FRFR Speaker Xitone wedge/Michael Britt, Atomic CLR, Mission etc.

  • I am thinking about going to a FRFR system. I am currently using a Kemper with a tube amp ($2200) with return loop and a 4x12 bogner cab ($800) with four V30.
    I listed a number of the more frequently mentioned in the title but having difficulty making a decision. Please chime in and spare me a bad decsion. Thanks! :D

  • Oh... there is a lot of FRFR users... and a lot of threads regarding the subject.
    I'm a happy user of a Yamaha DXR10 as my personal amplification. It impressed one of my bands so much that they bought a whole PA based of the DXR-series...

  • Oh... there is a lot of FRFR users... and a lot of threads regarding the subject.
    I'm a happy user of a Yamaha DXR10 as my personal amplification. It impressed one of my bands so much that they bought a whole PA based of the DXR-series...

    I like that one too. Sounds good and seems well built. My only issue is the convenience of sitting the Kemper on top of something cab shaped works better for me.

  • I used a Yamaha DX 10 for quite a while and
    was very happy with it. Several months ago I bought a used Xitone MBritt cab from Reverb and I’m blown away by how good this thing sounds. I had been thinking about buying one for a while when I saw this one listed on Reverb. It looks brand new and sounds absolutely killer. Highly recommended

  • Patrick, I have heard moving air but how does that equate into sound difference and I am feeling that without different cabs I am limiting my sound shaping potential.

    If you use a power amp and a guitar cab, you are going to want to disable your cabinet emulation on the Kemper. You will then be running your preamp through your power amp and Bogner V30 4x12, and that is exactly what every amp is going to sound like. For example, if you want a Marshall JCM 800, through your power amp and 4x12, that is the sound you are going to get. If you want a Fender Twin, it is also going to be colored by your power amp and speakers. If you have a more transparent power amp, it won't color it as much, but the cab and speakers make up a huge part of the sound.

    Unless you have enough money for multiple FRFR speakers, a 1x12 isn't going to move the air of a 4x12. If you are used to having a 4x12 behind you, it isn't going to feel the same. I typically used 1x12s and 2x12s, so it wasn't a big of a leap to me, but I did have to get used to hearing what a mic'd cab sounded like, vs what a guitar cab sounded like. They are totally different, and it took me some time to get used to it. With the FRFR, though, you will be hearing closer to what the crowd is hearing through the PA. It is a trade-off either way.

    With the FRFR, you can play the Marshall JCM800 through a 4x12 of Greenbacks or V30s. You can have a Twin through a Jensen 1x12 or a Alnico Blue. The options are almost limitless with a FRFR cab, so that's why a lot of people, myself included, use one. If you have any way of trying both methods, that would be my recommendation, but I've been very happy with both my DXR10 and my XiTone MBritt, once I got used to hearing what a mic'd cab was supposed to sound like.

    Also @lonestargtr and Mick at XiTone are both great guys and both extremely knowledgeable and helpful.

  • There are many, many FRFR users on this forum - my guess is most of us are using PA-style FRFR instead of guitar-cabinet style GRFR/FRFR.

    From the title of your thread, I thought you were asking for opinions about those specific cabinets.

    I’m a DXR10 User - I really like it. I’ve played through larger monitor-style cabinets (12 and 15), as well as a Bose L1. I’ve also played gigs through my Marshall’s poweramp and a 4-12 Cabinet. The DXR10 is perfect for me - at a quiet gig, it sounds great. At a mainstage gig, it sounds freaking huge :)

  • And another nice sounding pair are my Friedman ASM-12s. Many suggestions more will follow these.
    Best advice is to find a few in a music store, lock yerself inside one of their rooms for a half a day and try them yourself.
    Bring home the pair that you like best. Done deal. ;)

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user