“Oh, a Kemper!”

  • If people don't recognise my Kemper I usually tell them I've modified an old oscilloscope from a Russian nuclear power plant. Before I tell them the truth, of course. ;)

    I had my Kemper in our lab awhile back, powered up, and our CEO said it was one of the most beautiful gadgets he's ever seen. He's got a good eye. :)

  • Well it appears the famous leap frog studio uses a kemper for all his guitar sounds Leo Moracchioli and isn't Mary cool, just love the English accent

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  • Thats means all his covers which get over a million views on youtube are kemper then?
    Thats means the kemper has been used on the charts and is successful.

    He is able to make a living out of the amount of views that he gets on his metal cover videos
    One of the most successful on Youtube BTW


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

    Edited once, last by ashtweth (July 29, 2018 at 5:47 AM).

  • I've had house guys say they prefer a real amp to mic up as it reduces the risk of the player switching to a totally different amp/patch that they aren't expecting and have to dive for the channel eq's. I can see their point (although obviously you could force a similar situation with traditional amp being pushed by switched pedals). Apart from that, imo sound guys have been overwhelmingly positive for digital gear.

    As far as other musicians, during standard stage setup chats its seeme about a 50/50 split of "want one" and "I flat out refuse to ever consider going digital - I need my amp".

    No doubt in the coming years that percentage will swing slightly more to digitals side.

  • Sound engineer at my gig on Thursday said she "loved me" because it was so easy to work with my Kemper signal - no problems with excessive stage volume, etc., but that it just sounds great right out of the box. I've carefully tweaked my Performances so there are no huge volume or tone jumps - I think that helps a lot too!

  • I've had house guys say they prefer a real amp to mic up as it reduces the risk of the player switching to a totally different amp/patch that they aren't expecting and have to dive for the channel eq's. I can see their point (although obviously you could force a similar situation with traditional amp being pushed by switched pedals). Apart from that, imo sound guys have been overwhelmingly positive for digital gear.

    I kinda get that but I could switch volumes, gain, eq etc just with my ENGL valve anyway as I have effectively 8 channels before putting any pedals in, so its not just pedals that can have a dramatic effect...but I get their point.