Need a better Leslie/Rotary speaker effect!

  • DonPetersen - does that imply that one could also profile a univibe pedal? I have an awesome MicroVibe pedal that I actually prefer over the Fulltone but have never tried to profile it. How would the process differ from the rotary speaker setup? (Actually if someone had several different univibes to profile, that would be the coolest... )

    Gary ô¿ô

  • DonPetersen - does that imply that one could also profile a univibe pedal? I have an awesome MicroVibe pedal that I actually prefer over the Fulltone but have never tried to profile it. How would the process differ from the rotary speaker setup? (Actually if someone had several different univibes to profile, that would be the coolest... )

    I'm pretty sure the ability to Profile is limited to the specific effect of a Rotary Speaker. You can always try but even if the result happens to be musically useful and pleasant, it won't be authentic.
    The ability to Profile Rotary Speakers has been quite neglected IMO, so starting with a non-Rotary Speaker to see what happens seems a little odd to me ;)
    There are pleanty of Rotary Speakers out there waiting o be Profiled! ^^

  • Would be very cool if you save it then to the Rig Exchange ;)

    You'd probably also get the sound of my Morgan RCA35 with that. Then again, if it sounds great, why not? ;)

    Unfortunately, I can't really profile much at home. But I have plans for renting a small rehearsal room for a couple of hours in order to do that. Just not sure when I get to it.

    Stage user

  • You'd probably also get the sound of my Morgan RCA35 with that. Then again, if it sounds great, why not? ;)

    Unfortunately, I can't really profile much at home. But I have plans for renting a small rehearsal room for a couple of hours in order to do that. Just not sure when I get to it.

    Great! Looking forward to hear the results.

    Kemper Head - Kemper Remote - Palmer Box with Kemper Kone - TC Electronic BAM200 - Laney LFR 112

  • This is not morphed but is pretty cool for those who did not know you can do this

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  • Thank you guys for all your posts on the UniVibe. Does any one have settings or a profile w/UniVibe they could recommend? I too was working with the Univibe options on the Kemper and nothing felt right.

  • I would please like to have a parameter to adjust the ramp speed between the fast and slow switch. I know this is achieved on other unnamed units.

    you and many others, maybe one day.

    New talent management advice to Laura Cox -

    “Laura want to break the internet? let’s shoot another video of you covering the Nightrain solo in the blue singlet, but this time we’ll crank up the air conditioning”.

  • I would please like to have a parameter to adjust the ramp speed between the fast and slow switch. I know this is achieved on other unnamed units.

    The problem with this request is that the rotary speaker effect is actually modeled from a real rotary speaker and that means the transition between slow and fast is also modeled. I don't know if they can change that without scrapping the model but it doesn't hurt to ask.

  • I had one of these motion sound Leslie type rotating speakers back in the day. I loved the sound of it and it had the variable speed Controls for the ramp up and down speed. And because it was mechanical it was brilliant it was just like playing a real Leslie. Here is a link to one.…tension-cabinet

    the foot switch that came with It was fast slow and stationary