New Progressive Metal Instrumental

  • Hello fellow Kempermen (and women ;) ) Just wanted to share this proggy instrumental I wrote.
    If anyone cares, profiles used for rhythm are ChopTones Framus Cobra(the free ones) and for leads: Mars SL 100 and Guido Bugenstock's Friedman PT 808 - god I love that profile :)

    So, here it is:

    Thanks for listening and all the best,


  • We do care :) - love Guidos free profile pack as well. Great composition. Love it! What guitar/pups and is it Superior Drummer 3?

    Kemper PowerRack |Kemper Stage| Rivera 4x12 V30 cab | Yamaha DXR10 pair | UA Apollo Twin Duo | Adam A7X | Cubase DAW
    Fender Telecaster 62 re-issue chambered mahogany | Kramer! (1988 or so...) | Gibson Les Paul R7 | Fender Stratocaster HBS-1 Classic Relic Custom Shop | LTD EC-1000 Evertune | 1988 Desert Yellow JEM

  • We do care :) - love Guidos free profile pack as well. Great composition. Love it! What guitar/pups and is it Superior Drummer 3?

    Thank you musicmad! :) The guitars are Ibanez Iron Label RGAIX7U with Bare Knuckle Aftermaths for rhythm and EBMM JP6 for leads.
    It is NOT Superior Drummer, but Steven Slate Drums 3.5 which is waaaay behind the newer stuff out there but I still use it for everything.

    Thanks for checking it out, I appreciate it.

  • Love it, Mladen!

    Then again, I've loved everything I've heard of yours. :love:

    It is NOT Superior Drummer, but Steven Slate Drums 3.5 which is waaaay behind the newer stuff out there but I still use it for everything.

    SSD5 is "imminent". They've been working on the Mac installers for a week now. My guess is they're also finalising press releases and manuals right now. The upgrade price for you will be low too.

    Follow this hilarious thread if you like. You'll see I've been a sucker for years in the thread, waiting all this time for the software to drop and managing to resist buying anything else (especially SD3 'cause of the price, installation size (even the cut-down version without the surround samples) and lack of "vibe" that the Slate stuff tends to have plenty of, plus I've got the 4 expansion packs for SSD4, which apparently, along with the legacy library, will all sound even-better in SSD5 according to Steven).…-drums-5-a.html

  • WTF was that! GREAT!!..for me it has MORE GROOVE THAN DJENT..
    Dont feel bad about dancing to this 8o:D

    The blend of electronic blew my mind man


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

  • Thank you musicmad! :) The guitars are Ibanez Iron Label RGAIX7U with Bare Knuckle Aftermaths for rhythm and EBMM JP6 for leads.It is NOT Superior Drummer, but Steven Slate Drums 3.5 which is waaaay behind the newer stuff out there but I still use it for everything.

    Thanks for checking it out, I appreciate it.

    Thanks. Using SSD 3.5 as well actually. Saving up (mentally) for SD3.

    Kemper PowerRack |Kemper Stage| Rivera 4x12 V30 cab | Yamaha DXR10 pair | UA Apollo Twin Duo | Adam A7X | Cubase DAW
    Fender Telecaster 62 re-issue chambered mahogany | Kramer! (1988 or so...) | Gibson Les Paul R7 | Fender Stratocaster HBS-1 Classic Relic Custom Shop | LTD EC-1000 Evertune | 1988 Desert Yellow JEM

  • Damn, thanks so much for all the respones guys, means a lot as I was a bit nervous when uploading this one, I know the arrangement is kinda all over the place :D but I like the way it turned out in the end.

    Love it, Mladen!

    Then again, I've loved everything I've heard of yours. :love:

    SSD5 is "imminent". They've been working on the Mac installers for a week now. My guess is they're also finalising press releases and manuals right now. The upgrade price for you will be low too.
    Follow this hilarious thread if you like. You'll see I've been a sucker for years in the thread, waiting all this time for the software to drop and managing to resist buying anything else (especially SD3 'cause of the price, installation size (even the cut-down version without the surround samples) and lack of "vibe" that the Slate stuff tends to have plenty of, plus I've got the 4 expansion packs for SSD4, which apparently, along with the legacy library, will all sound even-better in SSD5 according to Steven).…-drums-5-a.html

    Thanks for the kind words man, what's your soundcloud? Also, completely offtopic but how do I "follow" someone on here?
    SSD5 sounds promising but like musicmad, I'll have to start mentally saving up too because I bought a new interface not too long ago, so new gear will have to wait :/

    WTF was that! GREAT!!..for me it has MORE GROOVE THAN DJENT..
    Dont feel bad about dancing to this 8o:D

    The blend of electronic blew my mind man


    Thanks Ash! and I agree about the groove>djent comment. I wasn't really going for that super choppy djent sound (tho I do enjoy it when others do it right) I just put the djent tags because there's a lot of overlap between djent kids and prog fans...

  • Thanks for the kind words man, what's your soundcloud? Also, completely offtopic but how do I "follow" someone on here?

    No SC yet mate; sorry.

    To follow someone, hover your pointer over his or her user name and in the lower-right corner of the pop-up window three symbols will appear - "+" (follow), a road-block sign (block), and speech bubbles (create conversation). Easy, peasy!

  • I don't usually enjoy electronics. But that was really good.

    Everything sounds awesome, sick groove!!!

    Love it, Mladen!

