OS7 Public Beta Discussion

  • Well sorry but I didn't see any official announcement about the impossibility to makes RM2 and future Kemper OS Updates (I could missed it ) and when I asked few times informations about that here I didn't have answers so I thought maybe some people could be interested by this information cause i know I'm not the only one in that case.

    I will update my hardware one day (computer and soundcard) It's not I don't want but can't for the moment.

    Although I have more up to date PCs and Macs, I use a 12 year old Core2Duo PC that runs Windows 10. I *ONLY* use this laptop for running Rig Manager as it doesn't run a lot of newer more demanding programs.

    You could look for a used PC laptop that will run Rig Manager as I did. They should be REALLY cheap considering a budget laptop these days is about $300.

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me

  • You don't need to upgrade to Catalina, Sierra, HighSiera and Mojave will work with Rigmanager 3 and has less restrictions in Graphic support.

    In Yoda Speak™, High Sierra as far as Pixelman and Ruefus can upgrade is.

    Mojave a Metal-capable graphics card requires. Impractical and damned-near-impossible to replace in a Mac laptop, the graphics card is.

  • You don't need to upgrade to Catalina, Sierra, HighSiera and Mojave will work with Rigmanager 3 and has less restrictions in Graphic support.

    If anyone runs into overheating issues after upgrading an unsupported Mac, I found the issue that is easily corrected with a couple of check boxes. Check the activity monitor and you will see photoanalysisd running for face recognition in some cases for a week.

    1. start Photos
    2. Preferences > General , and untick both check boxes in Memories;
    3. close Photos.

    This stops photoanalysisd cold, no reboot or kill required.


    Kemper Rack OS 10.2.2 - Mac Sonoma 14.5

  • I updated my Stage to using RM 3.0.100. When in Performance Mode, if I turn on an fx switch, then switch to a different rig within that performance, then go back to that same rig, the fx is still on. It does not revert back to the original state of the rig. However, if I switch to a different performance all together, then go back to that performance, the rig does revert back to its original state.

  • I had the same thing going on with latest beta. It only happened in performance mode. I don't know it is the same for you, but I asked here and timo answered this and I think it's a great idea:

    Quote from Timo:

    A lot of people fell over the default behavior with the Stage and talked about "loosing the edits".

    So for now, when Rig Manager is connected, the "fast slot switch" that discards edits (enabling/disabling stomps is an edit) is replaced by the edits itself. This way, you can edit your performances with RM and have the old behavior in live situations (no RM).

    We will discuss about an option switch for this.

  • When in Performance Mode, if I turn on an fx switch, then switch to a different rig within that performance, then go back to that same rig, the fx is still on. It does not revert back to the original state of the rig. However, if I switch to a different performance all together, then go back to that performance, the rig does revert back to its original state.

    This is a good thing. Selecting another slot/footswitch on a performance when done some changes, then going back and getting the changed values is nice. The only thing one must know: changing the performance itself and not saving before will loose your changes.