Technique for balancing performance volumes

  • I know this is a common thing, so I did a search before posting and found related stuff but not what I'm looking for. I think that's because the solution is so stupidly obvious and I'm somehow overlooking it.

    I mostly use commercial profiles from one guy and overall they're pretty well balanced. I'm meeting up with some guys who play a little Tom Petty so I thought I'd give the legendary Morgan from RM a try (spoiler alert: I'm now a big fan as well, and see why people love it). I needed to bring the level up a bit relative to the other profiles. In browse mode this is all pretty straightforward. Change rig volume, press save, play guitar. However, I was setting up and working in performances, and this is where my brain apparently disconnected from my fingers.

    I know that the performance maintains a copy of the profile. My expectation was to go into the performance, press the Rig button, adjust the volume, press store. The result was a prompt saying that it saved a copy of the profile (I drag and drop profiles into performances in RM from my local library). I fooled around a little more, did the RTFM thing, and I'm just not getting it. Ultimately I ended up going into browse mode, adjusting the volume of the profile there, then dragging it back into the performance. I know I'm doing this wrong.

    Would someone mind showing me the workflow you guys use to take a handful of performances and balance the rig volumes with each other? Apologies for being so dense. Everything else on the Kemper is so easy to use, I'm not sure why I'm struggling with this.

    Kemper remote -> Powered toaster -> Yamaha DXR-10

    Edited 2 times, last by Chris Duncan (January 22, 2019 at 2:12 PM).

  • Love to help Chris but I gave up trying to use Rig Manager for Performances ages ago. I don't think you are being dense (either that or I'm equally dense) but rather that RM is the only real weak link in the Kemper workflow. Fortunately, the KPA itself is so intuitive and well laid out that it is relatively easy to build performances in the KPA itself but I am holding high hopes that the new Preset Management system that CK mentioned a while back will be with us soon and will include a massive overhaul of RM.

    Long winded way of saying "following" :D

  • RM works very well for me for building Performances.

    1) “open in new window” the Performances/My Profiler window.

    2) Drag and Drop Rigs into the five slots

    3) Store the Performance on the KPA.


    You can rename the Performance and/or Performance Slots in RM or on the KPA. Whichever way you do it, Store the Performance on the KPA to save the changes.

    To edit a Performance Slot Volume:

    1) Select the Performance Slot

    2) adjust the Rig Volume

    3) Store the Performance

    Most Performance Slot edits can be done without entering the Rig Menu. If you enter the Rig Menu to make a change, exit the Rig Menu before Storing the Performance.

  • Thanks Paul. Is there no end to your knowledge of this great beast ;)

    That might just be the "blindingly obvious" answer I needed. :S

    I think I may have been creating the performances in RM, syncing them to my KPA and assuming that this automatically saved/stored them in the KPA too.

    Given that the RM performance is automatically saved in RM I think I presumed that simply copying it to the My Profiler folder in RM also saved it in the KPA.

    I'll give that a try tonight. Thanks again.

  • RM works very well for me for building Performances.

    1) “open in new window” the Performances/My Profiler window.

    2) Drag and Drop Rigs into the five slots

    3) Store the Performance on the KPA.


    This works well for me also.

    Most Performance Slot edits can be done without entering the Rig Menu. If you enter the Rig Menu to make a change, exit the Rig Menu before Storing the Performance.

    I think this is where I'm screwing up. While in a performance, to edit the rig volume I've been pressing the Rig button and doing it there. I'll try just turning the volume knob and hitting store.

    Thanks, man!

    (Are you actually Paul, or is your handle just a reference to an excessively heavy chunk of Gibson wood?)

    Love to help Chris but I gave up trying to use Rig Manager for Performances ages ago.

    I find it works okay for the scope of what it appears to be - dragging and dropping profiles into a performance, reordering performances and probably most importantly, the ability to use the computer keyboard to type in names and such, which is always clumsy on a hardware interface no matter who makes the gear.

    Once I realized that RM is mostly for moving stuff around rather than editing (beyond the benefit of the computer keyboard) I adjusted my expectations of the tool and find it pretty easy to work with. Do I have an enhancement list I'd like to see? I've never met a piece of software that I didn't want to tweak. Maybe that's why I code for a living, because I'm a control freak. :)

    Kemper remote -> Powered toaster -> Yamaha DXR-10

  • If you create a new Performance in “My Performances/Local Library”, you can Drag and Drop it into a Performance location in the KPA, and it will be automatically saved in that location.

    But, if you make any edits after doing that, Store the Performance in the KPA.

    Chris Duncan - Yes, I am Paul. But, one my guitars happens to be a thirteen pound 1973 LP Custom.

  • I never use browse mode anymore and ignore the rigs on my profiler...I use the same technique as Paults, find the rigs through autioning via rig manager, create the performance, drag and drop into the slots I want, rename, then balance volumes within the performance across the slots on the KPA....and save at each stage. So easy TBH.

    I agree Rm is limited and this is its best aspect, hence why and editor is often requested. For me its being able to set up effects and an overview of parameters ( e.g. Morph) . I would still always finalise via the KPA as you can;t tell if 15% mix of chorus is right until you hear it, often in rehearsal rather than at home...

  • But, one my guitars happens to be a thirteen pound 1973 LP Custom.

    Ah, back in the days before weight relief, when men were real men, women were real women and small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri were real small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri.

    My clearly inferior collar bones salute you. ^^

    Kemper remote -> Powered toaster -> Yamaha DXR-10

  • I would still always finalise via the KPA as you can;t tell if 15% mix of chorus is right until you hear it, often in rehearsal rather than at home...

    Yeah, even if you could edit it in RM I need to know how to do things on the KPA because I don't take a laptop with me when I play. And apparently tweaking the performance volume is much easier than I was trying to make it. Not that I'd ever try to over complicate things, of course.

    Kemper remote -> Powered toaster -> Yamaha DXR-10

  • Would someone mind showing me the workflow you guys use to take a handful of performances and balance the rig volumes with each other? Apologies for being so dense. Everything else on the Kemper is so easy to use, I'm not sure why I'm struggling with this.

    There is no simple way . What I do to balance my sounds is fast though. I just do a run through all the CLEAN rigs one by one and I play one chord... And I adjust the volume to make it about the same on each rig.... Then I do the same for CRUNCH and finally for solo. It works for me . But if you are looking to fix that like that SNAP !!! It's impossible, it's not Harry Potter down here it's reality

  • But if you are looking to fix that like that SNAP !!! It's impossible, it's not Harry Potter down here it's reality

    Thanks, man. Yeah, I know that there's no magic leveling button so you have to step through the performances one by one. But I was going about that the wrong way, which made it more difficult than it needed to be.

    Kemper remote -> Powered toaster -> Yamaha DXR-10