alpha 80

  • Mission Engineering Gemini 2 2x12 coaxial... you'll never be without plentiful power... not cheap.

    I am a Profile Whore... Sometimes a Recovering Profile Whore...
    but mostly a Complete and Utter Profile Whore... I want them all... aCk!!! 8|:love:

  • Looks like a nice cabinet, but it's 69 lbs! I guess I forgot to mention that I would like to keep the weight around 35 lbs or less.In their website they claim that it has 2 x 110, but they don't mention if it's RMS or what's the continuous and peak SPL. I'm sure it sounds incredible, but for that amount of money in my opinion it should be able to put out at least 500 rms. The Eminence 12cx with an ASD1001 can handle 300 rms(250 w for the woofer and 50 w for the HFD) costing a total of $175 each. B&C, Radian and other ones make a 12" coaxial speakers handling 350 watts RMS and some up to 500 watts RMS( the cost $350 to $1,000). I wonder why anyone has made an FRFR with those drives. Xitone uses the Eminence coaxial which are one of the cheapest and they managed to make a cabinet that it's apparently "flat response" The problem is finding a 2 way plate power amp that puts out 800 rms at 8 ohms total power. The Dayton plate power amp that Xitone uses claims to put out 800 rms(600/200) but according to the specs is at 4 ohms so it's probably 300/100 at 8 ohms which is misleading unless I'm missing something. Sorry about the thinking while typing! Thanks for your advice Glide-BPM

    Friedman BE100, Suhr PT100SE, Mesa Boogie Dual Recto,EVH 5150 iii S, 68' Metro/Friedman Plexi, Vox AC30 (2) Marshall 1960B, Port City 2 x 12 OS Wave, Scumback speakers (4)BH75,(4)M75,(4)H75,(1)H55(1)Celestion V30 Fryette PS attenuator, Mesa Boogie 2 90, Kemper Profiler amp and tons of rack and fx pedals
    ProTools 10.3.5 HD5 , Logic Pro 10.1,Ableton 9 Live. Dynaudio BM6a with BM9S sub and Focals Alpha 80

  • No prob! I find that I have no problem competing with other guitarists with 4x12's and 2x12's with tube amps with the Gemini 2.

    It's obviously VERY conservatively rated for the 2x12 model. Can't speak for their 1x12 Gemini 1.

    I have the Xitone MBritt convertible open/closed back 1x12 and it has the original plate amps he was using from Matrix.

    That little f@#%er is loud as heck, too!

    I also have a Line 6 PowerCab Plus, which is the least loud of the 3. However, it actually sounds great with a band that doesn't have

    really loud stage volume. It's loud enough to piss your neighbors off.

    I am a Profile Whore... Sometimes a Recovering Profile Whore...
    but mostly a Complete and Utter Profile Whore... I want them all... aCk!!! 8|:love:

  • Take a look at Ingolfs impressions about the Headrush FRFR 108 vs. Yamaha DXR 10. As far as I know he sold his DXR 10 for the headrush!

    Headrush FRFR 108 vs. Yamaha DXR 10 - my impressions

    Kemper Head - Kemper Remote - Palmer Box with Kemper Kone - TC Electronic BAM200 - Laney LFR 112

  • Thanks for all the suggestions. I found out that EV ZLX-12p are made in China and the power amp is actually 210w for bass and 100w for treble.The specs are really misleading. Check out this video if you have the time This tech guy shows you how cheap they're made.

    So pretty much anything that produces 350 watts and up would be an improvement as far as loudness. I just need to go and try a bunch of self powered cabs and see what works.

    The Headrush 112 specs look good and it's peak SPL is 131 dB and continuous 128 dB at 1 meter. The Yamaha's DRX 10 has a similar SPL with less wattage than the Headrush.

