Rig Manager 3.0 Editor

  • Can we just move past the tired "shut up and play your guitar" refrain?

    If you're posting, and reading over 700 posts asking "where's my editor?" - then you're certainly not playing your, or anybody's, guitar. If you were referring to my paraphrase of Frank (and you may not have been), you'll notice I purposely toned down his original line so as not to offend. It was a friendly attempt to end this very tired and monotonous thread, which I only recently happened upon, but will stop following. Many of the posters in this thread are in a constant state of whining, thus the reference. Nothing personal, but nothing productive gets accomplished by whining. It'll be here when it's here. End of story. The company knows what it's doing, and how to do it right. Now go play - all of us! NOTICE (before I too depart from this thread) - this last comment was intended to be light-hearted, sorry it didn't come out plainly enough in that regard. No offense meant to anyone.

    See you in other threads.

    Gary ô¿ô

    Edited 2 times, last by prsgary (August 30, 2019 at 7:16 PM).

  • I just want to give a big shoutout to everyone not complaining or whining about complaining or whining before I go.

    Unsubscribing is a great idea. See you all in better threads. <3

    Get a sound,
    Feel the groove,
    Make something happen.

  • Any of you guys want me to take some pics of the editor in action when I go to NAMM in January?

    Even @G String said yesterday or today that “summer” meant Q3. As this ends in a months time I would take that as a pretty strong indication that Kemper are still confident they will achieve the original launch target; otherwise they wouldn’t have said that now.

  • It was a friendly attempt to end this very tired and monotonous thread, which I only recently happened upon, but will stop following.

    Long threads tend to run circles. If you find it monotonous and a waste of your time, no sense in posting in the first place. That's often what leads to people posting off-topic to begin with. Best policy if you don't like a thread is to ignore it.

    Now go play - all of us!

    People are going to do what contents them. Sometimes that's playing, sometimes that's discussing, sometimes that's learning, sometimes that's just filling the time with arbitrary entertainment. You're of course welcome to follow your own suggestion if you feel that's important, but I wouldn't bother projecting that on other people.

  • I've tried to make much of what I write in direct, almost placid, dispassionate language because there's no invective behind it. You added your thoughts, and I added mine in kind. You doubled down, as did I — politely.

    This is the official editor discussion thread. If you want to add to the discussion of the editor, please do. If you don't like what you read, better to just ignore it than make passive digs and divert the thread because it won't simply end because you think it should. Marathon threads also go through cycles inevitably, so stick around long enough and I'm sure the conversation will round into something more constructive.


  • I've tried to make much of what I write in direct, almost placid, dispassionate language because there's no invective behind it.

    This isn't meant to incite you or anyone else. I believe your writing's intent is at odds with what readers perceive.

    While a lack of invective may be your intent, that is not how much of what you write comes across. You are direct. But the terms placid and dispassionate aren't terms I'd ever use to describe your writing.

    Could that just be me? Possibly. But I don't believe I'm the first person to express this opinion.

  • While a lack of invective may be your intent, that is not how much of what you write comes across. You are direct. But the terms placid and dispassionate aren't terms I'd ever use to describe your writing.

    Could that just be me? Possibly. But I don't believe I'm the first person to express this opinion.

    I point out what I see and explain why, which can sometimes be confrontational. For instance, if I feel someone is being intellectually dishonest, I'm prone to point it out, understanding that it likely isn't going to make the person happy. But I'd rather be open and hope to improve dialogue moving forward than ignoring things that will only perpetuate unaddressed.

    In the case of the "just play guitar" comments, those come up consistently and always aimed at certain people/comments. Nobody tells people professing a love for their Kemper to stop talking about it and go back to playing guitar. It just happened to come up again and I've seen it enough times that I felt appropriate in offering a countering voice to what is an attempt at manipulating silence from comments people don't like.

    And I understand it continues in diverting the thread, but the hope is minimizing the number of times that appeal comes up in seemingly every instance of Kemper facing criticism. There are good ways to counter someone disproportionately complaining about something, I just don't think that happens to be one.

  • From my experience from the past , the KPA team must first fix errors and get stable version 7 as well as stable RM version (this will be the release version ) . I think that soon after they will move all patches to the new RM version you can expect an editor.

    So, until the bug reports are over, do not count on the new version of RM 3.0.

  • I point out what I see and explain why, which can sometimes be confrontational. For instance, if I feel someone is being intellectually dishonest, I'm prone to point it out, understanding that it likely isn't going to make the person happy. But I'd rather be open and hope to improve dialogue moving forward than ignoring things that will only perpetuate unaddressed.

    In the case of the "just play guitar" comments, those come up consistently and always aimed at certain people/comments. Nobody tells people professing a love for their Kemper to stop talking about it and go back to playing guitar. It just happened to come up again and I've seen it enough times that I felt appropriate in offering a countering voice to what is an attempt at manipulating silence from comments people don't like.

    And I understand it continues in diverting the thread, but the hope is minimizing the number of times that appeal comes up in seemingly every instance of Kemper facing criticism. There are good ways to counter someone disproportionately complaining about something, I just don't think that happens to be one.

    All I'm saying and all I'm going to say is this:

    What you write sometimes doesn't come across as well as you may think. Placid and and dispassionate (your words) are not ones I would use at times. As I've said before, I know I'm not the only one who's mentioned this to you. If you wish to blow these comments off, believing that I and others just don't understand? You are correct.

    That's the point.

  • That logic would apply to everyone, not just people asking where the editor is, though I honestly have no idea why you'd assume people can't post and play guitar, both.

    That might make sense if not for posts from the mods like G-String who plain as day said it'll be released in Q3 - that's September for those who don't know... "where the editor is" makes no sense in light of this disclosure and makes pages of posts totally irrelevant.

    Back to my tapping and typing... Stanley Jordan, here I come... editor or no :S

    Gary ô¿ô

  • I believe your writing's intent is at odds with what readers perceive.

    And as a reader I perceive your writing intent is oddly believable... ;)


    like G-String who plain as day said it'll be released in Q3 - that's September for those who don't know...


    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • That might make sense if not for posts from the mods like G-String who plain as day said it'll be released in Q3 - that's September for those who don't know... "where the editor is" makes no sense in light of this disclosure and makes pages of posts totally irrelevant.

    He might've stated it in other threads in addition to this one; however people don't always read every post, nor do they read every reply in a thread that's 19 pages long. This thread was created in late January and includes a little over 750 replies. The post from G String that refers to Q3 in this thread is #722, and that was posted yesterday.