
  • If anyone from kemper is listening, in a future update it would be really nice to get a studio style compressor , along side the current compressor. As a bass player the intensity, attack and squash parameters just don’t cut it. I’d like to see all the standard compression parameters such as threshold, ratio attack, release make up. This would make me a happy man. Pretty please [Blocked Image:]

  • Even for guitar pedal-style compressors... we are falling behind since the trend with them now is to have a blend control.
    I have a Wampler ego compressor that made me realize I would never wanna play without a blend control dial.
    Now Keeley copied Wampler and they have introduced a pedal with a Blend control as well.
    But now.... once again I am forced to do without this marvelous Blend control because I love my kemper.... and I just patiently await for them to adopt this Blend control for their compressor section.

    *For those who haven't experienced the Blend control on a compressor pedal:
    I tune my compressor to have good sustain and a squeezed sound that is very 80s-like (because I play Hard rock)...
    Then I tune the "Blend Control" to about 40% wet.... that brings back the dynamics of my playing since the dry signal is passing through at a 60%.
    Long sustained notes and evenness along the neck.. without sacrificing dynamics.

    For some reason the "MIX" control in the Kemper (at least audibly) does not feel the same :(

  • The compressor in the amp section is intelligent without needing a blend control as it only compresses non- distorted portions of your sound and thus acting differently as you turn down your volume pot on a distorted profile.
    Are you familiar with it?
    The amp compressor is unlike any other compressor on the market and deserves quite some praise.

  • I don’t get it. Isn’t “mix” on the compressor stomp the same as “blend” on the Ego comp? I have the Ego comp too. I don’t know man, like so many of my other great pedals, when they’re in the drawer they have that holy grail vibe. But then I pull them out and re-add them to my setup and the benefits, if any, aren’t nearly so pronounced and the additional hassle .. For me it’s usually not worth it. And I’m a picky tone snob. Sure I’d love a master boost/drive/comp complete rebuild with all kinds of deep controls and Kemper’s creative spin on some of it as well. But.. it’s not like the tones aren’t there already.


  • Quote from creative360

    But then I pull them out and re-add them to my setup and the benefits, if any, aren’t nearly so pronounced and the additional hassle

    Agreed, but Im thinking about more menu options compressor wise - as in just adding a model of a Keeley 4 knob, or even a GC-2 box. I actually have a GC-2 in my KPA loop and for some patches its a nice addition. Ya know, that might just be why the KPA doesn't need any additional compressors, because you can buy/add (like I did) as many as you feel like it lol. 8o

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • I’d love it if the compressor, boost, drive and fuzz stomps were rebuilt in to one master (single slot) stomp with deep, editable parameters. Using external stuff in the studio is inspiring, but more of an obstacle live. I want to be creating and then saving great tones (including morph transitions) that I can easily revisit at any point in the future.

  • I have a wampler ego sitting in the draw since I have had a Kemper does pretty much what the ego does ...including blend via the mix control ...yes it would be nice to have different styles ala LA2A,Distressor etc ...but what’s on board atm is extremely useful and useable ...

  • I can see the benefits of an LA2A sim for bass.

    IIRC the POD xt Bass had one as its stock compressor with a dedicated knob for dialling in the "amount", and it worked fantastically IMHO.

    So, for "budget" gigs where bass-dedicated, decent compression isn't available FOH, I reckon a good LA2A model could be extremely-useful for bass players. Of course, I'd recommend they consult FOH pre-gig on the level of compression used, lest they squash the bejesus out of their instruments and destroy any impact they'd otherwise have had.

  • Maybe as a separate "Studio Compressor" effect it could be interesting and cool. But I like to keep my instrument compression pretty simple and feel rather than numbers based, so I wouldn't want it added in to the existing effect.

    That sort of control is what I want when side-chaining stuff or doing mastering. On an instrument I really just want the bare minimum set of controls to quickly dial in the sound and feel I like mostly for sustain and evening out performance issues.

  • There are companies that excel at making emulations of recording hardware and yet those software versions are STILL not really like the real thing.

    I wouldn’t want to see Kemper go down the road that some manufacturers and software makers take of making “eh” versions that they market based on the ‘name value’ and a pretty picture of the emulated gear to an audience who doesn’t know the real thing from a hole in the wall.

    And fortunately I don’t see Kemper leaning that way.

  • I’m less interested in emulations of pre-existing studio effects and/or guitar pedals than I am in internal stomps and effects that can stand up to the signature sonic personalities we’d expect from our hardware gear, and with relatively deep parameters to sculpt the tones to taste.

  • Think a better blend is within the rig section: use parallel path to send out a dry bass signal and then blend that with a compressed signal, with compression in the amp section or one of the FX slots. You can also tailor how much of the dry or wet signal you want by turning the balance in one way or another.

    Still, there are so many flavours to be had from a compressor, so maybe different options as suggested would be a worthwhile investment in Kemper R&D as suggested by users.