Newly Made Profile Writes Over Existing Rig

  • I apologize if this has been covered. The search wouldn't generate it.

    Every time I profile an amp, it replaces the rig in the 4th bank on Performance mode. I had that bank set for my acoustic rig, but now it's a 65 Bassman, but with the effects from the acoustic rig. Curiously enough, when I'm in "PROFILER" mode and begin storing my new profile name, it shows the info of the rig I'm (apparently) writing over. Your help is greatly appreciated.

  • Scroll to a different performance.
    Scroll back.

    Does that work? I’ve noticed similar when switching from Profiler mode to Performance or Browse mode. Just loading doesn’t seem to change anything unless you load up a different one first.

  • The problem I have is it's not just replacing, it's actually deleting that rig, and replacing it with the new profile, while somehow merging the effects. I don't want to delete and replace anything, so this has me very puzzled.

  • The problem I have is it's not just replacing, it's actually deleting that rig, and replacing it with the new profile, while somehow merging the effects. I don't want to delete and replace anything, so this has me very puzzled.

    Yup, I have the exact same issue as you but it didn't happen from day 1 of getting the profiler and making profiles. Initially it was fine, as in this issue didn't occur. Then one day doing some new profiles it started happening and wouldn't go away (on its own, ha ha!).

    So rather than worry too much about it, what I did to workaround it is create a "dummy" performance called "Profiling Amps" and always have that performance as the last loaded performance when I am about to profile an amp. that way, the rig that gets replaced in the performance slot isn't one that I actually care about.

    I chose to workaround this oddity because other than that issue, the rest of my KPA seems to be perfect. Hope that helps for you!

  • i have the same problem except it will replace an amp in my browser. When i go to rename it the name of an existing profile shows up and i have to delete each section of the profile. But what I noticed it really doesnt delete it, it shows as a double profile. Then i can go in and delete the name and add the new name. I wish it would just have a blank slot when you give your profile a name rather than an existing profile. Am I doing something wrong or is that just the way it is?

  • No, we were not able to reproduce this. Be aware, that you can assign the same Rig Name multiple times, if you miss to edit the suggested original Rig Name. But it doesn't mean anything got overwritten. You can distinguish Rigs by author names (new Rig reflects your owner name as author) and by creation date.

    The last activity in this thread had been in April 2018. This doesn't seem to be a current issue.

  • I loaded Rig "CK Rotary Speaker" with author "C. Kemper".

    I entered Profiler Mode and created a new PROFILE.

    I pressed STORE multiple times and edited the name to "CK Rotary Speaker 1".

    An additional Rig "CK Rotary Speaker 1" with author "Burkhard" appears in the list.

    And Rig "CK Rotary Speaker" author "C. Kemper" is still there.

    I tested with PROFILER standalone and once more while Rig Manager was connected.

    If you still feel there is an issue, please open a support ticket and attach a video.

    Include OS version.

    Check if Rig Manager is involved and if so which version.

  • I am having this exact same issue. My workaround has been to export the old profile and then after I am done profiling re-import. Seems crazy that it just doesn't create a new profile when you profile an amp.

    Find all of my Kemper Rigs, Line 6 Presets, and IR's at my website

  • We were never able to reproduce such an issue and therefor conclude, it's a misunderstanding.

    After creation of a new PROFILE you need to press STORE and work through three pages of tagging assistent. At that time the name of the reference Rig gets suggested as a starting point for your edits to enter a meaningful new name for the new Rig you create. After editing you confirm with STORE again.

    If you follow the complete process you will create a new Rig, it will be added to the pool, and it will always carry your owner name as the Rig, Amp and Cabinet Author. If you missed to edit the Rig name, there will be two Rigs carrying the same name, but their authors and creation dates will be different. After testing this many time we don't think there are any circumstances, that the new Rig overwrites the reference Rig.

    If you think the opposite, please open a support ticket and deliver concrete facts - ideally a video, that shows, how you operate after refining the new PROFILE.

  • We were never able to reproduce such an issue and therefor conclude, it's a misunderstanding.

    After creation of a new PROFILE you need to press STORE and work through three pages of tagging assistent. At that time the name of the reference Rig gets suggested as a starting point for your edits to enter a meaningful new name for the new Rig you create. After editing you confirm with STORE again.

    If you follow the complete process you will create a new Rig, it will be added to the pool, and it will always carry your owner name as the Rig, Amp and Cabinet Author. If you missed to edit the Rig name, there will be two Rigs carrying the same name, but their authors and creation dates will be different. After testing this many time we don't think there are any circumstances, that the new Rig overwrites the reference Rig.

