Volume while solos

  • Hello!

    I'm a bit of a beginner with kemper and finally have a solo which is a bit at the limit of my ability.

    It's a fast pull off technique...during the solo the sound decrease...

    is this a lack of ability or is there a way to keep the volume even?

    I hope you get what i mean and sorry for my english - greetings from switzerland

  • My best advice would be to look at this in a "back to basics" approach. For your situation, the signal chain to consider is:


    it could be technique (hands)

    it could be the guitar (neck/string setup, string gauge/ pickups, etc.)

    or the rig (gain stage/ amp selection, compression settings, efx chain)

    If it is your hands, practice is the solution

    if its the guitar, try a different setup, string gauge, etc

    if its the rig, try to solve with compression or gain stage

    quite often its a combination of all three IMHO.

    I've found that a modulation setting (chorus/flange) that is too intense can be a problem also. If you have the ability to post a video of what you are having problems with, I am sure there are many experienced players here that would offer advice on how to solve your problem. happy shredding.

  • Its unlikely to be the amplifier/KPA...it will amplify the differences in volume so acoustically you might not notice. If you still doubt it, try someone elses amp and see if that's the same..

    as paults said, ensure you have a slight angle on you pull offs to keep the volume consistent..

    ...and hello in switzerland!!