So, I am looking for a profile that is actually like a bass cut.

  • But here’s the thing: that effect has been made in the studio, doing exactly as Bryan Daste says. The normal guitar sound has been recorded, then a high pass filter EQ has been added to the guitar intro track, cutting the lows. I’m assuming you mean you want a Rig you can switch to and from, when you say you want a “proper profile” exhibiting that character. In this case, just find a profile that sounds close enough to the main guitar sound when it kicks in, then add a Studio EQ in one of the slots AFTER the Stack, adjust the high pass filter to taste, then save the Rig as a new profile with a name that’s appropriate so you can easily find it again.

  • I've tried to do a profile with and EQ pedal in the loop of my DualRec, because my preamp that supports a high-pass up to that frequency of about 400Hz will not be here until early/mid December.

    Actually , I had more luck with using the Studio EQ as the others suggested.

    Here's a quick demo of a similar riff with the Studio EQ (low-cut 400Hz, high cut 6000Hz) engaged and then it switches (like in the YT video ) to a double-track riff without the EQ to make it biiiig.

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    The profile (without the Studio EQ settings) can be found on the Rig Exchange: "RiF-DR CH3 Mod 2".