    If you think the opposite, please open a support ticket and deliver concrete facts - ideally a video, that shows, how you operate after refining the new PROFILE.

    I found this:

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    Apparently RM (briefly - a reload of RM fixes it) renames the profile you were on before profiling to the name of the new profile. So you end up with two profiles of the same name.

    Could that be the source of the confusion? And could it be fixed please?

    Kemper PowerRack |Kemper Stage| Rivera 4x12 V30 cab | Yamaha DXR10 pair | UA Apollo Twin Duo | Adam A7X | Cubase DAW
    Fender Telecaster 62 re-issue chambered mahogany | Kramer! (1988 or so...) | Gibson Les Paul R7 | Fender Stratocaster HBS-1 Classic Relic Custom Shop | LTD EC-1000 Evertune | 1988 Desert Yellow JEM

  • This video shows two Rigs with identical names, but different creation dates. This is absolutely in line with my above statements. If there are two Rigs with the same name obviously the original Rig has not been overwritten. The name of the reference Rig gets suggested for the new Rig including the new PROFILE. If you don't edit the name on the edit screen, it assumes the same name as the reference Rig.

    The PROFILER cannot automatically create a meaningful name for the new Rig by itself. You need to enter it. The name of the reference Rig is the default, which is convenient if you create multiple new PROFILEs of the same amp in a row and just vary settings, channel, microphone ... So you might intend to vary the names only partly.

  • This video shows two Rigs with identical names, but different creation dates. This is absolutely in line with my above statements. If there are two Rigs with the same name obviously the original Rig has not been overwritten. The name of the reference Rig gets suggested for the new Rig including the new PROFILE. If you don't edit the name on the edit screen, it assumes the same name as the reference Rig.

    The PROFILER cannot automatically create a meaningful name for the new Rig by itself. You need to enter it. The name of the reference Rig is the default, which is convenient if you create multiple new PROFILEs of the same amp in a row and just vary settings, channel, microphone ... So you might intend to vary the names only partly.

    Totally follow that. But please notice in the video that the name of the profile that was selected before profiling has been overwritten in RM with the new profile name. Do you understand what I'm trying to describe here?

    Kemper PowerRack |Kemper Stage| Rivera 4x12 V30 cab | Yamaha DXR10 pair | UA Apollo Twin Duo | Adam A7X | Cubase DAW
    Fender Telecaster 62 re-issue chambered mahogany | Kramer! (1988 or so...) | Gibson Les Paul R7 | Fender Stratocaster HBS-1 Classic Relic Custom Shop | LTD EC-1000 Evertune | 1988 Desert Yellow JEM

  • So, no original Rig/PROFILE gets overwritten as the title suggests. The reference Rig with PROFILE is maintained. The problem only exists in Rig Manager, not in the PROFILER itself. Rig Manager temporarily shows a wrong Rig Name. It is aligned after a restart of Rig Manager? Which OS and Rig Manager versions are involved?

  • We tested this with current software and are not able to reproduce any Rig Name confusion in Rig Manager. The reference Rig stays completely intact including its original Rig Name. And the new Rig is added to the end of the list under its new given name. The Rig count goes up by one.

  • So, no original Rig/PROFILE gets overwritten as the title suggests. The reference Rig with PROFILE is maintained. The problem only exists in Rig Manager, not in the PROFILER itself. Rig Manager temporarily shows a wrong Rig Name. It is aligned after a restart of Rig Manager? Which OS and Rig Manager versions are involved?

    I'm on latest beta as of today on both profiler and RM. Windows 10. Yeah it's possibly not related to the title - on the other hand it could add enough confusion to be misinterpreted.

    Kemper PowerRack |Kemper Stage| Rivera 4x12 V30 cab | Yamaha DXR10 pair | UA Apollo Twin Duo | Adam A7X | Cubase DAW
    Fender Telecaster 62 re-issue chambered mahogany | Kramer! (1988 or so...) | Gibson Les Paul R7 | Fender Stratocaster HBS-1 Classic Relic Custom Shop | LTD EC-1000 Evertune | 1988 Desert Yellow JEM

    Edited once, last by musicmad (February 27, 2021 at 5:59 PM).

  • Had the RM issue today as well.

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    100% reproducible.

    Kemper PowerRack |Kemper Stage| Rivera 4x12 V30 cab | Yamaha DXR10 pair | UA Apollo Twin Duo | Adam A7X | Cubase DAW
    Fender Telecaster 62 re-issue chambered mahogany | Kramer! (1988 or so...) | Gibson Les Paul R7 | Fender Stratocaster HBS-1 Classic Relic Custom Shop | LTD EC-1000 Evertune | 1988 Desert Yellow JEM