New Kemper - looking for advice on profiles!

  • Hey guys!

    Got a Kemper last week, and loving it! I've just got free stuff on it so far. There's some great stuff on the rig exchange.

    However I want to check out some commercial stuff. There so many though! What's your favourite profile 'manufacturer' that would be your ultimate goto? I've heard MBritt is good - but not always the best for studio use!

    I'm sure this question gets asked, but there's just so much choice and would love some direction.

    Thanks! ^^

  • Welcome, David, and may I say "well done" for choosing the correct subforum when almost all noobs get it wrong by asking for Profile suggestions in the "Introduce Yourself" one.

    You didn't mention any preferences, but here're my current faves. Sorry if this is redundant for those who've seen me say this before:

    Bert Meulendijk:

    I've bought all his stuff. His "big" packs are smorgasbords of mix-ready, vibey, characterful, mucho-mojo Profiles. Can't go wrong with him. Huge proportion of "keepers"; if his Profiles were women, you'd marry most of 'em ("keepers" - get it?).

    Guido Bungenstock:

    I've bought all of Guido's stuff too. Perfect compliment to Bert's offerings in that they tend to cover the heavier end of things with more gain. Each pack's small, cheap and contains cleans through to heavy. Fuller sound than Bert's stuff, but that's 'cause Bert carves out the frequencies that you'd end up losing whilst mixing anyway.


    I love Ivan's choice of mic's and preamps, and the "authentic vibes" he captures when Profiling. His JVM pack, for instance, is still IMHO the definitive JVM capture to my ears. If you're into authentic, "phase-issue-free" heavy vibes, Ivan's your man. Definitely recommended if you're into heavy stuff.

    Michael Britt:

    Although he's a country-pop guy, he's ventured into heavy territory recently, at least more-seriously than previously. His Crunch 'n Go Pack, the most-recent, is a nice little collection of ballsy tones. His older stuff covers clean through to crunch admirably and exhibits his shared (with me) aversion to phase-anomalous offerings.


    If you're into super-heavy stuff and don't mind having an ice pick chiselling its way through your eardrums, check him out. The ice-pick reference is because he employs the angled-mic, high-end-emphasis techniques that induce and exploit phase cancellation, something my hears don't like, but it has its place especially for cutting through dense metal mixes, and many swear by him. There's a huge free pack floating around so you don't have to pay to audition.

    The Amp Factory, ChopTones, Top Jimi and others that have been around for a long time all have their fans; I'm not in a position to recommend them 'though as I don't own any of their stuff.

    Lastly, if you haven't already, check out the free Rig Packs in Rig Manager (also downloadable from the Kemper site), where you'll find Kemper-selected morsels from Guido Bungenstock, Bert Meulendijk, Michael Britt and a bunch of others. Free auditioning, so highly-recommended.

    HTH, mate.


    To save your having to find it, here's SinMix's free heavy pack that I spoke of:

    Metal Recording Pack v06

  • For context, I'm a classic rock guy. Van Halen / Bon Jovi and that era of stuff is about as heavy as I get. Since it's very popular I should also mention that I don't enjoy the drop tuned metal vibe, so I can't speak intelligently on what would be good for that sort of stuff.

    From clean to crunch to the kind of classic rock high gain stuff I employ, the Micheal Britt profiles have been great for me. Because of Black Friday and being cash flush from selling all my amps post-Kemper, I bought all of his (manually, as he doesn't have an "everything" pack). Consistently high quality. He's a single coil kinda guy at heart but on the gain stuff I typically use a PRS McCarty, sometimes a Les Paul with the new 57 pickups, and have been very happy. As Nicky mentioned, the new Crank n Go is great and gets lots of use so far.

    I initially bought one of the dual amp packs from Tone Junkie because I used to run Vox / Fender and other such combinations for clean stuff. I also bought their Friedman pack after being so happy with the MB stuff. I find Tone Junkie's Friedman a bit thinner and haven't quite warmed up to it yet, but it's still good. The dual amps are very nice indeed, and I think where these guys shine is in the cleanish / Fender-y stuff.

