Rig Manager 3.0 Editor

  • They may be waiting for Windows 7 support to end before releasing it so they don't have to hear complaints about the editor not supporting it

    Too late. Already complained (in vain). :)

    And I seriously doubt that 7's end of support timeline is a factor in their thinking one way or the other. They made the decision to require 10 and from that point on it's all about the coding. Well, I would imagine right about now it's more about testing and debugging, but that's a Good Thing.

    My studio and other critical boxes run 7 and I don't plan on upgrading to 10 until the day comes when I'm forced to do so (which has nothing to do with whether or not Microsoft is still "supporting" the OS). However, I have a couple of test boxes running 10, so what I plan on doing is cabling the Kemper to one of those and then using Remote Desktop into that box to run Rig Manager. That lets me use the new version sitting at the console in the control room without having to change my operating system and deal with all the adventures that always come with that.

    That said, in the early days of the release I'll cheer enthusiastically from the sidelines while the early adopters work through the glitches that are inevitable in a new major release (happy to share my popcorn with you). Once it's settled down, it'll be fun to play with and I'm looking forward to it.

    Kemper remote -> Powered toaster -> Yamaha DXR-10

  • Just to add my 2 cents after reading the other opinions, I would be saddened to find out that the 3.0 editor for all OS desktops were delayed in release while waiting for iOS and Android use to be completed 1st. Add them later sure, but the Desktop versions should be 1st in line... :)

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

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    Edited once, last by Serendipity (September 1, 2019 at 8:00 PM).

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  • Yeah...

    Still quite a bit of summer to go....

    If I'm being realistic (and a little pessimistic), my bet is late December at best...

    Don't forget they said they would get back on working on it after summer so... we have some way to go...

  • Q3 2019

    This was from G String last week when responding to release of RM 3.0 timing. They've never backed the date off.


    Still quite a bit of summer to go....

    If I'm being realistic (and a little pessimistic), my bet is late December at best...

    Don't forget they said they would get back on working on it after summer so... we have some way to go...

  • I remember reading that the editor is already working and the whole (OS7) thing being tested for release.

    The editor will be part of a very huge upgrade.

    It is only reasonable to do this release only after being tested intensively as such:As a big package which is OS7.I don't understand this hurry of some of you guys here.

    Let the Kemper Team iron out all possible issues before they release it.

    I rather have an upgrade-package which works as a whole (new reverbs,Kone,editor,AC-sim maybe new/better od/dist-pedals) as good as possible than to have a rushed release of a part of it(editor).

    I am in need for a great acoustic SIM much more than any of you of the editor..still I understand that it will be only part of the whole thing and this means a little bit more patience..;)

  • Yes. I guess they're working hard to iron out reported bugs on the Stage as well. We want a stable version for the hardware, before starting to edit on the computer. Editing rigs and performances with freezing hardware would just be a nightmare. But they have a lot of tempo worked up correcting bugs now so i'm sure it will all be available and working soon :)

    An acoustic sim will be awesome! Can't wait to destroy that sound with all the effects in the world :D
    I hope Kemper gives the software dudes a short second vacation after all this LOL!

  • I don't understand this hurry of some of you guys here.

    I think it's a byproduct of waiting 7 years.

    I am in need for a great acoustic SIM much more than any of you of the editor

    Not to discount your need of an acoustic sim, but much more than others for an editor? Let's be real. The editor is useful to every single user. An acoustic sim, while it would be a great addition, would be useful to a more limited number of people. Besides, there are some fairly decent acoustic sim profiles available already.

  • The editor is useful to every single user.

    I would debate this statement! I would live happily ever after without an editor. I love the user interface. It's easy and it's logical.

    There are many things I'd rather have than an editor. More OD stomps, a more characterful compressor, a Boss DC-3 fx and a synth block.

    But I do understand that there are many users who would want an editor should it present itself and according to Kemper it will. I've now been in fairly regular contact with the guys at Kemper for many years and I know that they are trying their very best to follow the priorities of their user base.

    Having said all this, I will not be surprised if I started using the editor once it arrives as Christoph Kemper has a way of surprising me with the way he and his merry band of wizards interpret and present things.


    Mats N

  • The editor is useful to every single user.

    No. It isn't. The Atomic Amplfire I had for several years had a pretty decent and robust editor.

    I disliked using it intensely and would only do so if there was no other way (rarely). I opted to menu dive on a small two-line LCD screen and was much happier and efficient with my time.