Rig Manager 3.0 Editor

  • I REALLY REALLY REALLY want an editor. ^^ Mine is a kemper rack which is across the room, so I now have a bit of walking back & forth when I need to change kemper settings. One other note, kemper builds high quality stuff, so I'd rather wait a little longer for an editor than have one sooner that is buggy. I build software, so I can appreciate good software quality. :thumbup:

    Everyone wants - except those, who don't want and try persuade others, that editor is not needed ;)

    By the way, have you tried community editor by one of our members, DamianGreda ? Here is the thread about it - and here is direct download link

    Download, unzip, run it, select your midi device from MIDI option in menu and you're good to go!

  • skoczy, thanks so much! Yeah I have heard about that Toast ME, and was ready to pull the trigger & use it, but only a few days after I learned about Toast ME I learned that Kemper was planning to build an editor. As a result, I've been patiently waiting. :)

    It still may be few weeks until launch. Not sure what the initial functionality will be, but ToastME offers a lot and I hope Kemper's editor will offer the same. If not there will always be a basis for feature requests ;)

  • Everyone wants - except those, who don't want and try persuade others, that editor is not needed ;)

    By the way, have you tried community editor by one of our members, DamianGreda ? Here is the thread about it - and here is direct download link

    Download, unzip, run it, select your midi device from MIDI option in menu and you're good to go!


    thanks for turning me onto ToastMe. i wish i had noticed the that thread earlier.

    i got it now and it is working.


  • Can people please stop saying they’d be happy without an editor.... ;)

    I’ve just got the Stage and it’s very tedious creating Performances for 100 songs without one.

    I could easily say I would be happy without this or that feature, but I don't do it as I know people use the Kemper in different ways. I have to reamp all my guitar parts and make them fit into every song I do, so an editor would be incredibly useful for my workflow.

    Edited 5 times, last by Serendipity (August 3, 2019 at 11:02 PM).

  • I Use my kemper most of the time in studio.. I've 4 band to record this month
    I would really appreciate an editor before i become an hunchback to see what happen on that tiny display..

    I love my kemper.. but this is really a weakpoint.
    I think the team is working hard to release the editor as soon as possible, and i hope it will be in this days :)

  • I Use my kemper most of the time in studio.. I've 4 band to record this month
    I would really appreciate an editor before i become an hunchback to see what happen on that tiny display..

    I love my kemper.. but this is really a weakpoint.
    I think the team is working hard to release the editor as soon as possible, and i hope it will be in this days :)

    If you use it in the Studio you must have some kind of interface with MIDI on it. You only need 2 MIDI cables and install Toast Me editor and you stop bending forever.

  • ToastME has made my life using the Kemper an absolute breeze.

    Completely true. Still can't thank enough DamianGreda for his work. And I'm amazed that team Kemper didn't lean on his work while official edito was released. They did it with the Behringer pedalboard before the release of the Remote. And the would still, to this date, be gaining from a good association with Damian and ToastMe.

    And in addition to the confort of not bending, to have a visual of all the parameters at your disposal makes a better understanding of the KPA. I have learnt a lot just by moving knobs around because it is so easy and accesible.

  • If you use it in the Studio you must have some kind of interface with MIDI on it. You only need 2 MIDI cables and install Toast Me editor and you stop bending forever.

    Unfortunately I've tried ToasMe (great software btw), but my kemper randomly freezes everytime for some reason.
    So i decided to not use it and wait to avoid damage forcing it to shut down everytime.

    I've tried different midi devices, but no luck :(

    edit: I use Digigrid (ethernet) interfaces, with no Midi in/out. X/ for what I paid...

  • Unfortunately I've tried ToasMe (great software btw), but my kemper randomly freezes everytime for some reason.
    So i decided to not use it and wait to avoid damage forcing it to shut down everytime.

    I've tried different midi devices, but no luck :(

    edit: I use Digigrid (ethernet) interfaces, with no Midi in/out. X/ for what I paid...

    hi dmstudio was your "midi device" one of below (supported)?

    • M-Audio Uno

    • M-Audio Profire 2626


    • M-Audio MIDISport 2X2 USB Bundle

    • Yamaha UX 16 USB/MIDI interface

    • Roland Um-One

    • ESI Midimate EX

    • ESI Midimate II

    • AVID/M-Audio Fast Track Pro (latest drivers from AVID)

    • Motu 823 mk3

    • Miditech MIDIface 4x4

    • Focusrite Scarlett 6i6 1 gen

    • Focusrite Scarlett 6i6 2 gen

    • RME FireFace UC

  • Thank you skoczy, I already tried with a cheap midi converter and an M-Audio interface with no luck.
    I'll try with a friend's Focusrite Scarlett 6i6

  • skoczy  dmstudio  Atlantic TheSystem

    I don't want to spoil the discussion, but it's probably better if it takes place in the TME thread. I think conversation about RM 3.0 is expected here. I will add that I expect an official editor and I will gladly see similar functionality that I use every day. It is a pity that TME users were not respected in FW 7.0. But this seems like a promise for a better, uncompromising editor straight from Kemper Team :) Cheers!

  • There is not a single thing to prevent TME from running. The protocols for third parties did not change.

    I know , thank you for that . But

    Function Code

    $7E *reserved*

    is not working any more.

    I understand that these were unofficial and restricted functions, but presets (though only for uploading to modules) TME and small KPA DAW SAVER do not work with FW 7.0. These were supposed to be useful tools to facilitate work. It would be very good if the official $ 02 command worked correctly, but it turns out that loading the FX module parameters with it does not change the DSP parameters. The sound remains the same in some cases (I sent a ticket in this case - unfortunately no solution). That's why I used 7E to upload a preset. I don't blame you. Only it would be nice to leave at least a gate for uploading presets or rigs via MIDI but is up to you.

  • I know , thank you for that . But

    Function Code

    $7E *reserved*

    is not working any more.

    This function code is part of the old preset management and completely deactivated since the corresponding backend is gone. It was never intended to be used by third party and I had no idea that someone would. This is also the reason why it wasn't documented (and subject to be changed).