    I also bought Top Jimi's high gain pack. I like a lot of these as well, but be advised that his stuff is absolutely drowning in reverb, so for my taste I'm going to have to brew a pot of coffee and step through each one to dial it back about 75%. Nonetheless, that's just my personal preference. The sounds are all high quality and will get a lot of use.

    With what I bought and what ships with the unit, I now have over 2000 profiles, which is just stupidly indulgent on my part. It's going to take me quite some time to get familiar with all of those. And there's some really great stuff in the factory rig packs, including the Morgan from Rig Exchange that everyone talks about. There are currently over 13,000 profiles in the Rig Exchange, so there's bound to be a ton of really good stuff there as well. Honestly, I'm doing my best to just avert my eyes until I get comfortable with my initial packs. As a guitarist I'm a pretty simple creature anyway, so I doubt that there are any significant holes in my current collection. You can easily get lost in the never ending quest for more profiles. Me, I just want to play guitar.

    Of course, everything in art is subjective. The only definitive thing I can say is that I've sold all of my Marshalls, Fenders, Voxes, yada, yada and now use the Kemper exclusively. And my guitar has never sounded this good. You're gonna love it. :)

    Kemper remote -> Powered toaster -> Yamaha DXR-10

  • Wow, what an awesome post. Thank you so much! Exactly what I needed :)

    This is the single best investment i've made for guitar. I say investment because it makes me want to practice just to use it!


    What kind of sounds are you looking for?

    Cheers :)

    One sound I am after at the moment is a great Gilmour tone, but obviously that isn't really going to be covered by these profiles unless they have a Hi Watt profile!

    The primary tones I'm after :
    - 'Sparkley' clean tones - which I can also add a stompbox for some extra drive

    - Soaring Marshall leads for Gary Moore style bluesy shred fun

    - Everything in between!

    I don't really dable with ultra high gain, heaviest I really go is Metallica but a 'nicer' tone. Not as scooped!

    Thank you so much dude!

    I was researching for about 2 months on what to get and I'm so happy! I'm moving out of my parents house soon into an apartment, so unfortunately a 'real' amp wasn't feasible. Although I have a THR10 for noodling which is great.

    Naturally I looked at the Helix, AX8 etc - but they all seemed to require too much tweaking! I wanted to just load up an awesome profile and jam away!

    When I first got it, I won't lie I felt a little bit underwhelmed. It was pretty confusing also! First thing I did was wipe everything off the Kemper - and do some searching on the rig exchange. Found that Morgan AC20 and jammed on one track for about 30 minutes non stop! Now I'm incredibly happy with my choice. It's pretty much the answer to all my guitar questions of what to get. I just love how, while it's plenty deep if I want it to be, I can just load up a great profile and jam away

  • LOL This is exactly what I've been doing for him, Paul:


    Marco Fanton

    David Gilmour "Alternative" sound

    Top Jimi

    HighWatt Pack from Top Jimi

    Reamp Zone

    Hiwatt Hi-Gain 100 Kemper Profiles - ReampZone

    The Amp Factory - You’ll se DG’s amp halfway down this list, and it’s 5 pounds:

    Download Categories Pack 4 : The Amp Factory


    Pink Lovers Bundle |


    The Pink Lovers bundle contains 4 incredible full packs:

    The Pink Wall pack Vol 1

    The HWT C100 Pedals pack (seeking to re-create the sound of the Hiwatt DR103 Gilomur Mod – Made in 1974)

    Cornish SS3 pack

    Pro Co Rat pack (LM308 chip)

    It’s a must-have for all the Pink Floyd and Gilmour lovers.


    Search “Gilmour” in RM. There are a couple in the factory content and on the Exchange.

    Gundy Keller's free Kemper Rig Pack (in RM and downloadable from the Kemper site)


    Pink Floyd Sounds with the Kemper Amp

    Random Attempts & Discussion

    New tune with me aiming for a Gilmour sound

    Nailing the Gilmour tones?

    David Gilmore profile comfortably numb lead Needed

  • You're an absolute legend, thank you so so much! I might splash out on that Rigbusters pack :)