FX LOOP Not working after Beta Update

  • Just updated firmware to latest Beta mainly for SPDIF reason and all of a sudden my FX loop is not functioning. I verified the loop is getting the send and the return path is good too. Not sure what happened? Anybody know of any issues with this subject. I used Rig manager to do the update.

  • Just updated firmware to latest Beta mainly for SPDIF reason and all of a sudden my FX loop is not functioning. I verified the loop is getting the send and the return path is good too. Not sure what happened? Anybody know of any issues with this subject. I used Rig manager to do the update.

    Did you activate the monitor stereo option in the 5.5 update? This will override the direct out FX loop.

  • huh. that is truly weird. I'm using both mono and stereo loops no problem. A blind shot in the dark - I've kept my KPA at 44.1k, are you using a higher sampling rate? Not sure if that would make a difference, but it's one of the bigger parts of the update.

    I'm using Mono loop in the X slot, with 5.5, works well at 96KHz over here.

    Kemper Powerhead w/remote & Kabinet
    Focusrite 18i8 (2nd Gen) - Windows 10 - Ableton Live - Yamaha HS-8's - DT770 80 ohms

  • I did not activate Monitor stereo and I checked to make sure it was not activated. It's not. It does not matter what clock I am set at either. I literally verified loop was working then updated to 5.5 and as soon as it was done its not working.

  • Are you putting the loop in one of the Stomps? Have you tried in the X slot?

    Kemper Powerhead w/remote & Kabinet
    Focusrite 18i8 (2nd Gen) - Windows 10 - Ableton Live - Yamaha HS-8's - DT770 80 ohms

  • I have been using the Kemper for a few years now and I have always used it in one of the stomps. I didn't try to move it or recreate it yet. I did change the direct out source and immediately the loop is audible because it does not need to be initiated by a switch, but thats not how I want to use it. It is another verification that it is connected correctly though.

  • Me too.

    I use an EH Synth9 pedal. It really needs to see a raw guitar so I plug straight into it. The dry output goes to the Kemper front input, the synth out to the Kemper's return socket. Not quite the norm I know but I've tried it every other way and this is the only way it works properly. In the latest Beta, I had to change the aux levels in the Output settings to hear the Synth9 at all and then I realised that the settings in the Loop block no longer have any effect.

    I'd not changed anything else, it was working perfectly before the update; I could control the Synth9's mix per patch, morph it, change the ducking.... Not a thing now. I'm using a mono loop in the X slot but it's the same in the stomps or with a stereo loop. Tried the Aux-mono switch etc. but no joy.

    Revert to previous OS and all is well again!

  • Curious....? I assumed this was the right spot to bring these Beta Bugs to light. Am I Misunderstood? Just want to make sure the word is getting to where it really matters. I am pretty sure I am not missing something in settings. I couldn't find a similar thread. Is it really isolated to so few people? I could probably go without stepping on that switch for a while knowing if the powers that be got the message. I Don't really want to keep going back and forth with OS versions. Maybe a more thorough hard reset is nessesary? If thats a thing.... ANYBODY OFFICIAL OUT THERE :( HEARING THIS ?(:)

  • So that did it. My mono Aux level was higher than .1 and as soon as I brought it to 0 my Loop stomp started to function again. I am not sure if that is something they intended to do. Seems like a glitch. But thanks duckman that solves my issue. :thumbup:

  • I unexpectedly faced this issue while gigging last weekend. :(

    Now while looking into this more carefully, I see that there is most probably a bug/bugs and maybe also change in how FX LOOP works (details below).

    Does OP or anyone else know about open support tickets regarding the topic or should I raise one?

    OS version: Spring Reverb Preview (5.6.2)
    FX LOOP placement: STOMP A
    PROBLEM: FX Loop signals were not included in the output even all the mentioned "Aux In >" levels were 0.0.
    FIX: After I first increased the Aux In -values above '0.1' and then backed those down again to '0.0' the FX Loop signals started to appear.

    Changed FX Loop behaviour: FX Loop device (Boss RE-20) has internal Peak Level indicator and I can't get it peak even with input gain maxed from FX loop device. I recall this was earlier possible (and it is possible when moving the device between guitar (single coils/vintage output ) and KPA). Is there a known change in FX Loop signal Levels?