Which Profile Pack & Why Only A Handful of Overdrive Stomps?

  • After a LOT of deliberation and hours upon hours of listening to videos, I took the plunge and bought a Kemper rack. I can see that there is a whole lot of free profile packs to download, but I don't want to stock my Kemper up with unnecessary stuff. Which profile packs would you consider absolutely essential for everything from clean to blues to death metal? I gues the Rigbuster pack is the first one to download?

    Also, I have some nice overdrives, but just wondering why the overdrive/distortion selection can't be expanded. You would think something like a Klon Centaur or something would be in the list instead of cheap sounding crap like the DS-1 and Metal Zone. I hate the DS-1 and Metal Zone, so God knows why those were selected. I just don't understand how everything except the stomps can't be better quality or why the stomp list can't be expanded. AxeFX isn't much better about it, but from what I've been told, Kemper works better with your own overdrive pedals than the Axe FX. Anyone know if this is accurate?

    Thanks in advance.

  • the Rigbuster pack is the first one to download?

    from what I've been told, Kemper works better with your own overdrive pedals than the Axe FX. Anyone know if this is accurate?

    All the free packs are great, weed through and keep what you like... it's a process. Definitely get/keep the Morgan AC20 by rmpacheco from Rigexchange, but I think it's included stock anyways.

    If you have more questions about profiles ask away here: Free-rigs-and-profiles or here: Third party Rigs discussion.

    Check out @Jonathanrsullivan tips and tricks but especially this for Getting-more-from-OD-Stomps

  • Hey MG,

    Yeah, by all accounts the Kemper really does respond to stomps like a real tube amp.

    You mentioned Rigbusters. He specialises in Profiles made of pedals plugged into a clean amp. Pricey too, if you ask me, but the freebies available at the site do sound very-good to my ears.

    Install Rig Manager if you haven't already and take a listen to the Rig Packs (they have their own section in RM). That'll give you an idea of which vendors might appeal to you. Bear in mind 'though that not all vendors are represented there.

    Then there's the Rig Exchange. No harm in doing word searches in Rig Manager and auditioning freebies.

    For your "clean to blues to death metal" requirements from a single pack, I'm afraid I can't think of anything off the top of my head. That combination's super-rare, at least at high-quality in a single pack. For heavy stuff with mojo I recommend checking out Cililab. For medium to heavy with precision and great dynamic range I recommend Guidorist. For clean through to "standard" rock I recommend Bert Meulendijk and Michael Britt.

    Lastly, because you invited (and will receive) opinions on various commercial vendors, the thread will be moved to the appropriate subforum. Don't panic; this happens any time threads veer into that discussion.

  • If you use Rig Manager, you can just double click on a profile to hear it on your Kemper. No need to download/store/organize etc.

    That way you can very quickly listen to profiles and decide what works for you. Most of the commercial sellers have freebies that can give you an idea if their ears match what yours hear.

  • If you use Rig Manager, you can just double click on a profile to hear it on your Kemper. No need to download/store/organize etc.

    That way you can very quickly listen to profiles and decide what works for you. Most of the commercial sellers have freebies that can give you an idea if their ears match what yours hear.

    Thanks. I haven't dug much into Rig Manager yet so I didn't know it can do that. That's a very cool feature and certainly seems to make things easier.

  • Monkey_Man. The info you provided is good and thanks, but I don't understand your dick move trying to tie me to other people's aliases on other forums. I'd appreciate it if you delete the B.S. and keep things clean. I'm just here to interact for product support.

    Monkeyman just asked a question if you're the same guy. That's not a dick move. I'm sure he'll remove the stuff when he sees your post, regardless of your tone. But maybe YOU should think about keeping things clean.

  • Monkeyman just asked a question if you're the same guy. That's not a dick move. I'm sure he'll remove the stuff when he sees your post, regardless of your tone. But maybe YOU should think about keeping things clean.

    This. Don’t dis the monkey.

  • Profile Crate has a free Mesa Mark V pack right now that does Cleans, tweed break up and all the way up to metal.

    Regarding Stomps, It is a bit disappointing that kemper doesn't add a few more stomps. Just 3-4 more OD stomps would really round out the selection. A blues breaker style overdrive is pretty much a no brainer, pedals like the KOT which go for 500 bucks and the very popular JHS Morning Glory ands Snouse Black Box are all based on that circuit. It's a classic and it would be cool to have one. A KLON stomp is another one. They are just so common and copied that it would be really nice to have.

    They gave us better reverbs, lets hope that they are working on a few more stomp engines.

  • Monkey_Man. The info you provided is good and thanks, but I don't understand your dick move trying to tie me to other people's aliases on other forums. I'd appreciate it if you delete the B.S. and keep things clean. I'm just here to interact for product support.

    Wow... not sure what to say, mate.

    "B.S." deleted.

  • Better "reverbs" ;) , unfortunately only mistyped or wishful thinking yet :P

    I would say so, they gave us delays that we can specifically feed only into the reverb block which makes them way more flexible. Check out these videos I made on it. I've attached samples of everything you hear in those videos in case you want to download and try them.

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  • I would say so, they gave us delays that we can specifically feed only into the reverb block which makes them way more flexible. Check out these videos I made on it. I've attached samples of everything you hear in those videos in case you want to download and try them.

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    Yes, these were/are great vids... always appreciate your helpful insights man! Thanks again H.W. ;)

  • Yeah the reverbs sound great. I don't typically use heavy effects so I wasn't too worried about the Kemper not having as good effects as the Axe FX as a lot of people say. I've listened to hours of Kemper sounds and, as far as I can tell, the effects are pretty damned good in the context of the rigs they're used in.