PC sound through Kemper headphone jack?

  • Is it possible to get PC sounds, such as online backing tracks, though the Kemper headphone jack? My set up is a bit complicated as I am using the Kemper FX loop and 4 cable method to also run a tube amp into the interface and use kemper IR's and fx with it. The Kemper headphone jack blows my audio interface away as far as sound.


  • Is it possible to get PC sounds, such as online backing tracks, though the Kemper headphone jack? My set up is a bit complicated as I am using the Kemper FX loop and 4 cable method to also run a tube amp into the interface and use kemper IR's and fx with it. The Kemper headphone jack blows my audio interface away as far as sound.


    Yup, just take the 1/8" stereo out from your PC/laptop headphone out to the aux in on the Kemper

    Auxiliary Input

    The Auxiliary Input function allows you to feed a stereo signal, such as an mp3-player, into your PROFILER to play along with it. In the Output Section, the Auxiliary Input function is equipped with three mix controls: one to feed the aux signal to the MAIN OUTPUTS as well as S/PDIF OUTPUT, and two others to feed it to the MONITOR OUTPUT and HEADPHONE output. This allows you, for instance, to add an additional monitor signal to your HEADPHONE output, while the MAIN OUTPUTS stay unaffected. With the activation of “Monitor Stereo” MONITOR OUTPUT and DIRECT OUTPUT get paired as one logical stereo monitor output. The Aux In signal will also appear on both and its mix gets controlled via “Aux In >Monitor”. The auxiliary signal will not be affected by any internal effects.

    You will need to purchase a special cable which provides the stereo signal via two separate TS jacks. Plug the left jack into the RETURN and the right jack into the ALTERNATIVE INPUT. Use the "Aux In >…" soft knobs to adjust the level.

  • Rats... I should have realized that from your post.

    Can you use mono effects loop, and mono in for the PC?

    I can give it a try but I have to order the 1/8 to 1/4" cable first. I read an old thread about this being the best way to run a tube amp and still use the Kemper. This way I have the ability to use my amp, use Kemper FX and IR's and profile my amp and FX.

    Hopefully the mono loop will work,

    Thanks again for the help.

  • K - wait a sec- I don't understand something - you're using an AMP in the FX loop? Why not profile the amp as a direct profile instead?

    KPA Unpowered Rack, Kemper Remote, Headrush FRFR108s, BC Rich Mockingbird(s), and a nasty attitude.

  • K - wait a sec- I don't understand something - you're using an AMP in the FX loop? Why not profile the amp as a direct profile instead?

    I just like the option of playing through real tube amp sometimes. This give me the best of all worlds. personally I love my tone and feel right now and am very happy. I also have a handful of profiles I love and can go to as well.

    Just realizing it is not the "Alternative Input" being used for my FX loop but rather for my Roland GR-55, which I rarely use. So I will take that out and try with the above mentioned "Aux".

    AND crap. Just seeing where you use both the "Alternative In" and the "Return" So I am using the "Return" for my amp FX loop with the Kemper.

    I assume this is the only way to get PC sound into the Kemper headphones.

  • I think I understand your setup but it doesn’t make proper sense to me so I might be missing something. Could you draw little signal path diagram?

    How are you getting the final valve amp sound into your interface? Are you using using a mic, a loadbox somewhere in the chain, or taking the signal from the FX loop of the amp only (so no power amp involved)?

    When running the real valve amp are you placing this in one of the slots A-D and turning off the Amp section in the Stack Block or layering to different amps on top of each other?

  • Is it possible to get PC sounds, such as online backing tracks, though the Kemper headphone jack? My set up is a bit complicated as I am using the Kemper FX loop and 4 cable method to also run a tube amp into the interface and use kemper IR's and fx with it. The Kemper headphone jack blows my audio interface away as far as sound.


    Very bad idea. you need a little console or mixer to take care of that. Plug your computer outbut and kemper output to the mixer and THEN listen to the mixer headphone output. Dont try to cut money on that you'll end up with bad results just to save some$

  • I think I understand your setup but it doesn’t make proper sense to me so I might be missing something. Could you draw little signal path diagram?

    How are you getting the final valve amp sound into your interface? Are you using using a mic, a loadbox somewhere in the chain, or taking the signal from the FX loop of the amp only (so no power amp involved)?

    When running the real valve amp are you placing this in one of the slots A-D and turning off the Amp section in the Stack Block or layering to different amps on top of each other?

    Well the Aux Mono did not work. The PC sound goes into the Kempe headphones but it will not llow you to use the FX loop by using Aux in mono" .

    Wheresthedug the Hughes and Ketner Deluxe 20 has a built in powesoak/loadbox. So I just use the XLR out into the XLR Mic in of the audio interface. I plug the headphones into that BUT, they sound weak and crappy. I have good headphones, out of the Kmeper headphone it sounds unreal! So I guess now it is onto a audio interface that has a headphone output as good as Kemper? Any ideas on a budget?

    Currently it goes,

    1) Guitar > Kemper Input

    2) Kemper out > amp FX return

    3) Amp FX send > Kemper fx loop return

    4) Kemper loop send > amp input

    Then amp Redbox DI XLR out to audio interface Mic XLR in.

    Thanks for any help.

  • OK. i didn't realise it was an H&K with Built in Load Box. That makes sense now.

    Unfortunately, I don’t think you are not going to be able to run backing tracks through the Kemper and use the KPA headphone out with that setup.

    However, I don’t quite follow your signal chain as listed above. I doesn’t make sense to me but maybe I’m just not thinking straight and am missing something obvious (it wouldn’t be the first time :S).

    In step 2 you seem to be running the KPA main out (?) into the FX return of the H&K. Is that correct? In this case you would alway be sending signal through the H&K power amp and Red Box even when the H&K is out of the Kemper Loop.

    In Step 3 you feed the signal from the H&K fx send back to the KPA fx loop return. This would send only the H&K pre amp signal to the KPA fx return. In this case the H&K would simply behave like a distortion pedal rather than a full amp (although I now see that you would appear to be getting the power amp later in the chain but the fact the KPA is in between the pre amp and power amp is likely to affect the interaction of the two and achieve a different sound than running the amp normally).

    In step 4 you send the Kemper Direct Out to the amp input. This would send the signal from the KPA to the amp at whatever part in the signal chain that you decide to make the split (place the loop fx block).

    Finally you are sending the signal from the load box (with speaker simulation?) to your interface. I tried to draw out the signal path to make sure I’m not missing anything. If I understand correctly your signal always goes through the H&K power amp and loadbox before going to the interface.

    Are you using the RedBox speaker emulation on or off? If on, are you turning off the KPA cab block? Otherwise you will be getting two speaker emulations before you hit the interface which would obviously make the sound from the interface headphone out very different from the sound coming through the KPA headphone out. Could it be that this is what is making you think the KPA headphone sounds much better than your interface?

    If you really must run the H&K with the KPA would it not be simpler, and potentially better sounding, to just run the H&K in the Kemper loop. GTR > KPA In > KPA Loop Send > H&K In > Reb Box Out (speaker emulation off) > KPA loop return. This would let you run the KPA on it’s own, the KPA plus the H&K with the KPA Amp Stack on or H&K on its own (KPA loop active but Amp Stack off.

    An even simpler solution would be to simply make a direct profile of the H&K from the Red Box and use the profile instead of the physical amp. The results should be effectively identical in sound and feel but this would free up the Aux in Stereo to run your backing tracks through the KPA headphone out.