OS7 Public Beta Discussion

  • Hi...well I updated to OS 7 .0.6 and RM 2.3.1 and I had the same problems as before. Only option was "store as" when I tweaked anything to any rig ( volume for example) and I tried to replace and also I couldn't load rigs from Rig Manager and I was getting a message that was saying that couldn't recognize the file or something like this...so again I turned to OS 6 and everything is ok again!!!...

  • installing OS 7.0.6

    all snapshots gone to 0

    Effects Combi gone from 45 to now 0

    Cabs (IR) gone from 205 to 102

    Rigs 740 stay


    so i´ll have to go back to OS 6

    how do you dial the loss of effects combi and cabs?

    please help

    Cry Baby Slash Classic Wah -> KPA -> main to FOH ->KRK6 -> Monitor out DXR10 -> EXP DVP3 -> Remote: Guitars: Slash Gibson Les Paul Custom Shop - James Tyler Variax JTV59 - Epiphone Les Paul with EMG 81 - Furch GN2 Nylon -> Maybach Lester 60 -> Kemper Powered Cab -/ Focusrite Scarlett

  • KriGro - you will not have this issue when you simply use Rig Manager to update. It'll show you a new version automatically. In difference to a post at a specific place you don't have to look for it. The main announcements will continue of course.

    It was more that I treat the thread “announcements from kemp” as official. I will most likely wait until the official release. Thanks anyway @G String

  • I too am getting pops and clicks from 7.0.6, when my AI is set to use its internal clock.

    However, when the KPA is the Master with 7.0.6, I have really clean S/PDIF output at 96Khz, perhaps better than ever.

    Kemper Powerhead w/remote & Kabinet
    Focusrite 18i8 (2nd Gen) - Windows 10 - Ableton Live - Yamaha HS-8's - DT770 80 ohms

  • 7.0.6 with a M-Audio FireWire Solo interface:

    No sound with Stage set to ‘auto’’.

    I can still only use the Stage as clock master just like before.

    I always run it at 48kHz and the soundcard shows it’s locked but there’s nothing coming out of the Stage unless it’s clock is set to ‘internal’

    Get a sound,
    Feel the groove,
    Make something happen.

  • - is your audiocard correctly set to external clocking?

    - do you have 2 S/PDIF cables connected?

    - are the S/PDIF cables of good quality? (i.e.: do NOT try to use regular RCA cables, but instead use 75-ohm 'digital' cables)



    And.. no. I do have professional digital cables but they don’t reach the floor so I extended them with a regular rca cable. This works fine when the audio card is master. I will try it with the Stage sitting on the desk when I’m home.

    Just played a big festival with the stage without any issues! :thumbup:

    Get a sound,
    Feel the groove,
    Make something happen.

  • @G String - is this a beta or release?

  • nightlight - in which way they have failed?

    Hi, sorry, I should have kept screenshots.

    Each time I tried to do the update, I got an error message that said something like "The update has failed". This is after Rig Manager was updated and it had downloaded the update.

    Every time I tried to do the update, I got the same message that the "update has failed" in a Rig Manager pop up.

  • I installed 7.0.6 via a usb stick and noticed my remote was not switching profiles. It was switching something but not the correct profiles. I reinstalled v 6 and when RM saw that it asked me to update the OS. I did, now back to 7.0.6 and now the remote seems fine, profiles are loading correctly it seems. So maybe it messed up because I didn't use Rig Manager the 1st time to update?

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • Have had issues since updating to 6.0 and then to OS 7 - lost everything but now reinstalling OS 6.0 again via USB... fingers crossed my Kemper works again.

    Update: Was able to get OS 6.0 back on Kemper Profiler Head and after a 2nd reboot - got the stock preloaded sets again in PERFORM so I have something to play around with for now. WHen it loaded it showed the many presets etc. being uploaded but they do not display. Nothing still on Browser. Not sure what I am missing?

    Edited 2 times, last by JNelson467 (September 3, 2019 at 11:34 PM).

  • PROFILER Operating System

    User Interface

    fixed: editing Slots in a Performance potentially corrupting Slot

    fixed: insufficient number of tracks in init Performance causing issues

    fixed: defective factory Rig during bootup

    changed: scanning of foot buttons improved (Stage)