Rig Manager 3.0 Editor

  • Genuine question...what will the editor be able to do that we can't currently?

    My studio time = money....and if it makes things easier and speeds up workflow, then lovely...but is that it?

    The unofficial editor has a lot of cool features... like using the Kemper looper without remote (it has a "count in" function) for example. I really hope they offer a serious tool and not only a half-hearted gimmick.

  • Genuine question...what will the editor be able to do that we can't currently?

    My studio time = money....and if it makes things easier and speeds up workflow, then lovely...but is that it?

    I'm hopeful it'll speed up the auditioning of cab IRs. Currently, you have to convert third-party IRs using Cab Simulator, drag to a USB drive, load into the Kemper through a series of button commands, scroll through several hundred IRs (in my case) to get to the ones you just imported, then perform about 5 seconds worth of additional button presses (hold "Cab," scroll, audition, play, repeat) just to find out you didn't like any of the ones you just demo'd. Then you have to manually delete these one by one, or do something crazy like modify a Kemper backup file, just to get back to where you were before auditioning.

    If the Editor streamlines any part of this, it will be most useful. Icing on the cake will be user Stomp presets, a cleaner GUI (drag and drop?), and a workflow that doesn't require me hunched over my Toaster multiple times a session.

  • Currently, you have to convert third-party IRs using Cab Simulator, drag to a USB drive, load into the Kemper through a series of button commands, scroll through several hundred IRs (in my case) to get to the ones you just imported, then perform about 5 seconds worth of additional button presses (hold "Cab," scroll, audition, play, repeat) just to find out you didn't like any of the ones you just demo'd. Then you have to manually delete these one by one, or do something crazy like modify a Kemper backup file, just to get back to where you were before auditioning.

    Yeah, it's a nightmare...

  • My studio time = money....and if it makes things easier and speeds up workflow, then lovely...but is that it?

    Basically....however it will also save the live of knob/pots and buttons and transfer that wear and tear to the mouse.

    I'm hopeful it'll speed up the auditioning of cab IRs. Currently, you have to convert third-party IRs using Cab Simulator, drag to a USB drive, load into the Kemper through a series of button commands, scroll through several hundred IRs (in my case) to get to the ones you just imported, then perform about 5 seconds worth of additional button presses (hold "Cab," scroll, audition, play, repeat) just to find out you didn't like any of the ones you just demo'd. Then you have to manually delete these one by one, or do something crazy like modify a Kemper backup file, just to get back to where you were before auditioning.

    If the Editor streamlines any part of this, it will be most useful. Icing on the cake will be user Stomp presets, a cleaner GUI (drag and drop?), and a workflow that doesn't require me hunched over my Toaster multiple times a session.

    Hopefully this will be part of the new software. Toastme helped a little in this regard by locking everything except the cab and having cabs saved in a separate folder you double audition them quickly so it should be possible?

  • No, I would rather have something that crashes once in a while and get back to recording.

    I can't see that 1980 calculator screen. Amp sounds better than anything I have ever owned....

    Bought it at the beginning of summer under the impression I would have an editor.

    I had an awesome recording setup now I don't! Lucky for Kemper with a dedicated following and producing an awesome amp.

    Sorry but I don't tell my contractors "I see you're trying real hard, no hurry"

    I assume your contractors have scope of work and deliverables.
    Kemper fulfilled yours when you made your purchase, there was zero guarantees of an editor.

  • Kemper fulfilled yours when you made your purchase, there was zero guarantees of an editor.

    Not true since arthrog purchased at the beginning of summer, and Kemper had set the ETA for the editor shown at NAMM for summer, or before.

    For Stage users, it is especially important and I can understand the frustrations already with software and hardware issues, then still not having a desktop editor to set up patches by the ETA.

    I personally don't mind waiting a little longer, but after WNAMM, anybody who purchased a KPA did so under the guarantee that a software editor was on the horizon.

  • Quote

    Genuine question...what will the editor be able to do that we can't currently?

    Yes. You can save directly to a folder on your hard drive / computer for one. But Im wondering why the 3rd degree about this specific editor, when editors have been around for a long while now and you have most likely played with some of them, right? So you know what they do, right?

    Has any editor done things for you that you can't do? Hummmmmm...


