Newly Made Profile Writes Over Existing Rig

  • The overwrite happens to me often. It seems to be a cache issue with rig manager.

    If you make a new profile sometimes it overwrites the profile you had loaded when switching to profile mode.

    I often close rig manager to avoid this but sometimes it still happens. Sometimes it over writes the said profile with the new one and also saves the new one separately so there are two of the new with the same name.

    I have reported this to support and was told rig manager was not made to be used with profile mode.

  • Agreed on the 100% reproducible. I've contacted support about this exact problem several times over the last year, giving them very exact step by step. But unfortunately they tell me they cannot reproduce it.

    I was very specific about Windows version, OS and Rig Manager versions and so on. Only thing I wondered about is whether it might be something like USB version - maybe they test on USB 3 and I use a USB 2 or something along that line.

    Hopefully they'll find it at some point.

  • Just made some profiles today and I have specifically created a profile that's called "Newprofile" that I start off with. When I'm done making a profile I simply name it "Newprofile" plus a number, like so: Newprofile2. Then I make changes in rig manager afterwards, like adding compression etc.

    The thing is, if rig manager is open when I store the newly made profile on the kemper, it replaces "Newprofile" with "Newprofile2". Not until I restart rig manager is both profiles there. It's a really weird bug.

  • Just made some profiles today and I have specifically created a profile that's called "Newprofile" that I start off with. When I'm done making a profile I simply name it "Newprofile" plus a number, like so: Newprofile2. Then I make changes in rig manager afterwards, like adding compression etc.

    The thing is, if rig manager is open when I store the newly made profile on the kemper, it replaces "Newprofile" with "Newprofile2". Not until I restart rig manager is both profiles there. It's a really weird bug.

    Yes exactly.

    Kemper PowerRack |Kemper Stage| Rivera 4x12 V30 cab | Yamaha DXR10 pair | UA Apollo Twin Duo | Adam A7X | Cubase DAW
    Fender Telecaster 62 re-issue chambered mahogany | Kramer! (1988 or so...) | Gibson Les Paul R7 | Fender Stratocaster HBS-1 Classic Relic Custom Shop | LTD EC-1000 Evertune | 1988 Desert Yellow JEM

  • I have noticed this exact behavior when profiling with RM open. What I normally do after creating and saving a profile is go to browser mode and skip one rig either direction and then back to the one I just saved. From there I can make changes, resave, etc. And it USUALLY doesn't save over the previous rig. I have still lost a few captures despite how cautious I've had to be about this. I've started documenting settings quite heavily which allows me to go back and redo a capture if/when this happens. If I don't do this, when I hit the [Store] button, the only option I'm given is "Store as". It's almost like it knows that it's about to erase something you don't want it to.

    If I switch to Performance mode after saving a new profile, the rig I just made will be in whatever slot I had loaded in performance mode the last time I used it. Same process there. I scroll one performance (either up or down, doesn't matter) and then back. The performance is now exactly as it was the last time I saved it. That way, I don't accidentally (or unknowingly) save that rig into an existing performance.

    It seems a bit limiting to have to close RM just while capturing profiles. I like to keep the editor open. That way, as soon as the profiling process is done and I'm about to Refine I can see at a glance what the Definition is. I feel this is nice to see just in case it's way different than what you were hearing/expecting. It's also interesting to see how it changes after the refining process. How it changes depending on what pickup you use or how long you spend Refining. It's helpful data to have at your disposal and helps to train your ear so you can make more informed decisions. Or to understand how the profiling process responds to different amps. Of course, YMMV.

  • I’m new to profiling, but have been experiencing the same thing. I’ve found it only renames the old profile. It doesn’t actually overwrite the sound. I’ve been using a DI only capture as the rig I start with, which makes it obvious if I have the right profile. That’s the worst part. Being sure you’re working on the correct profile.

  • I have this issue constantly. Come on Kemper you need to fix this. Either your user community is correct and you have a major bug, or the profiling workflow is so specific that the software doesn’t guide the users properly. In either case this is a completely unacceptable for software on such an expensive piece of kit in 2021. Making a new profile should create a new slot with empty data fields and it should not make any difference whether Rig Manager is running or not. This is basic stuff. Your hardware is brilliant; your software looks like it was written by a 12 year old. I love my Kemper but if you’re not careful the Quad Cortex is gonna kick your ass, just on workflow.

    Remember that Apple didn’t invent the MP3 player or smartphone; they just did it better than anyone else. A lesson to all technology creators.


  • No, we were not able to reproduce this. Be aware, that you can assign the same Rig Name multiple times, if you miss to edit the suggested original Rig Name. But it doesn't mean anything got overwritten. You can distinguish Rigs by author names (new Rig reflects your owner name as author) and by creation date.

    The last activity in this thread had been in April 2018. This doesn't seem to be a current issue.

    sorry, this is very much a current issue. The responses saying this is not the profiler its RM completely miss the point. The Profiler and RM are complimentary products made by the same manufacturer; they ARE supposed to work together. To say RM shouldn’t be used when profiling is stupid and unacceptable. It’s like saying “our cars aren’t meant to be driven around corners”. The UI on the Profiler is hard to use; RM could be great but these kind of issues are a problem for Kemper customers.


    Edited once, last by WildBillMojo (April 18, 2021 at 3:29 AM).

  • I have now found out that Rig Manager is only part of the issue and the issue can happen without Rig Manager.

    The other day I was doing a profile right after refining and before saving the profiler had a fatal error and had to shut down. Upon booting up the newly profiled rig was loaded with the name of the rig loaded prior to entering profile mode before failure. Hit save and it overwrites the prior rig.

  • I was profiling an amp today, through 3 cabs and being very careful to make sure I didn’t get the variations confused. I setup 3 sounds from a completely different amp, with the text I wanted for the new profiles. The different sounds were so I could make sure I was saving and not overwriting any of them, as it was obvious it wasn’t what I was working on.

    I also made sure to only partly name each one, so I could finish it after profiling and not get messed up with the duplicate naming. That worked, except one profile vanished. It was there and then at some point had gone. Fortunately I had a record of the settings and the mics hadn’t moved, so I was able to redo that one.

  • It looks like the issue has been fixed with the beta version of the os. I was profiling yesterday and I could see the name of the reference profile changing, in rig manager and then reverting as soon as I saved the new profile.

  • This happened to me yesterday. I "save as" [RG-yada yada] to [RG-yada yada new1] on the profiler while rig manager is open. Rig manager switched to the [RG-yada yada new1] version, and the previous version disappears. I restart rig manager and the previous version is still missing.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.