    Then again, I've loved everything I've heard of yours. :love:

    SSD5 is "imminent". They've been working on the Mac installers for a week now. My guess is they're also finalising press releases and manuals right now. The upgrade price for you will be low too.
    Follow this hilarious thread if you like. You'll see I've been a sucker for years in the thread, waiting all this time for the software to drop and managing to resist buying anything else (especially SD3 'cause of the price, installation size (even the cut-down version without the surround samples) and lack of "vibe" that the Slate stuff tends to have plenty of, plus I've got the 4 expansion packs for SSD4, which apparently, along with the legacy library, will all sound even-better in SSD5 according to Steven).…-drums-5-a.html just read through that whole thing.

    I promise to never complain about Kemper updates.

    I promise to never complain about Kemper updates.

    I promise to never complain about Kemper updates.

    I promise to never complain about Kemper updates.

    I promise to never complain about Kemper updates.

    I promise to never complain about Kemper updates.

    I promise to never complain about Kemper updates.

    I promise to never complain about Kemper updates.

    That was tough to read. The balls on Steven...I mean, good on him for at least trying to provide updates at first...but if you're going to fail that spectacularly...maybe just keep a low profile.

    I am just astonished with the date of the first post, and you're still not there...and that post was a complaint regarding how long SSD5 was taking, wow.

    Or in *Slate-Speak*'ll be out tomorrow.

    I'll stick with SD3, thank you very much. :D

    Disclaimer: When I post demo clips for profiles, there will be some minimal post-processing, unless stated otherwise. I normally double-track hard L/R, and add to the main buss a small amount of EQ and a limiter/comp set pretty light as well. Sometimes I get test profiles in advance of release, though 90% of my clips will be from packs I have purchased.

    Edited 2 times, last by Locrain (August 11, 2018 at 8:01 AM).

  • Love it, Mladen!

    Then again, I've loved everything I've heard of yours. :love:

    SSD5 is "imminent". They've been working on the Mac installers for a week now. My guess is they're also finalising press releases and manuals right now. The upgrade price for you will be low too.
    Follow this hilarious thread if you like. You'll see I've been a sucker for years in the thread, waiting all this time for the software to drop and managing to resist buying anything else (especially SD3 'cause of the price, installation size (even the cut-down version without the surround samples) and lack of "vibe" that the Slate stuff tends to have plenty of, plus I've got the 4 expansion packs for SSD4, which apparently, along with the legacy library, will all sound even-better in SSD5 according to Steven).…-drums-5-a.html

    LoL, I didn't go through the entire gearslutz thread until after Locrain's comment...well, I feel pretty stupid about my previous comment on SSD5 now :wacko: Sorry, english isnt my first language so the saracsm went over my head on first reading :D

  • Ha! Now that I read my post with your comment in mind, it could indeed pass as being sarcastic.

    Here's the thing, man:
    I was totally-serious. It is "imminent". Slate is finalising the Mac installer. It is happening very, very soon!

    You said you couldn't afford it soon, but as I mentioned, the upgrade price will be very-reasonable. Can't remember what it was predicted to be 'cause it was a while ago that Steven mentioned it, but IIRC it was around $100 US. You keep any expansions you might have on your hard drive but remove the old library 'cause it's all included in SSD5. Both the old library and expansions apparently sound better now according to Steven. If you want to you can also keep SSD3 installed 'cause you can run both if you need to.

    Your English is very-good, mate!

  • LoL, I didn't go through the entire gearslutz thread until after Locrain's comment...well, I feel pretty stupid about my previous comment on SSD5 now :wacko: Sorry, english isnt my first language so the saracsm went over my head on first reading :D

    Haha, you should absolutely not feel stupid. English is rough!!! And to be fair, "" around a word/statement usually does indicate sarcasm or disbelief in what was 'quoted". And I like to think @Monkey_Man may have subtly been bridging the gap between sincerity and sarcasm, "SSD5 is coming soon, but they've been saying so for years, so it's probably coming soon...buuuut.." kind of thing...I might be wrong. (I know it really is soon Nicky, we've just been saying that for a while, so it's fun to poke at. :D But I do know it really is soon. I hope it's so awesome)

    Anyway, anyone who speaks a second language as well as you do doesn't have to apologize for anything, IMO.

    Edit: I've listened to your song a couple times throughout the night. Shit rocks, man. Lemme know if you want a webcam video of me air-drumming to it. To put in the official music video, of course. :D

    Disclaimer: When I post demo clips for profiles, there will be some minimal post-processing, unless stated otherwise. I normally double-track hard L/R, and add to the main buss a small amount of EQ and a limiter/comp set pretty light as well. Sometimes I get test profiles in advance of release, though 90% of my clips will be from packs I have purchased.

    Edited 2 times, last by Locrain (August 11, 2018 at 10:21 AM).

  • Haha, you should absolutely not feel stupid. English is rough!!! And to be fair, "" around a word/statement usually does indicate sarcasm or disbelief in what was 'quoted". And I like to think @Monkey_Man may have subtly been bridging the gap between sincerity and sarcasm, "SSD5 is coming soon, but they've been saying so for years, so it's probably coming soon...buuuut.." kind of thing...I might be wrong. (I know it really is soon Nicky, we've just been saying that for a while, so it's fun to poke at. :D But I do know it really is soon. I hope it's so awesome)

    Anyway, anyone who speaks a second language as well as you do doesn't have to apologize for anything, IMO.

    Edit: I've listened to your song a couple times throughout the night. Shit rocks, man. Lemme know if you want a webcam video of me air-drumming to it. To put in the official music video, of course. :D

    Thaks a lot man! Well, seeing how my "music videos" consist of a static image and have basically zero views on YT, a Kemper brother air-drumming would probably generate a lot more traffic I reckon :thumbup: And yes, English can sometimes be rough, so thanks for understanding :)