• I cannot find the Rig Volume function at all. Maybe I'm stupid, but... Can anyone adivice me on where to find it? I need to balance my Performances so that switching between channels or between Songs/performances does not shock the sound engineer or the audience. Some amp profiles are loud and some a lot less loud. But the output volume to the front should be ballanced. Just cant't figure out how to do it.

  • There is a big Rig Volume knob on the front of the toaster and rack. Not sure where it is on the Stage but assume it is in the Rig Menu.

    Before you go adjusting individual rigs though try setting the Clean Sense.

    From the manual:

    The PROFILER is designed so that every PROFILE, distortion or compression will produce approximately the same loudness, thereby avoiding any extreme volume drops or peaks when you browse through the Rigs. All factory Rigs come with Rig Volume set to the center position, which is the unity or default volume.

    If you feel that clean Rigs sound softer or louder than distorted Rigs, please don’t try to fix it by adjusting the volume of the individual Rigs! Instead, you should readjust the Clean Sens parameter in the Input Section to match your guitar to the PROFILER.

    Use Rig Volume to adjust the level of each Rig to suit a song in a set list, we don’t recommend using it to balance the levels between all the Rigs.

    If you feel that any of the Rigs sound particularly loud or soft, check to see if there is an active effect causing the problem. Check the individual volume settings of the active effects, in case they are boosting or attenuating the sound.

    If you can’t pin it on an effect, then it might be the PROFILE itself differing from unity gain. In this case, adjust the “Volume” parameter, found in the amplifier module, until the Rig sounds at the correct level. Be sure to store the Rig afterwards, if you want the volume change to be permanent for that specific Rig.

    ✓None of the volume controls mentioned here will color the sound. If you feel that a sound is colored by a volume control, be aware that the human ear tends to perceive a simple loudness change as a change in color.

    ✓This is the same as the parameter assigned to the RIG VOLUME knob on the front panels of PROFILER Head, PowerHead, Rack, and PowerRack. In case you want to morph Rig Volume, and don’t own a PROFILER Head or PowerHead, you might find it more convenient to adjust the Base Sound and Morph Sound values using the display

  • This would be SOOOOO GOOOD!!

    currently to make a really quick on the fly adjustment to a rig volume (stage user) I have to click Rig, make adjustment, then click Exit button, then click save 3 times.

    Having one of the pot dials configurable to be Rig Volume would be a godsend. It would reduce the above actions to turning a dial and clicking the save button 3 times.

    In fact for me, I’d make it the Gain knob (but best it be configurable for people to chose). I don’t need to ever adjust gain on the fly so that cool and useful knob is totally wasted for me.. but I need to adjust rig volume during rehearsal all the time.

    I do theatre shows and I adjust every single slot in every performance with its own unique Rig Volume. This makes my sounds out front 100% consistent every night and means I do less volume pedalling. (So no, Clean Sens is not the answer).

  • Thanks all for the tips. I still struggle to find a good way to adjust individual rig volume settings in performances. It seems that if I adust the rig volume on one section in one performance, it influences all other performances I have used the same rig. There must be a mistake I have made when establishing the performances or a mistake I have made when adjusting the volume.

    And there is definetly not a rig volume nob on the Kemper Stage. I can find the rig volume when clicking rig and browsing to page 1. However, in performance mode on the Stage itself, I get a message that I cannot save the rig volume. I will now check if I can do this in the software version. But I would really like to know how I can do it on the Kemper Stage without using the software. I need to be able to adjust this on a sound check and I would really like to avoid bringing my computer to gigs.

  • And there is definetly not a rig volume nob on the Kemper Stage. I can find the rig volume when clicking rig and browsing to page 1. However, in performance mode on the Stage itself, I get a message that I cannot save the rig volume. I will now check if I can do this in the software version. But I would really like to know how I can do it on the Kemper Stage without using the software. I need to be able to adjust this on a sound check and I would really like to avoid bringing my computer to gigs.

    press RIG button, adjust Rig volume parameter.
    click the exit button to return to Home Screen.
    press SAVE button 3 times.

  • Yet another user who would appreciate knob volume rig mapped to volume master knob on Stage.

    Volume rig is something I use a lot when trying out rigs or preparing them for live.

    Knob master volume I don't use it at all, rarely.


  • Linking Rig Volume - which is Rig specific and stored by Rig - to Master Volume, while Master Volume has the purpose to control linked output volumes, which are all global and not part of any Rig nor Performance, would create logical conflicts and strange situations. Imagine you lower such a "Master Volume" and it reduces Rig Volume and your linked output volumes at the same time. This effectively results in a double volume reduction. Only one half of this volume reduction would become part of the Rig, if you store it. The other half would be still effective if you load another Rig. You could still lower Rig Volume while you don't hear anything anymore, if the output volume is already at its minimum. Are you aware of such implications?

    From my perspective these functions need to be kept seperate: Either Master Volume functionality stays as is. Or the knob becomes a dedicated Rig Volume knob and there is no knob to control global output volumes anymore. So if you lower Rig Volume with that knob, loading the next Rig it gets loud again. To adjust global output volumes you would need to open the output menu. Don't you think, a dedicated knob to adjust output volumes is a must in any live or rehearsal situation?

    There is a reason why Head and Rack models offer both a Master Volume knob and a Rig Volume knob....

  • Ok I understand.

    The truth is that I have no knowledge of how the unit works. I've had a Stage for a year, and in all this time I've hardly used the global volumes, but I use the Rig volume a lot.

    It is for this reason that I would appreciate a knob for Rig volume and seeing that it could be conflicting to link it to master volume, I would not mind if the knob only varied the volume of the rig. In that case, the global volumes would remain only in the output section.

    This would be ideal for me, because I control both the master volume and my monitor volume live from the mixer. I don't know if it's correct, but I do it like this.

    Thanks for your information.

  • Am I being a bit stupid here, but these are 2 entirely different things?

    Rig volume is volume per rig, used to balance volumes between rigs and master is the global volume. This is the same as a multi channel amp where you have a volume per channel and overall output level.

    Why would you want to combine these? Quite happy to be shown I'm being stupid... ;)

  • I cannot guarantee that it is so, but I have always understood it as you do. That's why I hardly use volume master. I use the mixer faders for overall volume and the rig volume to match rigs.

    I have a powerrack so I use master volume to control the on stage volume but I can see why its of less use for non powered units.

  • Am I being a bit stupid here, but these are 2 entirely different things?

    Rig volume is volume per rig, used to balance volumes between rigs and master is the global volume. This is the same as a multi channel amp where you have a volume per channel and overall output level.

    Why would you want to combine these? Quite happy to be shown I'm being stupid... ;)

    i think the request is to set knob dedicate to rig volume, and control only that parameter. So the user does not have to go into the rig menu to adjust the rig volume.