Public Beta

  • I am having trouble importing the presets after updating RM and the OS to the new 5.7x beta. I am using a USB stick that has worked previously for OS updates and preset imports. I don't have an empty unused one on hand but that has not been an issue in the past.

    I took everything out of the "Shared" folder except the new presets for the verbs (29 of them) and they are not inside the folder - just directly in the "shared" folder.

    After selecting "external storage" and then "Import" from the three flashing white switches everything goes quiet for a long time. If I remove the stick I sometimes get a message that no imports were made - everything was already in the browse pool, other times I get nothing by way of a message.

    Just thinking of what could possibly be screwing this up -

    There is room for more rigs and performances on the profiler but I have plenty of Cab presets on it. The USB stick is a Sandisk 32 GB and is fairly full of other stuff - backups etc.

    Edit: - Presets were successfully imported after leaving USB stick for 30 + minutes. Not sure what the holdup is - other than scanning a large amount of data to find the Shared folder. Will leave this up as others may find the same slow response.

    Edited 3 times, last by Antipodes (January 18, 2019 at 6:20 PM).

  • Early reaction is this will let me sell my Ventris dual reverb. The new reverbs are nailing 95% of what I use the Ventris for, and I can even stack 4 stereo verbs on top of 4 mono verbs. Absolutely bonkers. They sound great!

    One thing the Ventris lets me do is plug an expression pedal and map it to Reverb Mix so I can blend the Reverb on the fly. Is that still only accessible via MIDI on the Kemper? If it's available I would also like to do the same thing for Delay mix. The more killer delays and reverbs that get released, the more this is requested :)

  • Early reaction is this will let me sell my Ventris dual reverb. The new reverbs are nailing 95% of what I use the Ventris for, and I can even stack 4 stereo verbs on top of 4 mono verbs. Absolutely bonkers. They sound great!

    One thing the Ventris lets me do is plug an expression pedal and map it to Reverb Mix so I can blend the Reverb on the fly. Is that still only accessible via MIDI on the Kemper? If it's available I would also like to do the same thing for Delay mix. The more killer delays and reverbs that get released, the more this is requested :)

    The answer = morphing :)

  • In RM, go to File/Preferences, check the "Include Beta test Release" box

    How does one go about that if Rig Manager won't open because your Kemper is already updated to the beta OS?

    I updated Rig Manager before updating the Kemper thinking that would take me to the most current. Didn't realize the Rig Manager was a beta too.

  • Thanks Kemper! the reverbs sound great :) I'm a big fan of spring reverbs and this one is amazing (better than my Big Sky!).

    I can't turn reverbs (or other FX) off anymore on the KPA if they are loaded in the reverb slot. Switching on/off from the remote works fine. It's not that I WANT to turn the reverbs off! But I thought it's good to mention this.

    As others have mentioned it seems that the knobs are not working:

    Reverb Slot: not working on any FX type

    Mod slot: not working on reverbs (mix&time), working on other FX typs

  • Thanks Kemper! the reverbs sound great :) I'm a big fan of spring reverbs and this one is amazing (better than my Big Sky!).

    I can't turn reverbs (or other FX) off anymore on the KPA if they are loaded in the reverb slot. Switching on/off from the remote works fine. It's not that I WANT to turn the reverbs off! But I thought it's good to mention this.

    As others have mentioned it seems that the knobs are not working:

    Reverb Slot: not working on any FX type

    Mod slot: not working on reverbs (mix&time), working on other FX typs

    Same bug here. Oddly enough loading the same reverbs into other Effects and Stomp slots lets them turn on and off with no issue. It's just the Rev module for me.

    Also same issue with the time and mix knobs not working.

  • Reverbs sounds great!

    I'm getting all the bugs that are reported though.

    Can't control time and mix from the dedicated reverb knobs, and I can't turn off the reverb effect off.

    And since I can't control the mix knob on the fly.... It's a bit of a nightmare now...

    Please fix :)

  • Select the reverb module and try ON/OFF button + EXIT

    Doesnt work here? any advice?

  • How does one go about that if Rig Manager won't open because your Kemper is already updated to the beta OS?

    I updated Rig Manager before updating the Kemper thinking that would take me to the most current. Didn't realize the Rig Manager was a beta too.

    Unplug the Kemper from your computer so that RM doesn't see it.

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer