Rig Manager 3.0 Editor

  • There ya go, you sure told me... ;)


    Edit: no need to change what you wrote and instead make passive insults, which add nothing of value.

    Now practice what yer preaching ...

    I played guitar thru my Kemper for over 2 hours this morning. I suggest we do that rather than exchange barbs...

    What say you?

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

    Edited once, last by spikey (October 26, 2019 at 10:48 PM).

  • some posts here are just frustration converted to meaningless jokes.. but do not aggregate on nothing..

    unfortunately this kind of post just blurs what can be useful for discussion here..

    In my case, the exact opposite is true, and I think that is the case with most of us. We let go of this thing. We have received information that the editor will be ready soon. From here, this thread is nothing more than a daily routine for me to see if anyone has written something funny or pathetic, that's all. By the way, there was recently a useful conversation about plugins. But you know, it's just an opinion. :saint:

  • some posts here are just frustration converted to meaningless jokes.. but do not aggregate on nothing..

    unfortunately this kind of post just blurs what can be useful for discussion here..

    In the absence of useful information, speculation replaces it. Drag speculation out for too long......frustration ensues.

    I’m all for it. But, what useful discussion have we not already had multiple times?

  • In the absence of useful information, speculation replaces it. Drag speculation out for too long......frustration ensues.

    I’m all for it. But, what useful discussion have we not already had multiple times?

    In my case, the exact opposite is true, and I think that is the case with most of us. We let go of this thing. We have received information that the editor will be ready soon. From here, this thread is nothing more than a daily routine for me to see if anyone has written something funny or pathetic, that's all. By the way, there was recently a useful conversation about plugins. But you know, it's just an opinion. :saint:

    I understand the frustration, but you know, it just got out of focus. I had questions to ask ..

    other people may have too. and I just asked about, but ended up falling behind .. I had to ask the question again until G String can see and answer .

    the topic ends up flooded with useless things, and important things can be left behind.

    It's just my opinion on that.

  • Open up a new thread, if it is a particular question.
    There are no really important questions about an editor, that hasn't been released yet.
    Pretty much everything is speculation at this point.

    90% of the game is half-mental.

  • As repetitive as it is, I would like to say it one more time.

    There is an excellent editor for the KPA in Toast ME. I simply don't understand why anyone would sell their incredible sounding KPA because the OEM editor hasn't been released yet. It just makes no sense to me at all.

    I do have some sympathy for those who purchased the floor unit recently thinking that the OEM editor would be just days away; however, having said that, just download Toast ME in the meanwhile. Isn't that a reasonable solution for remote operation in the interim?

    Oh well. I guess you can please most of the people some of the time eh?

  • I sold my Kemper Unpowered Toaster over a year ago. I tried a lot of modelers out there, most of them. Headrush, Helix, GT1000, Mooer GE300... Nothing really can compare to the Kemper except the actual amp. Anyway, I just got the Kemper Stage and it truly is something special. I never needed an editor with the Toaster and Remote but now that the Kemper Stage is on the floor there is really a big need for the Editor. I am not being impatient at all, i know its right around the corner. The editor will not only help all of us out that have the Stage but also people that have always said, "No Editor, No Buy!" And there are plenty of them out there. I think that taking their time and making a really good editor for free will sell of ton of units across the Kemper line. Times are good.

  • I sold my Kemper Unpowered Toaster over a year ago. I tried a lot of modelers out there, most of them. Headrush, Helix, GT1000, Mooer GE300... Nothing really can compare to the Kemper except the actual amp. Anyway, I just got the Kemper Stage and it truly is something special. I never needed an editor with the Toaster and Remote but now that the Kemper Stage is on the floor there is really a big need for the Editor. I am not being impatient at all, i know its right around the corner. The editor will not only help all of us out that have the Stage but also people that have always said, "No Editor, No Buy!" And there are plenty of them out there. I think that taking their time and making a really good editor for free will sell of ton of units across the Kemper line. Times are good.

    As repetitive as it is, I would like to say it one more time.

    There is an excellent editor for the KPA in Toast ME. I simply don't understand why anyone would sell their incredible sounding KPA because the OEM editor hasn't been released yet. It just makes no sense to me at all.

    I do have some sympathy for those who purchased the floor unit recently thinking that the OEM editor would be just days away; however, having said that, just download Toast ME in the meanwhile. Isn't that a reasonable solution for remote operation in the interim?

    Oh well. I guess you can please most of the people some of the time eh?

    That's it .. I see no need to get to that point.

    The editor IT WILL COME, fact.

    I know frustration is around the deadline. but look, we were so long without official editor, ToastME .. I didn't use it, but I think it made things more practical for many of you.

    I have expectations of a solid software in the end, and it is quite possible that we will have an integration with iOS / Android, perhaps?

    Edited once, last by leandroneves (October 27, 2019 at 5:09 PM).

  • I do have some sympathy for those who purchased the floor unit recently thinking that the OEM editor would be just days away; however, having said that, just download Toast ME in the meanwhile. Isn't that a reasonable solution for remote operation in the interim?

    I could be wrong, but I believe I heard that Toast Me doesn't work with the Stage. Given that the official editor is supposed to be around the corner, I highly doubt Damien is going to invest his own time and labor into it, so Stage users are in a holding pattern.