How do I get rid of latency between two Kempers?

  • Hi Guys,

    I bought a 2nd Kemper to have as an identical backup of my primary unit in case it ever fails and to also use in a dual-Kemper setup so I can run two different rigs at the same time.

    I've got everything hooked up EXACTLY as the guy in the video below describes. And for now, I've got both Kempers cloned so that they are exactly the same in all aspects (all rigs, performance slots, effects, settings, operating system, etc.). The issue I'm having is when I step on my Kemper footswitch to change the rigs, my primary Kemper changes instantly like it always has. However, the secondary Kemper, takes roughly 1/2 second before it changes (even a little longer if I'm changing rigs that are located in another performance). Is there any way to speed that up? Could it be something I'm doing wrong?

    I'm using a standard 5-pin MIDI cable to go from the "out" of my primary Kemper (the one that has the footswitch plugged into it) and into the "in" of the secondary. I've got UI Midi enabled on my primary Kemper, and I've got "constant latency" enabled on both.

    It sounds AMAZING to be able to run two different rigs at the same time. But the 1/2 second latency would be a deal breaker for me in live settings.

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  • are you sure you really get that much (signal) latency?

    the GUI has less priority than audio obviously, so it may seem like the 2nd PROFILER switches slower than it really does.

    Yes. There is definitely an audible lag between changes. When listening with headphones on (similar to how I'd be using it live with IEM) I can hear the left channel change instantly (my main Kemper) and then it's really close to 1/2 second later that the right channel (backup Kemper) changes.

  • Hi there,

    why you don't ask him ?

    he is also here in the forum search for usename: Jonathanrsullivan

    I asked him in the comment section in his YouTube video. Didn't know he was here too.

    Jonathanrsullivan , do you have any idea why I might be having these issues? Would the quality of MIDI cable being used cause this? I also noticed that when I adjust an effect (or hit a stomp on my Kemper footswitch) for the main Kemper, it doesn't automatically make that same change to the 2nd Kemper like it does in your video. It does change the rigs (with latency), but not the effects. I know the MIDI cable works, I'm just wondering if it's a quality issue. I've checked twice to make sure I've got everything hooked up the way you did in your video.

    Thanks for any help you might be able to offer.

  • Is this 1/2 second delay using MIDI normal?

    MIDI runs at 31,250 bps (which is faster than the modems we used to use way back when) so no, MIDI will not by default introduce that much latency.

    How is this supposed to work - sorry did not watch the whole video - is the Remote supposed to send the same command over two MIDI channels, one for each Kemper?

    Or do they both get the same message? If this is the case, you probably would want use the MIDI Thru port as that should be basically instantaneous relative to the MIDI In receive.

  • MIDI runs at 31,250 bps (which is faster than the modems we used to use way back when) so no, MIDI will not by default introduce that much latency.

    How is this supposed to work - sorry did not watch the whole video - is the Remote supposed to send the same command over two MIDI channels, one for each Kemper?

    Or do they both get the same message? If this is the case, you probably would want use the MIDI Thru port as that should be basically instantaneous relative to the MIDI In receive.

    The guy in the video say to hook it up so that the cable goes from the MIDI out of kemper #1, to the MIDI in of kemper #2. Both Kempers are supposed to be receiving the same MIDI commands so that both change rigs at the same time. I'll try using what you suggested. So are you saying to go out of the MIDI thru of Kemper 1 and into the MIDI in of Kemper 2?

  • Yes, from Thru to In of the 2nd Kemper.

    I do not know how the internals on the Kemper are but the MIDI Thru port is basically "a copy" of MIDI In. No latency, nothing, just an "electronic copy" of the In.

    MIDI Out is something that a device has to intentionally send. So for a MIDI message to be copied to the MIDI Out port, it has to be fully received by the device, a decision has to be made to send it out on the Out and then sending has to take place. This all adds some latency.

    So in principle if you want two devices to receive the exact same MIDI messages, you'd want to use the Thru of the 1st to send to the 2nd.

  • paults Duh, thank you for clearing it up. I did not know that the remote and the Kemper did not talk MIDI between them. I believe that with something like the FCB1010 I have, the MIDI wiring would work.

    So then something more complicated has to be going on for Kemper 1 to then send actual MIDI to Kemper 2.

  • Yes, from Thru to In of the 2nd Kemper.

    I do not know how the internals on the Kemper are but the MIDI Thru port is basically "a copy" of MIDI In. No latency, nothing, just an "electronic copy" of the In.

    MIDI Out is something that a device has to intentionally send. So for a MIDI message to be copied to the MIDI Out port, it has to be fully received by the device, a decision has to be made to send it out on the Out and then sending has to take place. This all adds some latency.

    So in principle if you want two devices to receive the exact same MIDI messages, you'd want to use the Thru of the 1st to send to the 2nd.

  • Yes it looks like you have to learn more about MIDI first

    Dont confuse the two (a MIDI problem is not a Kemper problem)

    Learn about MIDI first then you'll be able to use this knowledge to Kemper to Keyboards to Daw and everything

    Well that response was as helpful as Helen Keller as an eyewitness.

  • DennisJ I understand what you are saying, however with all fairness, this is pretty confusing.

    Look I think I know MIDI pretty well, just in the last 2-3 months, built a MIDI clock to analog KORG synth clock converter (from an Arduino) and a MIDI repeater (one in, 4 out with a hex inverter chip) and even I had no idea that the remote does not just use plain MIDI.

    So I proudly gave a totally wrong answer myself :thumbup::P

    Edit: That all being said, I would love to know what the resolution to the problem is.

    Edited once, last by ToneDeaf (February 28, 2019 at 11:59 AM).