high pitch sound/ noise

  • Is there an amateur radio operator nearby that could be running hundreds of watts of RF power? I am one and in the past occasionally when I transmitted some of the computer-based digital modes, my television would receive them and make strange sounds. I have never had this happen before with my Kemper or any of my tube amps.

    Good luck and I hope you quickly find the source your problem.

  • Is there an amateur radio operator nearby that could be running hundreds of watts of RF power? I am one and in the past occasionally when I transmitted some of the computer-based digital modes, my television would receive them and make strange sounds. I have never had this happen before with my Kemper or any of my tube amps.

    Good luck and I hope you quickly find the source your problem.

    A close by high power RF transmitter could do something similar to a poorly shielded cable, but the solid constant tone he describes sounds really odd for anyone to be transmitting? Even a compounded set of signals would vary somewhat? From my elec engineering days I met a few hardcore active "radio enthusiasts" and from that pool, more were "a little out there" than not with their experiments, so anything is possible I guess :)

    Interested if the OP has tried different cables and lengths. This should be the first quick and easy troubleshooting step to avoid going down the wrong rabbit hole.

    Would love to know the cause when he identifies it.

  • A close by high power RF transmitter could do something similar to a poorly shielded cable, but the solid constant tone he describes sounds really odd for anyone to be transmitting? Even a compounded set of signals would vary somewhat? From my elec engineering days I met a few hardcore active "radio enthusiasts" and from that pool, more were "a little out there" than not with their experiments, so anything is possible I guess :)

    Interested if the OP has tried different cables and lengths. This should be the first quick and easy troubleshooting step to avoid going down the wrong rabbit hole.

    Would love to know the cause when he identifies it.

    Search for PSK-31 and listen to a sound sample. This is an amateur radio digital mode. I don’t know what frequency the pitch of the transmitted tone is but it is a pretty consistent tone and irritating to listen to. This was the reason I mentioned the amateur radio computer based digital modes. Several of them are similar sounding to this one. Generally when amateurs use these modes they run low power. Typically 30 W RF or less. Most likely this isn't his problem but I guess it’s possible.

    I agree, I would love to know the cause when he identifies it.

  • This may be hard to grasp at first, but there is a great chance that you actually may have been selected to participate in the "takening"!
    Happened to a friend of mine once, he was noodeling around on his telecaster playing the opening part of starway to heaven when suddenly high pitched 4k sound appeared out of his ac 30 and BOOM he was gone!

    Only thing they found in the living room was a part of a burned left sock and a note stating that the "aliens finally got me"
    He did come back though and refused to say if probing took place or not...

    But try another cable as someone stated earlier to see if that helps. RF interference is a pain to troubleshoot and i hope you will get it sorted out.
    Sounds like it could be something automated causing the interference as someone also stated, so streetlights, mechanical shops, neighbours robot lawnmower nearby etc. Keep notes of time of day it happens and narrow it down from there. And be sure to rule out aliens ;)

  • here's a video i made with the noise
    im using my battery powered amp with a vovox guitar cable

    as you can see my electric cabine causes the high freq sound to get louder ,
    when i 'm exit the door 15 foot away the noise dies .

    I must say when i came back from holidays the noise was gone for 4 days now its back :S

    So could a bad transfo make this noise and just stop for a day ?
    Or has it to do with the power usage i my neigbourhood? ( I mean when theres a heavy user nearby , so the interuptions of the noise could mean hes on holidays...)

    Anyway what should i do contact elektricien or my net provider ? I called them but the will charge 100 dollar if the problem is mine .

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  • one question , how differs this from a normal lets say ehx dehum pedal ?

    I dont know anything about the ehx pedal.I have the EBtech.I was getting a very loud hum / buzz,from my Dual Rec,very annoying indeed. Bought the EBtech,no more buzzes bells and whistles ,all GONE. I dont know if it'll help, but its sure worth a try.And like you said you can just return it if it doesnt work. Good Luck.

  • I would be absolutely shocked if the Ebtech Hum eliminator made any difference whatsoever to your problem. As far as I understand it the Ebtech is a transformer based ground loop eliminator. It electrically isolates one device in the chain from ground via a transformer. Definitely works for ground loops (I have a Palmer and an ART version of the same thing and they work a treat) however, the problem can't be a ground loop if you are getting it with a battery powered amp which isn't grounded.

    When you walk out the house the noise seems to stop (or at least significantly decrease) then it reappears when you renter the house. That suggests to me that it is airborne interference from something inside the house. I'm no expert of this type of thing though so you will need someone else to help you actually find the source.