NAMM 2019: Kemper Kabinet and Kemper Kone

  • Man, you’re right, I’ve never figured out how people could buy it :/

    Those dunlop pots also can also come with different value ranges. The main point of mission, aside from aesthetic, is the values are prematched to the device. No calibrations needed, ever. That makes them worth a few extra bucks for me. Also dunlop makes crappy treads.

  • Those dunlop pots also can also come with different value ranges. The main point of mission, aside from aesthetic, is the values are prematched to the device. No calibrations needed, ever. That makes them worth a few extra bucks for me. Also dunlop makes crappy treads.

    It's the 10K Dunlop pot out the regular Cry Bay nothing specially calibrated. But the Kemper and other units are generally pretty forgiving of the pot range so pretty much any pot within reason works without any special calibrating.

  • Hello everyone!

    I just installed Celestion F12-X200 to my passive Red Sound LG12 . First impressions are very very good. Definately much more amp in the room-sound compared to Atomic CLR which i have next to Red Sound. CLR is flatter for sure. I think red sound + celestion has more mids and it sounds bit boxy but not in a bad way at all, its more the way real 1x12 are compared to FRFR. Wish i had my tube heads and cabs for comparison but i sold them all year ago....

    Different profiles come through very nicely and Celestion made some profiles that i didnt like come really alive. Especially cleans and mild od profiles are great, some MBritt clean fenders are fantastic and i like them way more than with CLR. Just total joy to play and i didnt had to tweak profiles at all. Some heavily distorted profiles sounded bit mushy but i have only been able to play low volume so it might be just that.

    If Kemper cab is optimized and DSP assisted version of this....i seriously think it might be total game changer if its done well.


    nice that you got nearly the same experience as me with the F12

    im really hoping that this is the Kemper Cone;)

  • It's the 10K Dunlop pot out the regular Cry Bay nothing specially calibrated. But the Kemper and other units are generally pretty forgiving of the pot range so pretty much any pot within reason works without any special calibrating.

    I dont know of any wah pedal ever having a linear 10k, but even if you replaced the pot of a crybaby with one you're still at around $100. I find it worth paying the extra $30 to not have to worry about it plus retain the toe switch. To each their own. I also find it pretty useful having different colored pedals. Concentration isn't really my thing. :S

  • I dont know of any wah pedal ever having a linear 10k,

    that’s what’s in my CryBaby. Dunlop part no ECB-078…nlop-10k-linear


    I also find it pretty useful having different colored pedals. Concentration isn't really my thing. :S

    :) I hear you there! Contrat............... oh look there’s a squirrel. My dog has better concentration than me :D

  • Hello everyone!

    I just installed Celestion F12-X200 to my passive Red Sound LG12 . First impressions are very very good. Definately much more amp in the room-sound compared to Atomic CLR which i have next to Red Sound. CLR is flatter for sure. I think red sound + celestion has more mids and it sounds bit boxy but not in a bad way at all, its more the way real 1x12 are compared to FRFR. Wish i had my tube heads and cabs for comparison but i sold them all year ago....

    Different profiles come through very nicely and Celestion made some profiles that i didnt like come really alive. Especially cleans and mild od profiles are great, some MBritt clean fenders are fantastic and i like them way more than with CLR. Just total joy to play and i didnt had to tweak profiles at all. Some heavily distorted profiles sounded bit mushy but i have only been able to play low volume so it might be just that.

    If Kemper cab is optimized and DSP assisted version of this....i seriously think it might be total game changer if its done well.

    I've got the active LG 12 neo , so the 400 watt version, i'd like to see test the new upcoming kemper cone inside it at one point, can you take a pic of the speaker originally from te redsound ?

    Also wonder because mine is guitar range, not full range this is limited by the speaker of the circuit ...



