Running into a problem with the Kemper.....

  • Guys I am running into a problem with my Kemper.........

    There are Just TOOO MANY great sounds. I am not kidding. in the past with modellers including the one I will not name, I would find like 4 usable and great sounds and the rest were not really usable. I am running into the problem of having SO many great sounds, I probably have a 100-150 sounds in my kemper now that honestly would work for me in any given scenario. Its unreal. so many great options and new amps being put up daily. ITs like getting a new software update everyday. its insane. Was just playing through some patches, and there are times when it doesn't jump out, but the next day its like, oh yeah, that is friggen awesome. what a great piece of studio gear...

  • Guys I am running into a problem with my Kemper.........

    There are Just TOOO MANY great sounds. I am not kidding. in the past with modellers including the one I will not name, I would find like 4 usable and great sounds and the rest were not really usable. I am running into the problem of having SO many great sounds, I probably have a 100-150 sounds in my kemper now that honestly would work for me in any given scenario. Its unreal. so many great options and new amps being put up daily. ITs like getting a new software update everyday. its insane. Was just playing through some patches, and there are times when it doesn't jump out, but the next day its like, oh yeah, that is friggen awesome. what a great piece of studio gear...

    I know the feeling...I've been trying to lay down my guitarsparts for my bands cd, but I can't seem to settle for a sound. i just keep re-recording using different amps and I can't decide wich amp to choose. too many choices ?( ..and they're all very good :thumbup:

  • Same "problem" here 8)
    First i couldn't wait to go to the studio with my amps for a profiling session, now i'm like - "when am i goin to use all those great sounds?"
    I hope the Performance Mode will sort this out. I've got like 80 favourite sounds - far too much , but what a luxury ! 8o

    I may need a "producer" to handle my KPA profiles for me.. :D that picks out 5 amps and deletes the rest...

  • Yes... same here. This weekend I will sit down and sort out the ones I'm not using.
    The prob is I have tried this before and each time I thought "you know, this one is quite good, why get rid of it?" - "wow, this one is great as well" - "ok, I will probably never use this one, but it is super responsive and sounds cool!" etc. get the picture.
    I still have about 800 rigs in the KPA :wacko:

  • You can use a ton of different tones on the album, but remember that objectivity is the key here - whenever you start tracking a song, have the sounds you want in your head, and use the tones that gave you the right feel, without allowing for too many "maybe rig X, Y or Z would work here.

    Feel free to record DI's in tandem and reamp them through the Kemper if needed be if you're unsure at a given point, of course. ;) - news, my album Atonement, diverse clips and general 7 and 8-string nuttery. :)

  • the same "problem" here...

    yesterday I "kemperized" my 3 amps, plus versions with TS808, TS9...

    a LOT of material ;)

  • Yes, I will upload the new creations soon, of course...

    Inbetween you' ll find my Ts808, Ts9.... in rigexchange under :



  • Don't let indecision make you freeze - sometimes too many choices is worse than too few...

    well if you haven't guessed I wasn't meaning it as a bad thing. I had the Axe FX, and used all of 3 patches. yup, thats it. because there just wasn't as much that sounded GREAT. some was usable but not great. some not even close to what the actual amp sounds like. I have SO many great choices with the kemper now, I can be very happy with so much. I really feel this is amazing, because no longer did I spend so much money on a few usable sounds, I literally have over a hundred I could use for different stuff and be very happy. its such a great problem to have.

  • having choices is wonderful, but you have to be able to make desicions.
    part of what's so great about being in a nice studio and 'on the clock' is that you get songs written and recorded, instead of being distracted by the 'hunter-gatherer' instincts. ;)

    has anyone made a 'download all the rigs'-meme yet? :D

  • hmm...found this "
    S/PDIF can also transport 24-bit samples by way of four extra bits; however, not all equipment supports this, and these extra bits may be ignored." we know if the KPA can handle this?

    I'd been thinking the same thing, Luntho after zooming into some of my S/PDIF recordings and comparing them against the analog versions. What's that, are those jaggies in the S/PDIF output?

    Just now I synthesized a minutes' worth of 1kHz in 24-bit with Sound Forge and slowly faded out to digital black. I then sent this signal to the KPA in both analog and digital form, and recorded the results in both analog and digital form. To keep things simple, this was with all Stomps, Stack and Effects off. The digital result was as you guessed - the S/PDIF output from the Kemper, at least as far as my Focusrite Saffire Pro 40 is concerned, was 16 bit. I can't say the analog output was any better, though; around -87dB down the signal was basically getting lost in noise.

    I'd like to hear from Chris on this one; if the Focusrite was throwing away bits 16-24 coming from the Kemper I have no way of knowing without doing further experiments. But it's possible that you're right.


    Edited once, last by dhodgson (March 4, 2012 at 12:28 AM).