Profiler Stage - SPDIF Not Sending a Signal

  • Just got the Stage. Very stoked and starting to transfer profiles/performances over.

    Unfortunately, I can't get the SPDIF to send a signal to my interface. I have my old Kemper hooked up and the SPDIF works fine.

    They are set at 44.1Khz. I've tried internal and external for a clock source on my interface. On my rack, both sources work. On the Stage, neither seems to work. I'm plugging into the top SPDIF connector.

    Anyone else run into SPDIF issues with the Stage? Wanted to ask before I open a support ticket.

  • Let's try to fix that:

    1. Have you switched the sample rate in your Stage? Can you try to switch to 48kHz and back to 44.1kHz? Does this help? It helped me when I first connected the Stage via S/PDIF.

    2. Have you connected both IN and OUT? The Stage can be slave but obviously needs an incoming S/PDIF signal to clock to.

  • Same problem here. It never works when I turn on the unit for the first time, fortunately the problem is solved after rebooting (not always though). I already opened a support ticket but no reply yet. I also have a kemper head a everything goes smoothly.

  • So, is there a way to slave to incoming cock signal? I could not see the option. Does it only appear when it can see a clock signal at the IN?

    For me spdif only works with the Stage as Master, just like with my toaster.

    When I switch my M-Audio card to internal clock source I lose input from the Stage. I've searched everywhere in kaos7 for a "slave" setting but I can't find it so I assume that the unit auto-detects that it has to go into slave mode. But that doesn't work. I tried rebooting a couple of times (my Mac as well) and tried changing the samplerate but nothing helps.

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  • Maybe somwhere in the output settings near the sample rate? It may be called SPDIF clock source. Or maybe this option is not avaliable yet.

    No, I checked multiple times in the Output and System menu...

    Also did a search for 'slave' in the manual 7.0 and it's only mentioned that the Stage is capable of slaving to an external clock but no mention of a setting to accomplish this. I think it's supposed to switch automatically.

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  • I finally got SPDIF to work but not sure what, if anything, I did. I was going to try changing the sample rates like a few posts indicated, but when I plugged in tonight, it worked fine. Odd..though it looks like Kemper knows what's going on. And at least there is a process to try if it doesn't work in the future.

    Thanks all for the great feedback. And Kemper for monitoring the boards!

  • Received a reply to my support ticket today:


    thank you for your email. The Slave functionality will be introduced for the Stage model in a future update.

    I don't know if that means that they found bugs or this functionality was just not included in this release.

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