all profiles sounds the same?

  • Hey guys, so I was wondering if there was a way to get one preset from my DigiTech Rp500 onto the Kemper. It was a custom preset that I made, I tried plugging my DigiTech into my computer and getting the preset on there but no presets show up, I also tried plugging the DigiTech into my camper and the Kemper froze so I unplugged it quickly. Is it possible? also, I have been downloading different apps from the rig manager and trying them out, don't know if I'm crazy but all of the amps seems to sound oddly similar. Even with EQ differences. I have tried different mesas, bogners, diezel. Ect. They just all sound extremely similar. Am I going crazy or is there something I'm not doing correct. Maybe they're just bad profiles ? Again, sorry. I'm new ?(

  • Digitech preset into the Kemper - The only way is to profile it which requires running it through and amp and cab or DI box. As files they are totally incompatible.

    Similar sounds? Likely to be how you are monitoring them. Please explain your signal chain so we can comment further.

  • Hi Sheepfan,

    If you're using the same regular guitar cabinet your profiles may have a similar sound. The effect that a cabinet has on guitar tone is huge and often underestimated. If you haven't tried it yet, you may want to go FRFR. But, before you do that i'd try auditioning your profiles with a decent set of headphones. Hope this was helpful and I'd love to hear how things go. Also, if you're new to the KPA i'd check out the Tone Junkie Kemper Tips and Tricks Videos (especially the "Thoughts on Kemper EQ" and "Definition Control" videos. Here is a link:


  • I I have a suspicion it has to do with my output, main output is set at Master stereo, monitor output is set at Master mono, direct output is at mod mono, spdif output is on stack. I'm using headphones. I have tried different cabinets as well. But it only changes the brightness a tad it seems

  • Digitech preset into the Kemper - The only way is to profile it which requires running it through and amp and cab or DI box. As files they are totally incompatible.

    No need to run it through any of them, V8; it's a line-level modeller.

    Sheepfan, consult the Kemper Profiling Guide and just hook the Digitech up with 1/4" jack cables. No need for a mic, preamp, amp, cabinet or anything like that.

  • Nope, other than playing them all through the same cab, but that's already been mentioned and you're using 'phones.

    If Pure Cab™ is cranked all the way up I s'pose it would homogenise enclosures a bit, so maybe turn it off completely, both at the Global and Rig levels (just to "be safe"), and see if that helps.

  • Funny thing about the pure can setting, because everything sounds the same I have been using different amps and cabs and messing with the pure cab and the EQ on them, with pure cab turning it all the way up and turning it all the way down sounds no different at all. Same thing with my EQ. If I have the mids past 9 o'clock it just sounds screeching, but other than that, the EQ doesn't seem to do much besides make things a little less muddy. There's no definition to the sound it seems like. And this is also only seeming to Happen with distorted tones

  • This may be obvious, but make sure you're double-clicking the rigs in Rig Manager. A headphone icon should appear next to the rig title to show that it's loaded in preview mode on the KPA. From there you can use the arrow keys to move up and down a rig list, and the headphone icon will follow. More than once I've thought I was in preview mode when I wasn't!

  • None of them are locked. And ok I will definitely preview them. I guess it just seems odd that everything sounds so fizzy, idk if it's just a headphone thing because I have not used it directly to the cab yet (I have the 600w power head version) so maybe it will be different without headphones, but with the headphones I just can't seem to get that tube sound (I realize this is not a tube amp) and I've been watching a lot of videos and reading online of people talking about how it sounds exactly like a tube amp with headphones

  • ... with the headphones I just can't seem to get that tube sound (I realize this is not a tube amp)...

    Oh, but you will once this is sorted out, mate, believe me, you will.

    Have you tried different 'phones just for beer and skittles? It's possible ('though unlikely) that this pair has developed an issue whereby it's colouring everything passing through it more than it was designed to.

    Also, the amp Profiles you mentioned all fall into roughly the same category; they're known for their thick, heavy sounds. What happens if you choose a Vox, Matchless or Fender combo or some other drastically-different-sounding amp?

  • Ive tried 3 pairs of headphones total. The senheisers being the best by a good margin. When I try other profiles such as twin reverbs or vox amps, they sound more clear of course, but they still have this little fuzzy quality that I can't seem to get away from. Almost like there is extra gain on everything (no dist pedals are on) could it possibly be the output settings that I have?

    main output is set at Master stereo, monitor output is set at Master mono, direct output is at mod mono, spdif output is on stack

  • well there is something like the Kempertone or the Kemperflavour... the amps sound ultra close to the original + the distinctive Kemper sound, stiffer sound less cream, compression and sag and not so dense mids. Let's say the kemper is 95% the original sound and 5% other stuff. Once you hear it is hard to unhear it but still for me there is enough left of the original sound that i like the kemper versions overall.

    But don't hate on the kemper all digital devices have this. Helix has the Low end problem, Axe fx highs, Bias has the gainstructure problem, elevenrack has the dynamics problem ... only because they mimic other tones doesn't mean they have a sound on their own, so yeah. Don't Worry! :)