A very RUDE Facebook page about Kemper... Let’s report it

  • Nah. These are businesses and that guy gets paid by Line 6 to browse forums and chime in to sell their product. Just because he has a convenient excuse, comes off as a cool cat and sometimes praises the Kemper doesn’t change the bottom line. Business is business and I don’t mistake these shills for unbiased benevolent souls for one second. I see the same tactics on other forums for various products. Sorry if that comes off harsh but it is what it is.

    I have been on TGP for a long time, and as an owner of both a KPA AND a Helix, I have paid attention fairly closely to threads there regarding both products. I have NEVER seen the Line 6 guys show anything but positive respect for their competitors, and I have seen it happen many, many times. As one of them put it a while back, a win for Kemper or Fractal is ultimately a win for digital technology overall (including Line 6), as everybody benefits from success stories from any of the manufacturers.

    Seems pretty open-minded to me.

  • There is a difference between satire and in people living in the reactive mind trying to elevate them selves from defaming others. I call them pussies as opposed to bullies, a real man would accept fair judgement and act accordingly, and or ignore the negative and not carry on. Where the pussy will create a page to try and get some gratification by your reactions, How ? By being negative because he feels his little world was touched a bit too harshly.

    look here, thats what he is doing, its because he did not like the reactions he got and needs to blow off steam , thats not satire

    I have owned both the powered and unpowered KPA. Both remarkable pieces of technology that didn't work for me. When I discussed this in some online forums, I discovered a large subset of dogmatic fanatics who took became defensive at my critique to the point of taking it personal. So, I created this page to blow off some steam.

    Be a man, and face it, who cares why be a pussy and create a page. Satire is satire, beer is beer, but pussies are pussies.
    He is a 100% troll and even trying to get Dean to go over there to waste his time and be negative TO GET A REACTION.

    the wastebook page is designed to get a reaction
    this is the mental illness of the troll

    Nothing more
    He calls it Satire/humr to keep his page up. (IMHO)
    i got better things to do personally


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

    Edited 3 times, last by ashtweth (July 4, 2018 at 1:43 AM).

  • Line 6 and Kemper are both classy companies and I have the highest respect for both in the way they have set a standard of conduct for their employees and representatives. Of course Kemper isn't happy with such a page, but remaining classy is very important, like the old saying

    "Never wrestle with a pig. You just get dirty and the pig enjoys it."

  • There is a difference between satire and in people living in the reactive mind...

    . I call them pussies...

    Be a man, and face it, who cares why be a pussy...,
    ... but pussies are pussies.

    I’m sure your resorting to sexist stereotyping is really helping to elevate the conversation.

    And the “reactive mind” ???
    Sounds like some Scientology style twaddle.

  • Reactive mind i said is nothing to do with Scientology , at least not in the context i was referring too,

    • reactive mind(Noun)A portion of the brain akin to the subconscious where painful memories.

    Pussy is a metaphor for nothing sexist.
    seems like you need a hobby too.
    I dont need to concern my self with people like him or you mate


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

    Edited 3 times, last by ashtweth (July 4, 2018 at 5:08 AM).

  • People are overly sensitive. First off I don't give a damn what anyone says or does as long as it isn't hurting anyone. If your happy with what you bought then ignore the people that just want to bitch about it. If Kemper doesn't like the page or they feel threatened then they are free to handle it in anyway they see fit. Maybe there should be a safe place on this forum where the easily offended can go. Just saying.

  • No human could resist these two gems at this point, surely?

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  • Nope wrong again wwittman the CONTEXT of the use of pussy in my post is in reference to the guy not dealing with the negative and carrying on with it.
    Most people i know use it in that context, it means you are afraid to face some thing, nothing to do with vaginas, not intended to be sexist
    the reactive mind was in reference to painful memories, him reacting to people answering him on forums, not a religious Scientology context , not intended to be religious. Split as much hairs as you want but thats what i meant.

    Its the same as you saying his page is only about satire and humor, its not, its to blow off steam and be negative in order to get a negative reaction (trolling) , its about him being a troll trying to get a negative reaction to help him blow off steam . satire is satire, trolls are trolls. Meowing is meowing

    He is even trying to get members of this forum over there (baited Dean and asked others to get Dean over there in one post) to get a negative reaction out of them.
    Seems you need practice to get things right. If you want to call that Satire and Humor be my guest but its not fooling some of us.