    My studio time = money....and if it makes things easier and speeds up workflow, then lovely...but is that it?

    Pardon the bluntness and parody... So in your studio, if all you do in there is record noises then lovely, but thats it? ;)

    I really don't understand this line of questioning, so Id thought Id be silly too...

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

    Edited once, last by spikey (October 23, 2019 at 1:38 AM).

  • Not true since arthrog purchased at the beginning of summer, and Kemper had set the ETA for the editor shown at NAMM for summer, or before.

    For Stage users, it is especially important and I can understand the frustrations already with software and hardware issues, then still not having a desktop editor to set up patches by the ETA.

    I personally don't mind waiting a little longer, but after WNAMM, anybody who purchased a KPA did so under the guarantee that a software editor was on the horizon.

    they “guaranteed” exactly nothing. They made an estimate and we all know software gets pushed back or changed.

    What was guaranteed is the product description on the Kemper Website

    I’ve got stage myself and am looking forward to the editor but it didn’t affect my purchase decision at all.

  • round and round and round we go.

    it's amazing to me that people will make the same posts that 30 others have already made.

    What's probably ironic is that even this post has likely been made bef...

    oh. sorry.

    KPA Unpowered Rack, Kemper Remote, Headrush FRFR108s, BC Rich Mockingbird(s), and a nasty attitude.

  • they “guaranteed” exactly nothing.

    That's exactly not what showing products at NAMM conveys, at all. Yes, deadlines can change, but the editor was guaranteed per the show and consumer have every reason to expect it. I don't see how there's anything remotely controversial about saying so. Since then, people obviously invested in a KPA in part because of forthcoming developments promoted at the largest trade show in our industry, especially the editor.

    I’ve got stage myself and am looking forward to the editor but it didn’t affect my purchase decision at all.

    That's fine, but that's in your situation. The person you were replying to stated how they were influenced in their purchase by the announcement.

  • No, I would rather have something that crashes once in a while and get back to recording.

    Fair enough. I understand everyone has their own priorities.

    Obviously I can't speak for others, but I'm far more likely to rage quit a tech company over software that constantly crashes than I am having to wait longer than I'd like for the next feature release.

    Crappy, half assed, unstable software just makes me want to throw a computer through a window. And that's certainly not the vibe I want when I pick up my guitar. The Kemper guys are focusing on quality and reliability. Since that speaks to my personal needs, I naturally encourage that mindset.

    As you would say, I don't tell my contractors "You're making tons of mistakes and doing really crappy work, but I see you're trying to hurry, so no problem."

    But again, that's just my own priorities. I'm sure others feel differently.

    round and round and round we go.

    it’s amazing to me that people will make the same posts that 30 others have already made.

    What’s probably ironic is that even this post has likely been made before! :rolleyes:

    Hey, it's hard coming up with something original to say. Besides, merry go rounds are fun! :P

    Kemper remote -> Powered toaster -> Yamaha DXR-10

  • Just frustrated, I am sure Kemper will go from 0 to hero eventually

    I can understand the frustration. Pretty sure we all are in some form or another.

    I think G String's latest update adds credence to the theory that the Stage and it's issues took more resources than expected. No chance they expected the level of trouble customers saw. So like any project, you'll have setbacks. Sometimes you're ahead of schedule. Which usually means you missed something and it's waiting for you around the corner with a billy club and three friends.

  • Kemper needs to follow in the footsteps of fellow German company, Nonlinear Labs, based in Berlin.

    The way their editor works, is the hardware acts like an access point, so the user can then use anything (desktop, laptop, tablet, phone) to "log into" the editor and tweak their brains out. Granted, this is for a synth, so it's a little more complex than what an editor for the Kemper should amount to, but the fluidity of the interface and stability of the connection, sans any wires, is impressive. It will spoil you.

    As shown in the imagine below, there are Preset Banks to the left and all of the modules to the right are various aspects of the synth...Envelopes, Shapers, Filters, FX, Macro Controls, etc. All of this can be manipulated and re-arranged, zoomed in and out on, split across multiple screens and multiple devices, etc. No wires and 100% in realtime.

    It's pretty damn brilliant and is fluid/seamless. I wish every manufacturer would embrace this method.