storing only favorites on the KPa

  • Hey guys,
    I'm a relative new comer to the KPA and I'm loving it. I have downloaded the Rig Manager and is big help in organizing and accessing my rigs. I have 900 + rigs on my KPA and have
    designated a bunch of them as favorites. How can I have only the favorites on the profiler and keep the rest of them on my Mac in the local library. Having just my favorites on the KPA would
    make getting to a profile a lot easier when I don't have my Mac with me. I think there's a way to do this, and any help you guys can give me would be sincerely appreciated.
    Please forgive me if this has been covered somewhere before

  • First, copy all your rigs into a backup folder in rig manager (drag-drop from the profiler).
    Alternatively, you can also make a full backup on a USB stick, or "automatically" through rig manager.

    Then do as it says in the kemper reference manual:

    Erase Non-Favorites
    If you want to clean up your Profiler, you can use the “Erase Non-Favorites” button in the System Settings. All Rigswill be erased, except for “Favorites” and “My Rigs”. We recommend that you create a backup before you use thisfunction.

    Make sure you do the backup first, though :)

    And welcome! :)

  • Thanks for the replies guys. I have created a backup in the Rig Manager by selecting all rigs on the KPA and dragging to Local Library. I can not find an option to erase all non favorites when I hit the System button on the KPA. What am I missing? Sorry to be a newbie PITA.

  • Thanks for the replies guys. I have created a backup in the Rig Manager by selecting all rigs on the KPA and dragging to Local Library. I can not find an option to erase all non favorites when I hit the System button on the KPA. What am I missing? Sorry to be a newbie PITA.

    Maybe you need to use the page buttons to the right of the display to get to the right page. It should be there:-)

  • Since RM has the factory Rigs in a seperate folder, thats all I am storing atm in my Profiler folder > Favorites.

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • i just start to use rig manager and i had many favorities but after rig manager sync with my profiler, my favorities are not marked anymore, should i mark as favorities again but this time through rig manager?

    i mean, rig manager should had recognized my favorities or not? seems that it no and unmarked all of then


  • i just start to use rig manager and i had many favorities but after rig manager sync with my profiler, my favorities are not marked anymore, should i mark as favorities again but this time through rig manager?

    i mean, rig manager should had recognized my favorities or not? seems that it no and unmarked all of then


    make sure that the user name in Rig Manager and Profiler are the same.

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • make sure that the user name in Rig Manager and Profiler are the same.

    thanks for your reply

    the name is the same, as soon as i got rig manager working i adjusted the names, i do not know if that made i lost the favorites but i checked and seems a strange behaviour like

    if i make a favorite throught rig manager it is working but if i make a favorite throught the profiler with rig manager on, then it says something is corrupt and i need to turn the profiler off for 10 seconds and select browser mode with rig button pressed for 30 seconds and then it correct the rigs

    i will make more tests and i think i will be able to handle that and mark then as favorites again as they have a midi program change assigned so it is not so hard to remake then favorities from the profiler selecting then from the midi switch, i hope then when i sync again they will be recognized

    would be nice to assign midi program change numbers from rig manager too...also to select midi numbers from the remote, however rig manager already save my day moving extremelly fast 300 rigs to a local folder... it's main function is very nice

  • the name is the same, as soon as i got rig manager working i adjusted the names, i do not know if that made i lost the favorites but i checked and seems a strange behaviour like

    the favourites are tied to a author name. this means you will "loose" the favourite marks in your Profiler once you change the author name. if you change the name back, the favourite marks for that specific author will be back as well.

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • You can leave them ALL on the Kemper, and only show Favorites using the filter option for Favorites.

    This is what I do.

    Sure I rinse some profiles sometimes but really just use this...

    I have about 10 favorites right now and I rarely go past them into the others unless I really want to.
    This saved me a lot of scrolling, but I still have everything available.

  • Hello all, I am very new to KPA....I am trying to clear my Kemper while saving the factory profiles. My goal is to have my custom rigs on the profiler but save the factory ones on my after reading this, I think I am on the right track....I do not know what file header in rig manager my Profiler is...I am not sure based on the factory labeling....any assistance is appreciated....thanks Rich