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

    Edited 5 times, last by ashtweth (July 4, 2018 at 5:59 AM).

  • Haters gonna hate,who cares what that idiots FB page says. All us Kemper owners know the truth,and there's plenty of demos on youtube to prove that.I also want to add that on my kemper,some of the led's burnt out. The warranty has long since expired and kemper fixed it for FREE,didn't cost me a dime, not even for the shipping. How many companies do you know would do that?

    Edited once, last by joust (July 4, 2018 at 6:25 AM).

  • I didn't look at the page due to lack of interest and reflect only on posts in this thread,
    If it is satire, then the author has achieved his goal and attracted attention.
    If it is only self-portrayal, the author has also achieved his goal and can now be in the limelight at the expense of others.

    I myself am not a great friend of satire, since mostly is exaggerating, usually not unselfish and often deliberately hurting under a pretext.
    I am very much a friend of irony and parody. But the title doesn't promise this either!

  • I think Kemper should promote the page. I mean it's really great advertising. Imagine all those people that see it and don't know about the Kemper. The first thing I'd do out of curiosity, is to look up some videos so I could hear how terrible it is...of course, only to discover that it sounds fantastic.

    I've got a very impressive collection of tube amps. In my opinion, Kemper is the first solid state amp (or simulation of a tube amp) that is good enough to replace them in most situations. Let the haters hate!

  • If everything is erased, that:
    - is satire
    - is not satire, but someone letting of steam
    - someone does not find funny, reasonable...
    - is hurting anyones world view
    - was created in anger
    - is provoking your moral point of view
    - is stupid to the bone (for anyone)

    at least we would not have a lot lyrics in rock history anymore - and only instrumental black metal ;)

  • @Gforce guitar you don't get it? Really? It's a satire page!!

    Please... don't make Kemper users look like fools without humor, coolness and intellect

    "Sexually explicit"? Even my wife is laughing now (and then was aking, which one was the satire - the Facebook page or this thread :thumbup: )

    First of all you have to take in consideration that english is my second langage. The sexuel aspect is not what bothers me, i just say that facebook got rules and those rules are not respected in many aspect ( including that stupid doll) . But there is more its bashing !!! The title is vulgar, they use a logo without permission ( no its not fair use as someone says its against facebook rules ) and it bash a company that I respect a lot, not as a fanatic, respect is a value for me in general. so yes I already reported that page to facebook. And I am asking if some members could do the same so the page will be erased. See I am very proud to be a Kemper user, I am proud of what I do, and I dont want anyone to spit on us on facebook that hard and let it go. I dont mind people debating with amp vs fractal ir amp vs kemper... but i wont let a guy star a page called Kemper sucks, it spit on us and its against facebook rules. I wont stay like you laughing or say I dont care. Youd be the first to jump out of your seat in anger if it was a page about your business, saying that your business sucks. So if you dont help me fine, but dont say i make kemper user look like without intellect. I just dont let people spit on us... while you say no problem...spit again...

  • I think Kemper should promote the page. I mean it's really great advertising. ..

    I agree, there's so much that can be concluded from someone going to this level to justify their choice and emotionally defending their purchasing decision to make an elaborate web page and spend significant time creating content, If I didn't own the Kemper, I would be extremely curious about this devise If I happen to see that page.

    ..... the use of pussy in my post is in reference to the guy not dealing with the negative and carrying on with it.

    He is even trying to get members of this forum over there (baited Dean and asked others to get Dean over there in one post) to get a negative reaction out of them.

    I think "pussy" is a flattering term to use when referencing this type of anonymous "troll". If he's going to go all out and create elaborate content, the least he can do is,.be a man, or a woman and have a name behind:"Kempersucks", his attempt at comedy which is a bunch of repeats of old tired material that's been getting passed around since the first modeler.

    I have no problem with people wanting anonymity on the internet, but if he created his own trade mark content to "blow off steam", he should have given himself some name, anonymous or not, otherwise he's a "nobody " and he should feel privileged that you elevated him to "pussy" status. :D

    Edited 3 times, last by Dean_R (July 4, 2018 at 2:40 PM).

  • ...and no forum :)

    To be honest I looked at it and initially thought satire ( because it says it is) but its a bit dark...especially having a pop at people on this forum - so its not all fun and games.

    I agree the best response is to ignore.