I heard a rumor about a new Kemper Reverb that compete BIG SKY or IMMERSE type of reverb

  • I have listened to the posted clips of the Reverb. My question was how was the Kemper output captured to the video? In some of the videos is is obvious that the input was a mic of some type because you can also hear the conversation of those adjusting the parameters. I would like to know how it was captured for those videos that do not contain any ambient sound.


    The Tone Junkie videos that are in stereo without atmosphere ambience was recorded with a portable 2-track recorder that HW brought with him. I believe it was a Zoom.

  • These reverbs are going to put a lot of people right over the edge into Kemperland.
    I have a praise and worship buddy who is currently using the helix and he watched the videos on YouTube, he said if the reverbs sound as good as that, he is going to buy a Kemper.
    He has played through mine and absolutely adores all of the amplifiers, and he agrees they are much much more realistic than his Helix… The one thing that’s held him back are the FX
    Bring it on, CK!

  • These reverbs are going to put a lot of people right over the edge into Kemperland.
    I have a praise and worship buddy who is currently using the helix and he watched the videos on YouTube, he said if the reverbs sound as good as that, he is going to buy a Kemper.
    He has played through mine and absolutely adores all of the amplifiers, and he agrees they are much much more realistic than his Helix… The one thing that’s held him back are the FX
    Bring it on, CK!

    This is a popular sentiment. Although, after trying Helix extensively, I think Kemper’s Hall reverb is already better. Deeper and more realistic.

    These new ones will just be icing on the cake for me haha.

  • This is a popular sentiment. Although, after trying Helix extensively, I think Kemper’s Hall reverb is already better. Deeper and more realistic.

    These new ones will just be icing on the cake for me haha.

    I even agree with the sentiment, but with that said, I think it's wrong. This is a proposition, I'm not telling, by the way.

    The term "realistic" is imprecise in this context. It's not about realism. If you try to quantisize realism you will understand the problem right away. If we're talking about harmonic content, I think it's fair to say that any sound made from a Helix has the same amount of harmonic content as a Kemper. It's just that a Kemper sounds exactly like the actual amp, where the Helix amps represent the general "ballpark". There are lots of AC30 with different kinds of speakers and probably woods in the cabinet and whatever have you. Between them all there is a certain quality that makes them AC30. The distinct "AC30 sound". If you think of "the AC30 sound" as the sound coming out of a single, specific AC30, Helix probably misses. If you think of the "AC 30 sound" as whatever regularity makes them all sound sorta similar, I think the Helix nails the quality. It's just that it's more of a median of all AC30s, while Kemper profiles are exact representations of exact single chains resulting in a single, or several, specific AC30s. If you think about it the other way around, you could probably make a real AC30 sound like the Helix version somehow if you made it a priority.

    If that makes sense.

  • ckemper I presumed the reverbs must be ready by now given how advanced they appeared to be in the demoes several months ago.

    For some tme I have been thinking that there must be something much more than just reverbs coming in the next update.

    I presume “new preset management “ implies a replacement for Rig Manager or are you suggesting there may finally be a full blown editor as some have been call for for a long time?

    To be honest I’m not losing ant sleep waiting for either of them as I am very happy with the KPA as it is. Having said that, nice new shiny stuff is always welcome and I’m even started to get excited just out of curiosity. It’s all becoming a bit like waiting for Xmas morning to arrive. You never know I might even turn out to be complete convert to wired reverb effets and edition on my phone when I get bown away by the update.

    Thanks for taking the time to comment.

  • Wheresthedug

    I take it to mean another way to load and save presets when you turn the Browse knob with a Stomp or Effect slot active. I know that many have complained about the constant scrolling when wanting to select a wah preset, for example. Having to go through 50+ presets of delays, for instance. I’d love that, for my use, much more than an editor.

  • sambrox yes for me personally the ability to navigate presets with the browse wheel would be much more useful than an editor. However, I think we might be in the minority ;)

    What I was really getting at is that I think (maybe that should just be hope) we are ALL going to get a pleasant surprise when the new update finally lands. Might even be some new ODs in there too to keep everyone happy. You never know:/

    I might be over hoping but I think ckemper knows as well as anyone that the natives are restless and getting more so with every day that passes with no sign of the reverbs. So anything short of a mega update is going to leave a lot of people disappointed. I won’t be one of them but I think from a business/PR perspective Kemper really need to deliver something truly special now. I don’t envy them this challenge as they are between a rock and a hard place (damnedd if they do, damned if they don’t) with a lot of folks. Personally, I think they know this and are making sure that hey hit the bullseye whith this one. Everything I have seen and heard of my Kemper so far leads me to believe they are easily capable of doing it too!

  • Alan, what Sam said is all we "really" know at this point. CK (or was it Burkhard?) alluded to this back in July IIRC.

    For me the appearance of presets relevant only to the selected effect type is a no-brainer fix, and thank God that'll be taken care of; I complained about it (politely, of course!) quite a few times here. What interests me particularly is what else might've been done in the "preset-handling / management" area...

    Thank you for the update Christoph!

  • I’m thinking preset management is more likely some sort of menu system or filtering system in the Kemper UI itself as right now there’s no groups for the different types of effects etc, either that or an addition to the rig manager to allow it to select presets.

    Either way it’s exciting stuff, good to hear!