Rig Manager 3.0 Editor

  • I doubt it. GString said, "we sincerely believe that it's better to invest a couple of additional days"...if he knew it were a couple of Weeks or even the end of October, I don't think he would've used the word "days". Especially how eager everyone is to get it.. Just my thoughts.

    the simple truth of software development is, that things can change at any time. The underlying issue, in many cases, is, that the more an application comes to completion, the better you can test it. In this case, the current state is, that all features have been implemented and we keep running into little things we were not able to see before. From what I've experienced over the years, this is very normal in software development.

    I'm totally happy that my last post received such a positive response and I very much appreciate that. I'll try to keep you posted on the progress from this point onwards. I don't think that "a few days" will mean "a month" but when you take into account what I wrote above, you might understand that what I write right now is entirely based on what I know right now.

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • the simple truth of software development is, that things can change at any time. The underlying issue, in many cases, is, that the more an application comes to completion, the better you can test it. In this case, the current state is, that all features have been implemented and we keep running into little things we were not able to see before. From what I've experienced over the years, this is very normal in software development.

    I'm totally happy that my last post received such a positive response and I very much appreciate that. I'll try to keep you posted on the progress from this point onwards. I don't think that "a few days" will mean "a month" but when you take into account what I wrote above, you might understand that what I write right now is entirely based on what I know right now.

    In my day job we just completed a solid week\weekend of late night work finishing a firmware revision the engineers thought was done a month ago. We spent maybe 28 additional man days straightening out little issues that kept popping up in the "completed" firmware. Sometimes you simply have to get the firmware in a unit and beat the snot out of it to find unanticipated bugs. On top of that, it is amazing how fast bugs will pop up the second you put the software in the field; one of the wonders of the universe is how good customers are in finding bugs that totally hid from all the validation staff.

    G String, thanks so much for all you and your staff are doing. I wish all the naysayers had an idea how much effort goes into making firmware and software solid and trouble free.

  • I recall reading about a General Motors engineer who worked there in the late 50s. The question was something like "What's the most frustrating thing when developing for the auto industry?"

    His answer is still valid "We try to think of every possible scenario something can be exposed to. Let's say a transmission. We'll overbuild it and then relentlessly test it over a long time. We'll come up with what we think are laughable scenarios and make sure it survives. Once we're confident we've done all we can, we release it to production."

    "Then, some grandma backs out of her driveway, hits a garbage can and destroys the new, well-tested transmission in a way none of us ever even considered."

  • I started a career in technology as a documentation specialist and chief breaker of "finished" field ready software. Quickly became the most hated person in the division. If they could code it, I could break it. My talents eventually propelled me to the head of the division. The moral is that the software is never truly finished. The ultimate QA is the customer release. Customers will find the serious faults almost immediately. The majority of responses will fall into the "could of, should of, would of" which makes for lively discussions. I have found the Kemper development team to be a first class act. They resist the temptation to drop software that they've not been able to debug too the best of their ability on very knowledgeable enthusiasts. Given that, I want the damn editor yesterday! (lol)^^;(

  • the simple truth of software development is, that things can change at any time. The underlying issue, in many cases, is, that the more an application comes to completion, the better you can test it. In this case, the current state is, that all features have been implemented and we keep running into little things we were not able to see before. From what I've experienced over the years, this is very normal in software development.

    I'm totally happy that my last post received such a positive response and I very much appreciate that. I'll try to keep you posted on the progress from this point onwards. I don't think that "a few days" will mean "a month" but when you take into account what I wrote above, you might understand that what I write right now is entirely based on what I know right now.

    Thank you for taking the time!

    Kemper White

    Apogee Ensemble Thunderbolt

    MOTU Ultralite MK2

    ELAM 251 Handmade

  • the simple truth of software development is, that things can change at any time. The underlying issue, in many cases, is, that the more an application comes to completion, the better you can test it. In this case, the current state is, that all features have been implemented and we keep running into little things we were not able to see before. From what I've experienced over the years, this is very normal in software development.

    I'm totally happy that my last post received such a positive response and I very much appreciate that. I'll try to keep you posted on the progress from this point onwards. I don't think that "a few days" will mean "a month" but when you take into account what I wrote above, you might understand that what I write right now is entirely based on what I know right now.

    Iā€™m sure it will be good when itā€™s ready :)

    Is there anything you can tell us about the software? Will it edit just rigs, or performances also, with dragā€™nā€™drop of rigs and effectchains?

  • the simple truth of software development is, that things can change at any time. The underlying issue, in many cases, is, that the more an application comes to completion, the better you can test it. In this case, the current state is, that all features have been implemented and we keep running into little things we were not able to see before. From what I've experienced over the years, this is very normal in software development.

    Am a software eng. This 100% normal, 100% expected, 100% acceptable. 100% desired.

    Nothing scares me more than not finding any bugs. It means your testing is flawed.

    Thanks G. Keep up the good work team.

    KPA Unpowered Rack, Kemper Remote, Headrush FRFR108s, BC Rich Mockingbird(s), and a nasty attitude.

  • Whilst the Kemper team make the tweaks to the Editor, isn't the order of priority:

    1. Resolve issues that people appear to be still having with the latest OS and RM releases; then
    2. Release the Editor?

    Especially if the Editor is reliant on the KPA running on the latest OS.

    I bet they have two teams / guys (?) doing both in parallel.

  • I know this is a competitors editor but it does show how one can be extremely useful. Marco Fanton goes through some of his workflow etc. (great kemper profiles on his web site by the way. The T&B ones are particularly awesome).

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  • Quote

    "I'm totally happy that my last post received such a positive response and I very much appreciate that. I'll try to keep you posted on the progress from this point onwards."

    Just Awesome news and thanks so much!!!

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • the simple truth of software development is, that things can change at any time. The underlying issue, in many cases, is, that the more an application comes to completion, the better you can test it.

    I was once married to a senior level software QA person. She was on the Ventura Publisher 1.0 team if any of you remember that.

    When we got married I had just started my programming career, so I used to proudly show off the latest little thing I was working on at home. She was known to lean over and gleefully bang on the keyboard like a drunken chimpanzee (or, you know, the average drummer). Naturally, the screen would go up in flames, smoke would pour out the back of the box and a reboot was never far behind.

    The first time she pulled that stunt I asked, "What the hell did you do that for?"

    She just smiled and said, "A user might," and then merrily waltzed out the door mumbling something about better error handling.

    Testers. Sheesh. :P

    Kemper remote -> Powered toaster -> Yamaha DXR-10