    Kemper stage with 2 mission pedals (in a Thon line 6 FBV case) and a Zilla 212 (K-100/V30) , SD powerstage 700 poweramp

  • If you apply that logic to expression pedals no body in their right mind would buy the Mission EP1 which is literally a Cry Baby Wah with the main circuit removed for nearly double price of a Cry Baby with the circuit still in it. But people do still buy them in their droves.

    Since you're ripping the guts out of the Cry Baby anyway, just buy a broken one off ebay. I just bought one for around $20 or so, found a TRS jack, wired it to the stock 100k Dunlop pot that came with the pedal, and it works perfectly. $25 and about 10 minutes work, can't beat that.

  • It's the 10K Dunlop pot out the regular Cry Bay nothing specially calibrated. But the Kemper and other units are generally pretty forgiving of the pot range so pretty much any pot within reason works without any special calibrating.

    I was scratching my head trying to figure out a 10k pot for my broken Cry Baby rebuild, but saw some info where other users just used the 100k already in the Cry Baby for an expression pedal. And many makers of products with expression pedal inputs state you can use a volume pedal as an expression pedal, those are 250k and up. So I tried the 100k pot that came with the Cry Baby, and it worked perfectly. No reason to change anything.

    That being said, a Cry Baby type shell gear drive does not rotate a pot through its entire travel. As I recall the older Boss pedals do, as do the Ernie Ball string drive types. So you might need an approved Cry Baby replacement pot to get a full travel voltage swing on a pedal.

  • Thanks for uploading the photos of the original Redsound speaker.

    That is a single-driver speaker with a whizzer cone. Definitely not in same category as the coaxial F12-X200.

    That is definitely not a Eminence 12LTA; the Redsound has a different basket, smaller whizzer, and larger magnet. Also the Fane 12250TC has a larger whizzer, different frame, and its magnet has a center port. So maybe the Redsound is an OEM?

  • Redsound speaker is also little wider in diameter and hole in the cab was too big for F12, there was just enough wood under screws to get it installed. Cab itself is well made with good quality wiring.

    I think Redsound speaker was too limited in high range, it sounded dull and no way i could get beautiful shimmering clean tones with it. It was passable at best blasting full volume playing loud rock with band but that was it.

    F12 is completely different, its not muffled or dull at all and high range is very nice, never harsh. Fender clean profiles are beautiful and i like them more with F12 than CLR. I dont have to tweak profiles compared to CLR, they sound very similar with F12. Its hard to describe diffences between them but CLR has more definition and its more hifi, F12 is way more like traditional guitar cab but flat enough so different profiles sound very nice with it.

    My experience so far is only low volume playing though, it might sound completely different when pushed hard. Our band is on a long break so i havent had chance to play loud but I will report here when i get the chance to test it with stage volume.

    But im sure now i will buy Kemper cab immediatly when it comes available.....

  • Redsound speaker is also little wider in diameter and hole in the cab was too big for F12, there was just enough wood under screws to get it installed. Cab itself is well made with good quality wiring.

    I think Redsound speaker was too limited in high range, it sounded dull and no way i could get beautiful shimmering clean tones with it. It was passable at best blasting full volume playing loud rock with band but that was it.

    F12 is completely different, its not muffled or dull at all and high range is very nice, never harsh. Fender clean profiles are beautiful and i like them more with F12 than CLR. I dont have to tweak profiles compared to CLR, they sound very similar with F12. Its hard to describe diffences between them but CLR has more definition and its more hifi, F12 is way more like traditional guitar cab but flat enough so different profiles sound very nice with it.

    My experience so far is only low volume playing though, it might sound completely different when pushed hard. Our band is on a long break so i havent had chance to play loud but I will report here when i get the chance to test it with stage volume.

    But im sure now i will buy Kemper cab immediatly when it comes available.....

    I wonder if this is speaker or circuit related ...


    Kemper stage with 2 mission pedals (in a Thon line 6 FBV case) and a Zilla 212 (K-100/V30) , SD powerstage 700 poweramp