    Friedman BE100, Suhr PT100SE, Mesa Boogie Dual Recto,EVH 5150 iii S, 68' Metro/Friedman Plexi, Vox AC30 (2) Marshall 1960B, Port City 2 x 12 OS Wave, Scumback speakers (4)BH75,(4)M75,(4)H75,(1)H55(1)Celestion V30 Fryette PS attenuator, Mesa Boogie 2 90, Kemper Profiler amp and tons of rack and fx pedals
    ProTools 10.3.5 HD5 , Logic Pro 10.1,Ableton 9 Live. Dynaudio BM6a with BM9S sub and Focals Alpha 80

  • Also the Yamaha DZR10 has a higher wattage an max SPL is 137dB, that's loud! But they cost $1,200 each. I don't know bout the Headrush models. They're only $319 so I wonder if the components are cheap for such a low price! It's max SPL is 131dB and the new DRX 10 mk 2 's max SPL is 132dB with less power. Perhaps I'll give the DRX10 mk 2 and the DZR10 a listen and see how they compare. I do use ear plugs or IEM with my band, but the other members(which don't use earplugs) keep complaining that they can't hear my guitar. Very annoying !Lol!Thanks Dmatthews.

    I own a pair of DSR112's and have for quite some time. They are in a totally different class than the DXR. Not to say that the DXR is not a great speaker. The DXR is arguably the best speaker in its price range. For slightly more money, you can get a DSR112 (~$900).

    Now, for the DZR.

    As the DSR is to the DXR, the DZR is to the DSR .... although maybe to a slightly smaller extent.

    The DSR is easily half again as loud as the DXR while maintaining perfect clarity. Pay no attention to the wattage and SPL specs. Anyone who owns a pair of DSR's and have also used DXR's will tell you that.

    The DZR has some advantages over even the DSR:

    1) It is even louder than a DSR .... although really, I can't imagine needing more output than the DSR. In fact, I would be a little worried if you were able to bring a DXR to clip at a gig since it is quite loud (louder than any stage monitor should be set to at max).

    2) It has a more even response curve than either the DSR or DXR (note the DXR goes lower than the DSR, but I would argue that these are frequencies the guitar should not be making in a band anyway

    3) The DZR and DXR both come in a 10" flavor (The DSR can only be had in 12 and 15).

    All Yamaha speakers carry a 7 year warranty which is longer than any other speaker in this price range.

    All of the above speakers will blow the doors clean off of a ZLX and sound way better doing it.

    While I have heard good things about the Headrush, I consider it a value option. It certainly will not put out nearly the sound that the DXR/DSR/DZR will IMO.

  • Thanks for the great info OneEng 1! I was wondering about the DSR & DZR they both look quite impressive. Too bad that the DSR only has a 12" & 15" I like that 10's because of their weight. I would like to keep the weight below 40lbs. I can also fit 2 DXR or DZR 10's with the Kemper Profiler in my 2019 Camaro ZL1 so I don't have to borrow my wife's SUV for gigs!Lol!

    Friedman BE100, Suhr PT100SE, Mesa Boogie Dual Recto,EVH 5150 iii S, 68' Metro/Friedman Plexi, Vox AC30 (2) Marshall 1960B, Port City 2 x 12 OS Wave, Scumback speakers (4)BH75,(4)M75,(4)H75,(1)H55(1)Celestion V30 Fryette PS attenuator, Mesa Boogie 2 90, Kemper Profiler amp and tons of rack and fx pedals
    ProTools 10.3.5 HD5 , Logic Pro 10.1,Ableton 9 Live. Dynaudio BM6a with BM9S sub and Focals Alpha 80

  • Thanks for the great info OneEng 1! I was wondering about the DSR & DZR they both look quite impressive. Too bad that the DSR only has a 12" & 15" I like that 10's because of their weight. I would like to keep the weight below 40lbs. I can also fit 2 DXR or DZR 10's with the Kemper Profiler in my 2019 Camaro ZL1 so I don't have to borrow my wife's SUV for gigs!Lol!

    Hey, no problem.

    I hear you on the weight! The whole reason I have a Kemper is that my VHT head, 4x12 slant top, and 2x12 fat bottom were killing me to move and setup.

    I don't generally have a dedicated wedge for my guitar these days since my band uses IEM's.... and I don't play much lead where the feedback and air movement would be needed. My DSR's are usually on main duty.

    When I gig or just mess around with friends in other bands that don't have IEM's, I bring a single DSR112 and use the monitor out to drive it. Still get lots of shocked faces from my old tube amp buddies when they hear it :)