low ticking noise from speaker cabinet

  • So was at practice and about an hour into playing i started to hear a very low "ticking" noise coming from my cabinet, which is hooked up to my kpa rack - very low and about 470bpm (yes, i metronomed the beat)

    swapped out cabs and cables - was still there. upon shutting down and turning back on it came back -

    suggestions? ideas?

  • 470bpm = 7.8Hz.

    Doesn't ring any bells for me other than the unmentionable anxiety-causing / earthquake / bowel-movement-inducing 7Hz. Perhaps someone will recognise the frequency at any rate(!)...

    A recording would obviously help 'cause the tonal quality of the clicks is as important as the rate in identifying a possible cause.


    Thinking about it some more, I wonder if it could be caused by a nearby electromagnetic motor. The frequency is pretty-low for typical computer-based communication, but not for a fridge's compressor or some other mechanical motor IMHO...

  • It’s a powered.

    Looking more into the events - this seemed to happen only after I laid down ideas into my audio interface. If I unplugged the cab, obviously it stopped and did not have any effect on the recording whether it was plugged in or not to the cabinet.

    Could recording have triggered this in some way shape or form?

    470bpm! Haha

  • Yeah, clicks caused by clocking issues are typically haphazard / sporadic in nature. The consistent timing of your clicks suggests digital communication (too-low a rate for this IMHO) or EM interference or line pollution from or by a motor somewhere, IMHO.

  • I would also have gone the EMI route - everything from motors, fluorescent lighting, other musical gear in the room (or adjacent practice rooms etc) can introduce pops, clicks, whooshes, static, splasplunks and all kinds of exciting and very annoying noises.

    Did any of the ground lift buttons have any effect?

    PRS Custom 22's - Fender Strats - Diezel VH4 - Carol Ann OD2 - Toneking Imperial MK2 - Colin the Kemper - CLR Neo ii.

  • Hi AntLefty,

    I experience an audible click when connected to our band’s PA. It happens in different locations, always sounds the same and has the same tempo. It is very quiet, so, it doesn’t boom out of the speakers. It just gently clicks in the distance. As we use IEMs (hard wired via a P-16M) we can all hear it! That and the bass player’s noisy pickups are the only interference we get. His pickups are definitely affected by the dimmer switches in the rehearsal space so it’s easy to take care of that, we just play in the dark! ?

    I have tried ground switching to no avail.

    I don’t hear it at home when listening through headphones. Just at rehearsals and gigs.

    I have a theory that it has something to do with my JTV59 when I play the different guitar models. Maybe the Kemper picks up on the processor in the JTV somehow creating/amplifying this click. I can’t remember if I tested this out though.

    I’ve often wondered if I am the only one who gets this little glitch going on.



  • I got ticking also lately. Connect analog through main outs to my Apollo soundcard. The ticking does not coincide with the tempo of the Kemper's BPM. I had no cell phones, watches, or dimmers in the room. Has anyone found a solution or trraced what causes it?

  • I’m getting this ticking through my Stage. I’ve changed from a guitar cabinet to an Alto TS310 to the send/return of an amp to the input of a solid state amp.

    It’s kind of always the same volume, and it’s fairly low. Does this sound what you guys are getting? This is the second stage I've had as it was doing it on the last one and I got it replaced.

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    Edited once, last by PhilUK84 (August 11, 2019 at 2:42 PM).

  • I’m getting this ticking through my Stage. I’ve changed from a guitar cabinet to an Alto TS310 to the send/return of an amp to the input of a solid state amp.

    It’s kind of always the same volume, and it’s fairly low. Does this sound what you guys are getting? This is the second stage I've had as it was doing it on the last one and I got it replaced.

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    I had an issue with a different piece of equipment that sounded almost exactly like this, it turned out that it was interference from the Wi-Fi router in the room, when I powered the Wi-Fi off the noise stopped. I sent the device to the manufacturer and whatever they did reduced the noise a lot but it was still there. Just FYI...

  • I had an issue with a different piece of equipment that sounded almost exactly like this, it turned out that it was interference from the Wi-Fi router in the room, when I powered the Wi-Fi off the noise stopped. I sent the device to the manufacturer and whatever they did reduced the noise a lot but it was still there. Just FYI...

    Thanks. It’s not that though. It happens everywhere and I’ve come across quite a few instances of it with different people.