NAMM 2019: Kemper Kabinet and Kemper Kone

  • Take it from someone who just converted a Dunlop CryBaby to a compatible expression pedal. There is far more to Mission than aesthetics. There's a huge difference in mechanical tolerance, particular in the pivot tension mechanism. It took me quite a bit of effort to get the Dunlop stable enough at heel-down to avoid turning the wah back on when I lift my foot. The Mission stays exactly where you leave it. Of course, this is nothing that a hysteresis setting on the KPA wouldn't fix, but I'm not holding my breath for this feature.

    Not from what i've heard/experienced. ashtweth had a whole bunch of Mission pedals that went bad on him. And my DVP1XL is a tank, you wouldn't believe how heavy and solid it is.

  • Take it from someone who just converted a Dunlop CryBaby to a compatible expression pedal. There is far more to Mission than aesthetics. There's a huge difference in mechanical tolerance, particular in the pivot tension mechanism. It took me quite a bit of effort to get the Dunlop stable enough at heel-down to avoid turning the wah back on when I lift my foot. The Mission stays exactly where you leave it. Of course, this is nothing that a hysteresis setting on the KPA wouldn't fix, but I'm not holding my breath for this feature.

    Their springs are top notch as well. I use spring loaded for both wah and whammy and spend alot of time standing and jumping on both.

  • I have a question for Kemper team, it seems the imprints are tailored for the Kone, for live amp in the room tone.

    but will these imprints affect recording tone in my DAW ? will they translate as well on my monitoring system ( HS7)

    Will we be able to use a direct amp profile , and get Two parallel outputs ? one to imprint & kone for live amp monitoring , one to classic KPA CAB ( for recording )

    are there any more options ?

  • I have a question for Kemper team, it seems the imprints are tailored for the Kone, for live amp in the room tone.

    but will these imprints affect recording tone in my DAW ? will they translate as well on my monitoring system ( HS7)

    Will we be able to use a direct amp profile , and get Two parallel outputs ? one to imprint & kone for live amp monitoring , one to classic KPA CAB ( for recording )

    are there any more options ?

    Hello Waraba,

    From what I can gather, the Kemper Kone function will only be activated when the Cab Module is disabled...and I believe that this will only be applicable and specific to the KPA's Monitor/Speaker Output. Please see video below, beginning at timestamp 03:18.

    I presume you will always be using the KPA Cabinet profiles (Cab Module on) when you are recording direct, and/or playing through your studio reference monitors. Furthermore, I presume you would not be using the Monitor/Speaker Output for connection to these devices. Therefore, the Kemper Kone (imprints) will not be applicable, nor part of the signal to these devices.

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    Edited 2 times, last by Tritium (February 18, 2019 at 11:20 AM).

  • Thx Tritium, to engage imprints you have to engage CAB off, so you won't have the opportunity to record with the cab , that answers my question.

    Sounds really like a live tool, my concern was to play and record my guitar , taking the advantage of the live amp in the room tone while recording with my DAW, that doesn't look do-able... unless you mike the Kone ;) that would be counter productive. I guess another option would be re-amping.

    Maybe that's will come in a future update, a kind of parallel output path ?

  • Hey, I am an old enough guy for whom it was a big deal when computers went from beige to black. :)

    For today's youth, the corners should be customizable colors you select on the web when you order it - and of course the handle would match it. Salmon, aquamarine, corn silk, etc .

  • I have a question for Kemper team, it seems the imprints are tailored for the Kone, for live amp in the room tone.

    but will these imprints affect recording tone in my DAW ? will they translate as well on my monitoring system ( HS7)

    Will we be able to use a direct amp profile , and get Two parallel outputs ? one to imprint & kone for live amp monitoring , one to classic KPA CAB ( for recording )

    are there any more options ?

    Yes, you can buy a Kemper Kabinet or build your own cab and mic it. That will record the sound of Kemper Kone. You just won't get to record a DAP + cab sim at the same time.

    If you want to get both DAP + cab and Kemper Kone, you will need two Kempers. Set both up with exactly the same settings (except CAB On/Off). You could listen to the Kemper Kone while recording the DAP + cab.

    I assume you want to monitor Kemper Kone to get a more inspiring performance during recording than monitoring from a FRFR while you record. But you will not be hearing what you are recording if you are recording a DAP + cab. That could lead to unexpected results in the recording.

    If you are using a direct amp profile, why not use it with a guitar speaker cab powered by a solid state amp? Then you'd be listening to what you are recording and you'd get the 'amp in the room feel' to inspire a great performance.

  • Amp Profile routed to main outs

    there's always the cab included or no cab when using Direct Profile

    there you can record the kmpl rig or use the direct profile into an amp and real cab

    Monitor out with Cab off

    Kemper Kone on into Kemper Cab

    there you go just 1 Kemper needed